In the main temple of the household.

A beautiful woman with a noble temperament.

I was flipping through the letter in front of the book.

Her hair was pulled up high, wearing a long dress and a little pearl ornaments, dressed gracefully and decently, plus her appearance was beautiful and soft, like a fairy!

But her willowy eyebrows were full of sadness that could not be dissolved.



When Liu Fengyi saw her son coming, her expression softened a little, and she greeted with a gentle smile.

Lin Xingyun also walked over.

"You sent all those girls away?"

"Well, from now on, I will concentrate on cultivation and shield my mother from the wind and rain in the future!"

Lin Xingyun replied hesitantly.

There is no woman in the heart, cultivate the natural god!

"Good, good, if you have this heart, my mother will be satisfied, as for cultivation..."

Liu Fengyi first touched Lin Xingyun's head with satisfaction.

Then there was an awkward pause.

In order to take care of her son's self-esteem, she still smiled and comforted.

"As for cultivation......... Just do your best.

"Even if the position of the head of the family is next to the side, and there is a mother, no one dares to bully you!"

The Lin family, Lin Zhou, and even most of the Immortal Domain know.

Lin Xingyun, the second young master of the Lin family, was born [female martyrdom body].

Its peach blossom luck is the top of the top.

But its cultivation qualifications.

It's garbage in garbage!

At his age, the children of ordinary families have long broken through to the Wheel Sea Realm.

Some Tianjiao have even cultivated to the Yuanfu realm.

But Lin Xingyun is eighteen years old this year, and his cultivation has just reached...

Late stage of the Qi and Blood Realm!

This is also the result of family resources piling up.

And it's not just that the cultivation speed is slow.

The combat power is also weak, almost scrap ...

Only then did the people in the Immortal Domain finally know.

The rare [female body] is just gold and jade.

In addition to being extremely good at flirting with women.

It's a waste body!

In the Immortal Domain, after all, it is still the law of the jungle, and the strong are respected.

A cultivation waste material that can only provoke women.

Of course not respected.

Moreover, the [female body] is also very hated and despised.

Many people feel that this is the next evil cultivation physique.

Even the Lin family's own clan mostly couldn't look at this second young master.

It's just that everyone doesn't dare to say it explicitly, let alone mock Lin Xingyun.

Because he has a good life, he is the second young master of the Lin family of the immortal family.

His father, Lin Chen, is the head of the Lin family's generation and is powerful.

His eldest brother, Lin Feng, is extremely talented.

He is the undisputed leader of the young generation of the Lin family and the future head of the Lin family.

These two people have inherited the supreme physique in the Lin family's bloodline-the Primordial Holy Body!

This is the top ten supreme physique in the Immortal Domain.

Not only is cultivation and breaking the realm like drinking water, but the combat power is far beyond that of his peers.

After cultivating to Dacheng, he can even call the emperor!

His father, Lin Chen, was already in the realm of quasi-emperors.

It is only one step away from becoming a big success, and he is one of the top powerhouses in the world.

There is such a father and brother as the backstage.

Lin Xingyun no matter how powerful he is, he hooks his wife and daughter.

No one dared to say half a word about him.

But the weather is unpredictable.

Half a month ago, the father and son of the Lin family were practicing and patrolling at the border pass of the Immortal Domain.

But the soul lamp that the two of them placed in the ancestral shrine at home suddenly went out and dimmed a lot.

This means that the two have encountered a great crisis of life and death!

After that, news came from the border seaside pass.

It is said that the foreign ethnic group took advantage of the carelessness of the border pass defenders to launch a sneak attack!

Exotic races, living in exotic lands outside the border pass of the Immortal Domain.

They are naturally hostile to the creatures of the Immortal Domain and will not die.

I always want to break through the border and invade the Immortal Domain.

The Lin family father and son, as the parties concerned, and the main combat force, immediately launched a bloody war with the foreign race.

And when reinforcements arrived, only the corpses of Manguan were seen.

The Lin family father and son disappeared together.

So far, I don't know whether I am alive or dead, and I have not heard from me....

After the Lin family learned the news, they immediately sent the elders of the clan to look for it.

But so far nothing has been gained............

The soul lamp of the two is getting dimmer and dimmer!

After Liu Fengyi learned that her husband and son were missing, she was also worried and did not think about tea and rice.

In the family, rumors gradually spread that the

father and son of the family were afraid of nine deaths.

Several leaders of the concubine family are discussing the abolition of Liu Fengyi's position as the main mother.

Elect a new head of the family and sit in the Lin family.

After all, Lin Xingyun is a recognized waste material.

Lin Chen's vein is equivalent to cutting off the heir.

And Liu Fengyi has been busy dealing with these clan affairs for several days, and has to arrange for the clansmen to inquire about Lin Chen's father and son, and she looks a lot haggard.


"Alas, you stubborn child, if you have to quit marriage with them, your mother can't persuade you."

"But my mother doesn't want you to force yourself."

"My mother only hopes that you will start a family early and marry more girls."

"Just live your life in peace and content."

"In fact, you can rest assured, it's nothing if you don't practice, life is short, just leave everything to your mother, with your mother here, your mother will protect you!"

Liu Fengyi's eyes were full of love, and she caressed Lin Xingyun's face and said with relief.

Lin Xingyun listened to his mother's words.

I feel warm.

I also feel a lot of self-remorse.

In the future, will he be able to hide under the protection of his mother with peace of mind?

"Mother, children are not reluctant!"

"The child used to be young and ignorant and obsessed with women, but now the prodigal son has finally turned back."

"The child will definitely succeed in cultivation, and he will protect his mother in the future!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head, held his mother's hand, and assured confidently.

Liu Fengyi saw that her youngest son was so filial and sensible.

At the same time as moving, I was a little speechless for a while....

"Child, with your qualifications, to concentrate on cultivation..."

It's better to indulge in women!

"Give birth to a few more dolls, maybe the cultivation is more promising than you..."

Liu Fengyi couldn't help but think with a bitter smile.

No matter how much she spoils her younger son, she has to admit it.

Lin Xingyun's qualifications are really poor.

If you concentrate on cultivation.

It's really possible to waste a lifetime....

But her son is so confident that she is not easy to hit.

I had to encourage him, and still told him not to be too reluctant.

The mother and son chatted for a while.

When Lin Xingyun left the main hall, his face became more and more hesitant.

He was certainly not reluctant at all.

On the contrary, scrappy!

Because just seven days ago, he saw that his mother, who loved him the most, was worried, but when he faced him, he always pretended to be calm and forced to laugh, for fear that he would be worried.

But he was powerless to share her worries.

He Lin Xingyun is just a Qi and Blood Realm!

If he didn't have the Lin family's family lineage, he would be the lowest existence among the cultivators of the Immortal Domain.

He can't do anything.

Nothing can be protected! .

Just when he blamed himself deeply.

I hate myself for having nothing but flirting with women.

As a crosser of the Blue Star.

His system has awakened!

At this time, he secretly opened the system panel in his mind.

【Ding! The Destiny Villain System panel opens!

] Host: Lin Xingyun

Xiu: Qi and Blood Realm Later

Life Script: [Death in Happiness] White Life Number:

[Female Difficult Body] Jin, [Jun Zi Ji] Blue, [Jealous] Ash, [Father Death and Son Laughter] Ash, [Brother and Brother Ji] Ash...

Exercises: [Blood Coagulation Technique

] White God Ability: [Wuluo Light Smoke Palm] White

Villain Value: No

Child of Destiny detected near 0 o'clock.


This is his system, [Mandate Villain System]!

You can check other people's life scripts, fates and chances, and rob them of their luck!

Especially those sons of Destiny of the Immortal Domain, born with the atmospheric luck of the Immortal Domain, can be called the protagonists of heaven and earth, and are destined to dominate one side in the future.

These people are the key targets that Lin Xingyun wants to plunder!

(This book preliminarily arranges the types of children of Heavenly Destiny to be plundered: Xiao, Tang, Ye, Shi, Han, Jun, Lin, Chu, Zhang)

(Readers are welcome to add later~)

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