after the female horn diagram will be placed in the paragraph comment of the last sentence of the appearance chapter

, Xianyu, Linzhou.

One of the ten great immortal families, in the main hall of the Lin family's mansion.

A beautiful woman with a noble temperament was flipping through the messengers in front of the book.

Her hair was pulled up in a high bun, she wore a long dress and a little pearl ornament, and she was dressed gracefully.

The appearance is even more gentle and soft, like a heavenly woman in the dust.

But her willowy eyebrows are now full of sadness that cannot be dissolved.

At this time, a handsome young man in white with a tall and plump black dress walked into the hall of the family lord with a tall and plump woman in a black dress.

"See the main mother.

"Well, get up.

The woman in the black dress saluted respectfully, and Liu Fengyi answered.

The boy in white had already walked up to her and called with a smile.


"Nebula, come and sit. When

Liu Fengyi saw her son coming, her expression softened a little, and she greeted with a gentle smile.


, from now on, the child must concentrate on cultivation first, and cover the wind and rain for his mother in the future!"

Lin Xingyun looked at his mother and replied hesitantly.

"Good, good, if you have this heart, my mother will be satisfied, as for cultivation..."

Liu Fengyi first touched Lin Xingyun's head with satisfaction.

Then there was an awkward pause.

In order to take care of her son's self-esteem, she still smiled and comforted.

"As for cultivation......... Well, just work properly.

"Even if your father and eldest brother really encounter something unexpected, the position of the head of the family will fall..."

"As long as there is a mother, no one dares to bully you!" The

Lin family, Lin Zhou, and even most of the immortal domain know.

Lin Xingyun, the second young master of the Lin family, was born with a special to the extreme physique, and his cultivation talent was difficult to say.

At his age, the children of ordinary families have long broken through to the Wheel Sea Realm, and some Tianjiao have even cultivated to the Yuanfu Realm.

But Lin Xingyun is eighteen years old this year, and his cultivation has just reached...

Late stage of the Qi and Blood Realm!

This is still the result of Liu Fengyi's efforts to pile up resources for him.

Moreover, not only is the cultivation speed slow, but the combat power is also very weak, and the understanding is still very poor.

Except for a certain ability, he has no teacher.

Those high-level exercises and magical powers of the Lin family, he can't learn anything.

At the age of eighteen, he has only learned one basic exercise, and one [Wuluo Light Smoke Palm] magical power.

It's almost pure waste....

"Alas, you stubborn children, even if you can't marry them for the time being, you can bring them home first." "

Cultivation all the way... My mother doesn't want you to push yourself too hard.

"My mother only hopes that you will start a family early, and it will not hurt to marry dozens of more girls, be carefree, and live your life in peace."

"Now that your father and your eldest brother are missing, there are indeed many troubles..."

"But as long as there is a mother, your mother will protect you!"

Liu Fengyi's eyes were full of love, and she caressed Lin Xingyun's face with relief.

Lin Xingyun listened to his mother's words, felt full of warmth, and also felt self-blame.

In the future, can I continue to hide under my mother's protection with peace of mind?

"The child used to be young and ignorant and obsessed with women, but now that his father and eldest brother are missing, the child should also take some responsibilities, succeed in cultivation in the future, and protect his mother!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head, held his mother's hand, and assured with confidence.

Liu Fengyi saw her youngest son, so filial and sensible.

The heart was moved at the same time.

For a while, I was a little speechless....

"Child, with your qualifications, to concentrate on cultivation..."

"I'm afraid... It's better to indulge in women!" "

Go and give birth to a few more dolls, maybe your cultivation is more promising than you..."

Liu Fengyi couldn't help but smile bitterly and thought to herself.

No matter how much she spoiled her younger son, she had to admit that Lin Xingyun's qualifications were too poor.

If you concentrate on cultivation, you may really waste your whole life....

But if you are willing to concentrate on giving birth to a baby, you are likely to give birth to a few offspring with good qualifications

, because other aspects are calculated, for Lin Xingyun's ability to flirt with girls, not only her, but the entire Lin family, Lin Zhou, and even most of the immortal domain.

Immortal Domain is a vast and magnificent world of billions of miles.

There are countless strong people who take the stars and the moon and break the void to survive here.

In the Immortal Domain, thousands of mysterious divine bodies, holy bodies, and treasure bodies have been born.

But even throughout the history of the Immortal Domain, Lin Xingyun's special physique is the only case, which is rare in the world.

Its name is - [Female Disaster Body]! The so-called "Female Disaster Body

" is inherently a catastrophe for women in the world.

He was born extremely handsome, and he had a fatal and strange attraction to women of all races!

And the peach blossom luck of his physique is like the luck of heaven's destiny, innate, like a shadow.

Since the birth of Lin Xingyun, he has been entangled in this kind of luck, and he can't drive it away if he wants to!

I can coincidentally meet an immortal family who is also bathing next door..........

In the wilderness, make a barbecue.

The aroma of grilled fish can coincidentally attract a runaway dynasty princess..........

Wander around town and drink.

I can coincidentally meet a noble and handsome widow who has been lonely for a long time and comes to borrow wine to pour sorrow..........

Picked up an injured little fox casually, it was actually a little fox demon that was about to take shape.

The day after healing his injuries, he turned into a fox demon girl, and recognized him as the master............

Even if you don't go out, stay at home.

There are cute clan sisters in the clan, passing in front of him, and then suddenly have an acute attack.

He had to help him check his body and temporarily use spiritual power to help him warm up............

Usually even take a casual walk.

There will be all kinds of, maidens who coincidentally tripped and then coincidentally fell into his arms ..........

In this way, after Lin Xingyun crossed the rebirth, he walked here step by step and grew to eighteen years old.

I met and met countless big girls and daughters-in-law.

However, as a traverser from the Blue Star Dragon Country.

The restrictions of the Dragon Kingdom, coupled with his [Female Body] physique, actually have a hidden characteristic.

As a result, before he turned eighteen, he had to guard his body like jade!

Moreover, as the second young master of the immortal family, the right wife of the marriage match had already been decided.

Therefore, the few red faces who he was most satisfied with in his career promised that after the age of eighteen, he could accept them as concubines.

He really is not scum.

He just wanted to give every girl a home!

Those women all agreed without hesitation, and they also made a marriage contract.

But just seven days ago, he suddenly sent people to inform the unmarried concubines one after another, announcing that the marriage would be put on hold indefinitely until his father and brother returned safely!

After receiving the notice, each of them was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, but they could only accept it helplessly..........

After all, if Lin Xingyun disappeared his father and brother, he would still have to play so much.


Lin Xingyun was not in any hurry about this.

Women are like grass for a long time, he has really met too many women of all colors, he has long been accustomed to seeing the wind and the moon, and his heart is calm.

The only thing he often felt sad about was his fiancée.

The other party did not need him to remind anything, and it was already difficult to meet him again............


(Cultivation realm: Qi and Blood Realm, Wheel Sea Realm, Yuanfu Realm, Dongtian Realm, Divine Fire Realm, Wang Hou Realm, Saint Realm, Great Sage Realm, Quasi-Emperor Realm, Great Emperor Realm, each realm is divided into early, late, and complete).

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