> "Alas! Silly child, how old are you, it's time to look at these things!

"At this time, I am still ashamed, how can I marry at that time?"

Lin Mo patted her head and scolded with a smile, and her mood seemed to be much better.

Liu Meng'er was also rubbing in her arms, with a happy face.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

Soft, who shook Lin Mo again, asked.

"Mom, since daddy can't beat you."

"Or you can tell him again, help my sister."

"My sister is different from me, she really doesn't want to marry, why do you have to force her to marry?"

"Alas, this matter really can't be the master."

"The marriage of Xinyan and Lin Feng is the common will of our two high-level officials, and even those Great Emperor Realm ancestors have already agreed."

"If the two of them are combined, they can give birth to the heirs of the innate Eucharistic Dao embryo, and its significance is extraordinary!"

"To be honest, if it weren't for your sister staying in the Yaochi Holy Land all the time, with a tough attitude, and her master protecting her."

"The family has long let her marry Lin Feng."

Lin Mo's face lowered and he let out a long sigh.

It seems that he also feels helpless about the fate of his eldest daughter.

"There's really no way... Can I help my sister?

"There is no other way."

"Unless something unexpected happens, Lin Feng's side can't get married."

"But in this world, where are there so many accidents?"

"Meng'er, you don't have to do more..."

"Meng'er? Dreams?

Lin Mo was talking.

But I found that the daughter in my arms, I don't know when, was already asleep.

She called out a few times.

But found that the other party slept exceptionally deeply, and could not wake up.

Lin Mo noticed something unusual, and immediately began to probe with the power of the divine soul.


This last memory picture also came to an abrupt end.

And not far ahead of the picture.

The figure of a girl in a green skirt finally appeared in front of Lin Xingyun's master and apprentice.

I saw that Liu Meng'er was still lying quietly, closing her eyes and sleeping.

Behind her is a dream door of thousands of colors, from which a little colorful light is being released, lingering around her.

It seems to be trying to guide her into it, to experience dreams.

But she never entered, but fell into a strange state of slumber.

Lin Xingyun took a deep breath and sat down beside her.

After picking her up, whisper in her ear.


The next moment, the girl's eyebrows trembled slightly.

She woke up slowly and slowly opened her eyes.

When she saw Lin Xingyun's face clearly, she also murmured and called.

"Star... Nebula..."I...

Isn't it... She seemed

to be still in a trance, not quite sure about her situation at this time.

"It's okay

..." "Whether it's a dream or this life, I will accompany you..." Lin

Xingyun's eyebrows lowered, hugging Liu Meng'er tightly.

Listening to this familiar voice that had been lost for a long time, his eyes also began to burn.

The two hugged each other and silently did not speak.

Liu Qiuyan watched the two children finally reunite, and also let out a long sigh of relief with relief.

She stood aside for a while before Liu Meng'er noticed.

"Palm... Teach in charge?! "

How do you... How could it also be in my dreams?!

Liu Meng'er couldn't help but ask in amazement.

"Meng'er, let Nebula explain it to you."

"We came here to rescue you this time."

Liu Qiuyan bent down, stroked Liu Meng'er's face, and said softly.

"This..." "

That... Nebula, take me out of here.

"I don't want to experience dreams, I don't want to be separated from you for so long!"

Liu Meng'er put her arm around Lin Xingyun's neck and said urgently.

After all, when she first began to awaken her physique, she had already naturally realized the mysteries of the dream fairy body.

Her physique, the first awakening.

She needed to enter the Dream Immortal Gate behind her.

Experience at least ten lifetimes of dreams to complete awakening.

And she has always been worried about Lin Xingyun, full of thoughts about waking up as soon as possible.

Completed the unfinished marriage contract with him.

As a result, she has been refusing to experience the dream, and has been delayed until now, and even fell into a deep sleep in her dream.

Because in the Dream Immortal Gate, every lifetime of dreams is not necessarily for a hundred years and a thousand years.

Although the dream is different from the time of the present world.

It is often a dream for thousands of years, and only a very short time has passed in this world.

It is a dream.

But when it really came to that time, Liu Meng'er experienced the time herself.

It's going to be a truly long thousand years!

This is the biggest reason why she has always refused to experience dreams.

"Meng'er, don't worry, don't be afraid."

"You are still in the process of awakening your physique for the first time."

"If you don't experience a dream, even if Master and I forcibly take you out."

"Your physical body will still decay, and your life will still be lost!"

Lin Xingyun hugged her, comforting her while explaining.

At the same time, it tells in detail about a special method introduced in the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra".

"Back to dreaming... Fairies?

Liu Meng'er asked a little confused.


"You just need someone who cares you the most and entangles you the most."

"That is, myself, become your dream fairy!"

"Because if you go directly to experience dreams, you will inevitably have beautiful dreams, nightmares, and dreams."

"Once you encounter some of the most terrifying nightmares, lost dreams."

"Maybe there will be some experience."

"But it will also make it easier for you to get lost and damaged!"

Lin Xingyun was distressed and kissed Liu Meng'er on the forehead.

Continue explaining.

"But if you cooperate with me, let me become your dream fairy."

"With the help of my master, I can weave the most suitable dream for you!"

"Although you experience every lifetime of dreams, you will lose the memory of the past."

"But as a dream-returning fairy, I don't lose my memory!"

"Always by your side!"

"I will be with you the whole time and accompany you through this ten-life dream."

"And then with you, return to this world!"

Lin Xingyun finished with determination.

Liu Meng'er was completely stunned.

It didn't seem to have been expected at all.

His fiancé seems to have been reborn now, and he can actually have this wonderful method.

Even Liu Qiuyan couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the apprentice say this method.

Even Lin Xingyun himself, after first understanding this method, was deeply shocked!

Because this method can not only allow him to weave dreams.

At that time, he, the Dream Returning Immortal, can also have other wonderful uses for Liu Meng'er!

At that time, the more he comprehended the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra".

The more deeply I feel the horror of the dream fairy body!

This is known as the most mysterious physique in the Immortal Domain, and has always ranked third among the top ten physiques in the Immortal Domain.

Second only to the Chaotic Body and the Innate Body Dao Embryo.

But in the Immortal Domain, there have been rumors since ancient times.

The upper limit of the growth of the Huimeng Immortal Body may actually be not weaker than the Chaos Body!

He also often wondered.

This top-level physique, when first viewed it, was actually a gold grade, not a red grade!

Only then did he suddenly realize.

Perhaps, it is because [meeting people is not shui]


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