He bragged about his daughter at the thought of being still in someone.

said that his two daughters have the posture of a female emperor!

The result is good now, the posture of the female emperor is indeed there.

But one is more rebellious than the other!

He was heartbroken, and was about to reprimand.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, and he looked out strangely.

A beautiful woman in a purple dress and a beautiful dress, with a lotus walk, walked into the hall.

"Huh? Mother! When

Liu Meng'er and Liu Xinyan saw the woman, they both called out and greeted them together.


This memory picture also came to an abrupt end.

After reading it, Lin Xingyun sighed helplessly.

After all, what his reputation was back then, he knew very well.

He asked himself if he was Meng'er's father.

I'm afraid I won't allow Meng'er to marry herself during the wasted body!

"Anyway, although this Uncle Liu is domineering and domineering."

"But look at his angry, urgent look."

"It seems that there is some love for my two daughters."

"It's not like my father, hey..."

Lin Xingyun thought secretly after reading the memory image.

I can't help but think of some not very pleasant memories............

After all, his father Lin Chen is the head of the Lin family.

His personality is extremely strict, and he attaches the most importance to family reputation and interests.

Since he grew up and was sensible, he began to fully reveal the outrageous characteristics of the [Female Disaster Body].

Lin Chen began to care for him in an all-round way!

When he was eating at home, he was seen by Lin Chen passing by.

"Obstacle! What to eat!

"You only have the Qi and Blood Realm for a lifetime, and if you eat it, it is also a waste, and you will be punished for being hungry for ten days!"

When he was walking in the Lin family's mansion, he was seen by Lin Chen passing by.

"Obstacle! What are you messing around! Do you want to go and take away the wives and daughters of the same people?

"Let me go back and be honest, or I'll ruin you now!"

When he rests in his dormitory.

Lin Chen went directly to the door and scolded angrily.

"Obstacle! What to sleep in!

"All day is either eating and sleeping, or learning something to cook, arrange flowers, listen to music and so on, it's really waste!"

"Don't you love to travel, get out quickly, you won't have to come back in hundreds of years, save your eyes!"

When Yingqing took him and returned after visiting other Daozhou for a while.

was bumped into by Lin Chen again.

"Obstacle! How many women did you provoke this time!

"Now everyone in the Immortal Domain knows that the Lin family has such a freak as you, and the face of our Lin family has let you lose everything!"

"I'm going to trap you now and see how you still go around attracting bees and butterflies!"

At that time, it was still Yingqing who was not easy, and delayed until Liu Fengyi arrived, and finally escorted Lin Xingyun to leave.

"Obstacle! That's the wife of your third aunt's nephew's cousin!

"In broad daylight, you actually cuddled with her? Do you still have moral integrity?!

"What? Coincidental? Physical characteristics?

"Did she fall into your arms on her own initiative?"

"It's this nonsense again! If you don't get close to provoke her, how can she fall into your arms? It's clearly an excuse!

"Sure enough, I should have banned you in the first place!"

"Obstacle! It seems that it is impossible for you to abolish this physique, I must try to abolish your female body!"

"Wickedness! What are you doing sitting there? Is this where you sit?

"Wickedness! What are you doing there? Not embarrassing enough?

"Wickedness! Why are you still panting?

"Wickedness! You ——— "


Lin Xingyun recalled for a moment.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about the unpleasant things.

In the impression, since the characteristics of his [Female Body] were revealed, plus he has not been able to break through the Qi and Blood Realm.

Lin Chen began to target him endlessly.

Even several times, he wanted to forcibly abolish his physique, or confer him.

In order to protect him, Liu Fengyi began to gradually fall out with Lin Chen.

The two sides constantly quarreled over Lin Xingyun's affairs.

The two were the same quasi-emperor, and even almost fought against each other.

Lin Xingyun was also helpless, in order to avoid making a bigger incident.

I had to let Yingqing take him and continue to wander around outside to relax, and he rarely went home............


"I don't know where he and Lin Feng are staying now."

"By the time I return to this world, it may have been decades, if not more."

"I hope they

can live happily these days..." "It's good to have a happy life!"

Lin Xingyun sighed and sincerely blessed the two of them.

Then he continued to move forward with the master.

Soon after, the two saw the last memory picture in this world.

I saw that it was in another boudoir, also decorated in pink.

Liu Meng'er was lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, full of happiness.

"Thank you mother!"

"Xingyun and I will definitely be filial to my mother in the future!"

Liu Meng'er assured with a sweet smile, and rubbed into her mother's arms again.

Lin Mo gently poked her forehead and smiled gently.

"You, you are so stubborn, even if your father and I disagree, who can stop you?"

"Cultivate for my mother for a lifetime, and look back on the past."

"Except for you and your sister, which can comfort your heart, this life is boring."

"Since you like that little guy so much, it's better not to leave regrets."

"Save thousands of years later, the golden bottle to the moon, no flowers and branches."

Lin Mo said with a bit of sigh on his face.

"Mom, you're still young!"

"It's too early to say anything about this life and this life!"

Liu Meng'er saw that Lin Mo was a little sentimental, so she took Lin Mo's hand and smiled and said with relief.

"Also, don't talk about this."

"Meng'er, your vision is still good, Nebula that child, indeed... Very attractive...,"

Lin Mo instructed with a somewhat complicated face.

I can't help but think back to the day when Liu Fengyi brought Lin Xingyun to the door to ask for a kiss.

At that time, it was just a sight, that little guy's appearance and temperament, even she couldn't help but be amazed!

She thought for a moment, then shook her head slightly.

Hurriedly instructed the daughter in his arms.

"But he's likeable... Too much!

"You've got to be optimistic about him!"

"Meng'er, there is this exercise, which was privately passed on to me by an ancestor of our Lin family many years ago."

"Lao Zu said that this is a treasure in her collection, and it will only be passed on to me alone!"

"Take it, and start practicing diligently now."

"After getting married, I will definitely be able to hold that little guy to death!"

Lin Mo said, took out a book and handed it to Liu Meng'er.

"Huh? "Yin and Yang Celebration Law"?

"Mom! This... This... This exercise... It's too ..."

"It's too unbearable!"

Liu Meng'er was greatly shocked after just turning a few pages of content!

I feel like I've grown a lot!

So he blushed shyly, embarrassed to look again.

But he still incorporated the exercises into his Qiankun ring.

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