The devouring power exploded towards Ye Chu!


Ye Lu was already unconscious and found it difficult to resist.

But when he was sucked into the magic jar, he still instinctively screamed in pain!

Only then did Lin Xingyun cover the magic jar with satisfaction, put it into Yuan Mansion, and slowly refined it.

As he set off again, he headed straight for the Immortal Fire Palace.


The outer perimeter of Immortal Fire Palace.

After successive battles, this area has been destroyed into deep pits and scorched earth.

The ancient Jidao Monument on the periphery still stood majestically without any damage.

But something seemed to have changed in the Immortal Fire Palace.

Thousands of fire spirits were born from the Immortal Fire Palace like a torrent at a speed far faster than before.

And no matter it is the fire spirit in the early stage of the divine fire realm, the late stage, or the perfect cultivation level.

As soon as they left the Immortal Fire Palace, they ran away like crazy, as if they were avoiding some kind of great terror!

Lin Xingyun used the Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Technique along the way, and while getting familiar with the new sword skills, he easily killed the fire spirit to clear the way.

When he reached the ancient monument, he reached out and attached it without hesitation.

The next moment, familiar gold characters immediately appeared on the ancient monument.

"Lin Xingyun, ten golden yuan mansions, reward the war immortal..."

This time, the golden characters have not yet been fully revealed.

The entire ancient monument was filled with cracks and quickly fell apart!

Another hundred light groups were all exploded, and their quality was much higher than the rewards in the Lunhai Realm Ancient Sky Monument!

Lin Xingyun was too lazy to distinguish for a while, and directly waved his sleeves and put them all into the Qiankun Ring.

He looked at the gradually dispersing remains of the ancient monument.

A pitch-black light ball inside was slowly floating towards him.

After holding it in my hand, I found that it was also an armor.

But it seems to be the right leg armor.

Just like the right arm armor I got last time, it was dark and unremarkable.

There is no magic or spiritual memory when wearing it.

After Lin Xingyun checked it, he knew that it would be difficult for him to activate it for a while.

There is no need to put any effort into it and he can directly put it into the Yuan Mansion, the heart of his body.

Stay together with the Da Luo Dao Sword and the right arm armor.

He looked at the sky and found that this secret realm was indeed special, and there was still no thunder disaster.

Probably out of the secret realm.

The thunder calamity that he broke through the limit of Yuan Mansion and obtained this pitch-black armor will all fall down!

But Lin Xingyun was not afraid at all, and instead sat cross-legged on the spot.

At this time, countless fire spirits were still coming in front of him.

Even if he is not targeted.

But the fire spirit was like a tide, rushing towards him with waves of impact!

However, Lin Xingyun still closed his eyes and concentrated.

It seemed that the waves of fire spirits that were enough to flatten a group of monks were just a breeze.

The next moment, the ten yuan palaces in his body were harmonious and connected with each other.

Blooming with an unprecedented dazzling golden glow!

The sixty-six dragon elephant particles are also blooming with green light, urging his body, energy and blood to break through to a higher level!

The heavy Dao Yun aura around him is released, fully stimulating the innate Dao embryo, helping him break through without bottlenecks!

Immediately afterwards, streams of majestic spiritual power began to move toward the tip of the Yangming Sutra on his right hand.

That is, the Shang Yang point on the index finger converges and goes away.

The cultivation of the cave world is to open up small caves in each of the twelve main meridians of the human body.

In the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm, thirty-six caves can be opened.

There are seventy-two seats in the later stage and one hundred and eight in perfection.

Usually after having one hundred and eight caves, you can gather the power of the caves around you to ignite your natal divine fire and advance to the realm of divine fire!

Chapter 119 Complete breakthrough, swallowed up!

However, there are actually a total of 360 acupoints in the twelve meridians of the human body.

It's just that after opening one hundred and eight caves, each time one more is opened, it will be several times more difficult than before.

Resource consumption has also doubled.

But throughout the ages, countless monks with top talents are naturally not satisfied with building one hundred and eight caves to advance to the divine fire.

It’s about continuing to lay a solid foundation.

Lin Xingyun wants to pursue the ultimate!

At this time, he was opening the first cave.

A large fire spirit with perfect divine fire realm was galloping towards him along with the tide of fire spirits.

But the next moment, on Lin Xingyun's index finger, the first cave was successfully opened, allowing him to completely enter the cave world!


After an explosion like a mountain falling and the ground cracking, a majestic wave of spiritual energy burst out between Lin Xingyun's index fingers!

The huge fire spirit was sprinting at full speed and had no time to react.

He was stopped in place by the wave of air, and his torso was almost broken!

After Lin Xingyun completely reached the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm, his tendency to break through the realm did not diminish at all.

Then there are the Hegu point, Yangxi point, and Pianli point on the Yangming meridian of the hand...

With each hole orifice being opened to the sky.

The spiritual power in Lin Xingyun's body was like opening a gate to release floods, gradually bursting out with more powerful waves of spiritual power!

After only six blows, the huge fire spirit was shattered into fragments all over the sky.

However, Lin Xingyun's power has just begun and is getting worse!

With the continuous opening of the orifices of the Yangming meridian in his hands.

Countless fire spirits all around were shattered and killed by pure spiritual energy waves as soon as they approached.

Three quarters of an hour later, all thirty acupoints on the Yangming Meridian of his hand had been opened up!

At this time, the vast spiritual power also destroyed his surroundings into a vast open space, and there was a huge pit thousands of feet deep under him!

And those countless fire spirits, even if they were not smart, instinctively felt infinite fear at this time!

They retreated and took detours, trying to avoid the great horror in front of them!

However, Lin Xingyun took a step and went directly to the gate of the Fairy Fire Palace.

Countless fire spirits were still pouring out of it, but they were all blocked by him!

Then, he continued to mobilize the spiritual power, converging on the acupoints on the hand sun meridian, and continued to open up the cave!




Another series of earth-shattering explosions.

His body was like a string of cannons, constantly opening up the cave, and bursting out one after another of terrifying spiritual power waves!

Fire spirits of all sizes had just escaped from the Fairy Fire Palace.

They were immediately blasted into pieces by Lin Xingyun, which was simply miserable!

Six hours later, he finally made a concerted effort.

He opened up all the twelve meridians and three hundred and sixty acupoints!

And the entire Immortal Fire Palace was already floating in the air...

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