"Well, Quasi-Emperor, looking for me

?" "It won't be which big tomb I dug, and there are descendants of the tomb owner who have come to the door, right?" Ye Que's

voice immediately froze, and his face was full of surprise.

However, after all, this is the Immortal Ye family, and he expects that even the quasi-emperor will not dare to be presumptuous.

He wiped his face slightly and asked the elder to take him to meet him.

Outside the Ye family's mansion, I saw a purple-robed old man, standing with his hands in his hands, looking at the Ye family's weather.

He was like a majestic peak, exuding a thick and domineering aura all over his body, as if he was a hero of the world, ready to attack!

Ye Que saw him, only to feel that he had never seen it before, but he was generating a strange resonance from the depths of his body.

"The seniors are polite, dare to ask the seniors to honor the name, I don't know what happened to the juniors?"

he asked as he stepped forward and continued to look at the other party.

But the old man did not answer, but the momentum around his body was shocked, and a vision appeared from behind, and thousands of purple qi and blood rose up in the air, turning into the virtual shadows of green dragons, Xuanwu and other divine beasts, shining on the heavens and the earth in an instant!

This is ——?!"

When Ye Que was amazed, he finally understood the identity of the other party.

Because at this time, in his body, a stream of purple qi and blood is also rushing and boiling, although it is much weaker than that monstrous purple blood, but it can still resonate with this old man

! He couldn't help but be doubly shocked, the other party was the same as himself, it was a Cang Hai Overlord body, and it was a Cang Hai Overlord body that could be cultivated!


Ye Que called, and Ye Renwang nodded, and then stared at the vision behind the old man.

"The Overlord of the Cang Hades?!" "Could it be that Your Excellency is a person from

the Cang Hades Ancestral Star?!" "The

old man is the ninety-ninth generation star lord of the Cang Hades Ancestral Star, and there is no end. "

Just because I sensed that in this generation, there is a complete Cang Hades Overlord in the world, and I specially came to receive him and enter my Cang Hades Ancestral Star to practice." Hun

Wu Huanghuang spoke, and his voice was like a Hong Zhong, which made Ye Que's father and son feel deafening from the bottom of their hearts.

"Pluto... Pluto?!" "

Finally... Finally here!" Ye

Que was so excited that his whole body trembled, and his purple blood was doubly boiling.

Because the Ye family did not know that his waste body was a Cang Nether Overlord body.

However, this physique, as early as countless years ago, for some special reasons, it was difficult to break through the sea of wheels and could not cultivate.

Legend has it that only on the Canglu Ancestral Star outside the Immortal Domain, there is a vein of the Canglu Overlord Body in ancient times, and he knows how to break the shackles of restrictions for this physique and embark on the road of cultivation!

But now that the Cang Hades Ancestral Star suddenly appeared, and the star lord was in front of him, Ye Que was naturally excited and excited to the extreme!

"In that case, Ye Mou thanked him, and the child will be handed over to

the Hun Star Lord!" "If there is any need, the Hun Star Lord can also open his mouth!" Ye

Ren King also gave his thanks, not doubting the other party's purpose at all.

Because legend has it that the people in the Cang Hades Ancestral Star are linked by the bloodline of the hegemonic body, and attach the most importance to this bloodline feelings.

After taking Ye Que away, the other party will inevitably focus on cultivating, and even assist him to reach the hegemonic body!"

"Patriarch Ye, bring ten saints to me for the purpose of breaking the limits of his perfect hegemonic body. Hun

Wuya's face was cold, as if this was a normal thing.

"Ten saints, this..."

King Ye Ren's face was surprised, because according to the other party's tone, these saints were afraid that they would become sacrifices!

"My son's overlord body is really so good, just to break the cultivation limit, I need to sacrifice ten saints?!" "

In order to cultivate in one Qi and Blood Realm, sacrificing ten saints, saying it can simply shock the Immortal Domain!"

Now that Ye Yu is dead, he can only use all his energy to train Ye Que fiercely!

"Okay, just ten saints, Ye Mou will try to capture him, I just hope that Your Excellency will try his best to cultivate my son!"


the two quasi-emperors were talking, Ye Que had already completely swept away his decadence, and his eyes showed endless fighting intent

!" "Lin Xingyun, you wait, wait for me to break the restrictions and practice with the true overlord body!"

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