> Lin Xingyun did not check her life script again, but directly skimmed over the repeated data, went straight to the point, and looked at her recent chance.

"Ding!" "

Recent chance: has begun to grow the third supreme bone, its name is [Reincarnation Supreme], leading her to undergo the third transformation, it takes about a hundred years for the supreme bone to fully grow, and after it is completely grown, you can comprehend the mysteries of reincarnation, the six reincarnation powers, the power is shocking, and it is even better than [Flying Immortal Supreme]!"

"Oblivious... Ah no, you can't dig anymore, your conscience is really going to hurt!" Lin

Xingyun touched his conscience that was not very conspicuous and shook his head.

After sleeping with Qin Di Yao in his arms all night, he already had a little more pity for this poor little cat.

"As long as her loyalty is raised at that time, the new Supreme Bone as a life can also be shared by me!"

"It was written in Qin Yiren's life number before, if he combined his two bones, his combat power would already be able to approach the top five physiques in the Immortal Domain. "

If I take that piece of his supreme bone at that time, plus the flying immortal in my body, and Qin Di Yao's reincarnation supreme bone..."

"Trinity, fused into one, then it won't take off yet!"

Lin Xingyun was thinking excitedly, and Shen Yueru had already seen some clues.

"Yaoyao, this is...

"She has already grown a piece when she was a child, how come she has grown another piece after so many years?" Her

face was full of doubts, and she couldn't help but look at Lin Xingyun.

"Ahem... "Aunt

Shen, since Yaoyao has begun to transform and grow Supreme Bone.

"It's better for me to take her back to the Yaochi Holy Land, don't worry, I will take care of her and won't let her suffer the slightest harm."

Lin Xingyun coughed dryly, and then naturally assured incomparably.

"No, I can't let Yaoyao leave my side!"

Shen Yueru protected the calf with deep affection and refused without hesitation.

"Then you can go together, although the holy land has rules and cannot bring the strong inside, there is a Yaochi City under the mountain, where you can settle down until Yaoyao transforms and wakes up."


Shen Yueru listened to his suggestion, and was a little undecided for a while.

"Aunt Shen, the supreme bone is extremely strange, how it will change, no one can predict

, if something happens to Yaoyao, you are not sure to deal with it, right?" "But my master is a great emperor, in the Yaochi Holy Land, isn't it safer to have her old man to help take care of one or two?"

"And if I keep Yaoyao with me, are you still afraid that I will fail her?"

Shen Yueru only felt that every word of the other party was said in her heart, making her irrefutable.

The supreme bone is rare in the world, not to mention the top supreme bone grown by Qin Di Yao, what will change, she is really not sure.

"Okay then... I take Yaoyao... Go with you..."

Shen Yueru nodded helplessly and agreed.

After all, in her eyes, although Lin Xingyun is negative, his character should be good.

Otherwise, when Shen Jiuyu came back to see her, he would not be so intact.

Soon, she left some back hands in the village, strengthened the outer enchantment a few times, and after explaining to the villagers, she took Qin Di Yao and left with Lin Xingyun.

Before leaving, the villagers came to see them off.

And Lin Xingyun was so blessed that he called the little black dog and the little yellow chicken from the villagers.

They were given a thousand-year elixir to help them transform into shapes in the future, and they were also instructed to cultivate hard.

A dog and a chicken were overjoyed, not polite to Lin Xingyun at all, and accepted the elixir after thanking him.

"Big brother, don't worry, although you snatched Sister Qin, in the future, I will cultivate to be invincible in the world, and I will definitely cover you!"

Lin Xingyun took a photo stone with a smile, and after taking it, he stepped out and left the village.



At this moment, Immortal Domain Yezhou, Immortal Ye Family.

I saw that in the mansion, there were all kinds of plains, full of white flags, and there was a mourning and solemn color.

In a spiritual hall where sacrifices were set up in the depths of the Ye family, Ye Que was looking at his eldest brother's crown tomb, silent, and his eyes were already full of tears.

"Big brother... Big brother!"

he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, seemingly still having trouble accepting this reality.

His good eldest brother just broke into the secret realm, and he actually died, and he couldn't even recover a trace of his bones

! When he learned the news, he was simply heartbroken, and he was in

pain! If you have to describe his pain, then his eyes almost grew a kaleidoscope

! At that time, he gave Lin Xingyun 50,000 villain values!

And when he learned that this trip to the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, Lin Xingyun was also among them, and not only broke out unharmed, but also got the Immortal Fire.

Almost immediately, he locked him as a murderer!

Helplessly, there was insufficient evidence at that time, and his father Yeren Wang also personally visited the Wang family afterwards, but Wang Teng had not completely relied on that imperial talisman to resurrect, and he couldn't ask what it was.

Now this is still an unsolved case, and with the complete disintegration of the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, the strong people in the clan have broken off clues if they want to deduce.

Unless Lin Xingyun or Wang Teng were really arrested to search for souls.

But to do this kind of thing without evidence, I am afraid that the immortal war is about to begin!

In order to take care of the overall situation, King Ye Ren had to temporarily endure and wait for the opportunity to probe again.

"Lin Xingyun ————!" "If I don't take revenge, I Ye Que swear not to be a man!" Ye Que

still secretly gritted his teeth and roared, believing that his eldest brother's death must be related to Lin Xingyun


At this time, several Ye family daughters who came to worship, after praying with incense, when they left, they actually peeked at Ye Que and whispered about it.

"Alas, the pain of losing a brother, the grief is unbearable, the second young lord is really pitiful!" "

Not only the pain of losing a brother, but also the hatred of taking his wife

!" "Well, how to say it?"

"Big sister, your news is too closed!" "

Wasn't it the Qin family's god son banquet last time?


Oh, isn't it? I guess I can't ask for it, and I haven't seen her come back for so long, I don't know if I have been played by people..."

After the group left, Ye Que's ten fingers had been pinched until they turned white

! His eyes were blood-red, and he gritted his teeth hard, and he was simply blinded!

In fact, as early as after the return of the Divine Son Banquet, rumors and rumors continued to come out of the Ye family.

It is said that he Ye Que's fiancée is working as a maid to other men!

But the mouth of defense is more than the mouth of defense, and now most of the Ye family, and even other Daozhou and other immortal families, still know about this ugly thing!

The hatred for Lin Xingyun rushed to the peak again and again.

Another 20,000 villain values

! "Big brother——!

" "When will I be able to avenge

you!" He remembered that he only had the Qi and Blood Realm, and there was no hope of breaking through the sea of wheels, and finally he couldn't support it, lying in front of Ye Yu's statue and wailing!

"Second Young Lord, a quasi-emperor powerhouse has come from outside the mansion, and he wants to invite you over!" At

this time, suddenly a Ye Patriarch rushed to the Spirit Hall and hurriedly reported.

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