Lin Xingyun immediately summoned the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle, intending to devour all of Jun Chengdao's corpse, qi and blood.

"Huh?" his

heart suddenly moved, and he looked up, but it was the head of Wang Teng's corpse, and an ancient stone talisman floated out.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious halo rippled out of the stone rune.

Including Wang Teng's corpse, there is a faint tendency to converge...

"Poof————!" As the

stone rune halo bloomed, it actually broke through a spatial crack on its own, revealing another piece of heaven and earth.

Then he took Wang Teng's body and flew in in a flash!

The spatial cracks merged in an instant, and Wang Teng's aura completely disappeared....

"That stone talisman breath is good, far beyond the Great Saint Soldier!" "

Maybe it is related to the inheritance of another great emperor that Wang Teng got as prompted by the system..."

Lin Xingyun frowned slightly, and stopped thinking about it.

Like Wang Teng, a son of Heavenly Destiny with the inheritance of two emperors.

Naturally, it is not as easy to kill as Ye Yu and Jun Chengdao, such as the "son of heavenly destiny brother".

And he checked the system at this time, and unknowingly, he saved Qin Di Yao and took away Zhao Hanyi.

Wang Teng's luck value had been reduced to only 40,000 points, adding 60,000 villain points to him.

However, the opponent's Dao heart is much tougher than Tang Yu, and so far he has only exposed an additional villain worth more than 10,000 points.

"Wang Teng is just like this, this time he escaped, and he can still be beheaded next time they meet." "

It's just the chaotic body of this Jun family..."

Lin Xingyun looked thoughtful.

Although the other party has been hidden from the world.

But from this doppelganger revealed by Jun Chengdao, you can already glimpse some of the details of the other party.

If His Buddha-figure comes.

Compared with him, Wang Teng, a son of destiny, is as immature as a baby..........

"That's it, come to Japan.

"Swallow his own brother first." Lin

Xingyun no longer hesitated, and directly summoned the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle, devouring Jun Chengdao's corpse.

After that, he looked at the chaotic qi that filled the hall.

Although these must be much thinner than the chaotic qi on his body.

But every wisp is still as heavy as a mountain, containing a huge amount of spiritual power! Moreover,

these chaotic qi effects are extraordinary, and they can even resist the ominous body of the holy body.

Naturally, he would not waste these treasures.

As soon as the treasure bottle was tilted, it was directly swallowed into the bottle, intending to slowly refine and absorb.

After doing all this, he took out the green lotus fire from the Qiankun ring.

He also summoned the two green lotus fires of Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao.

As soon as the three flames gathered, they immediately bloomed with brilliance and gradually merged into one! Finally

, an eighteen-petal green lotus appeared, floating and rotating, rippling out bursts of healing vitality! But among the eighteen lotus

petals, only twelve are treasured and bright, and a third are lustrous and dull.

Lin Xingyun immediately held the green lotus in his hand and walked towards the center of the hall, where only one-third of the immortal fire remained.

Without him having to do more, the last third of the immortal fire, as if attracted down, consciously and actively turned into the power of the origin and merged into the green lotus.

When the immortal fire is completely integrated, every lotus petal of the green lotus blooms in unison.

Between the surging vitality, it can simply live the dead, flesh and bones!"

"This is the legendary fairy fire

?" "How is it so full of vitality and healing aura, but there is no attack power?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but be surprised, and at the same time, he could feel it.

These eighteen petals of green lotus immortal fire are still not complete, and they seem to be missing half of it.

But when he completely accepted this Immortal Fire Origin.

In this Immortal Fire Palace, the flames that had been burning for an unknown number of thousands of years were actually as if they had received an order, and they all rushed towards the Qinglian Immortal Fire.

Even the entire Immortal Fire Palace gradually disintegrated.

It turned into a torrent and merged into the green lotus fairy fire.

Those remaining fire spirits in the outside world seemed to be inspired and forcibly recalled from all directions.

They all degenerated into the most primitive divine fire form, like a rain of fire in the sky, all of them were withdrawn into the Qinglian Immortal Fire!

The fire spirit and divine fire fragments in the entire secret realm were finally collected and returned to the eighteen-petal green lotus.

But it still has not reached the imaginary perfection, but is only more solid and powerful than before.

It seems that the missing half of it is not in this heaven and earth at all!

At this time, Lin Xingyun was holding the green lotus.

Feeling the surging vitality that kept pouring into his limbs from the green lotus.

It refreshed him and his qi and blood were much stronger.

He had a feeling now.

If you carry this green lotus fire with you.

Or later integrate it into the Natal Fire fire.

I am afraid that he will create an immortal body, and he

can easily recover from any injury!

Just take it into a hole in your own yang vein.

At the same time, the Great Luo Dao Sword and the two armors were all put into it as a suppression to ensure that it would not cause chaos.

Then he turned into a streamer and left the desert.


At this time, in the barren mountain, Qin Diyao and Zhao Hanyi had already recovered a little.

The two agreed and couldn't wait to go to find Lin Xingyun.

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