Then he was ready to urge the treasure bottle and swallow and absorb

Jun Chengdao! But at this time, Jun Chengdao's heart was wearing a gray dragon pattern jade pendant.

Thousands of gray halos suddenly erupted.

In the next moment, boundless chaotic qi surged out from that jade pei

, and the ominous power that could not be dispelled by the Great Sage-level magic weapon was quickly shattered and dissolved!

"Well, what kind of breath is this, even the holy body ominous can be dispelled?"

Lin Xingyun was surprised, but did not delay at all.

Immediately raise your sword and kill Jun Chengdao!"


However, Jun Chengdao seemed to recover a little, but he roared and summoned his own green lotus fire from the side.


fire contained one-third of the Immortal Fire Origin, and its energy was unimaginable.


, at this time, Jun Chengdao had not fully recovered his sanity, and the desire to kill in his heart was still surging.

He just wanted to skyrocket his combat power as soon as possible, and then fight with Lin Xingyun to fight to the death, but just

when he was about to integrate the Green Lotus Flame into his eyebrows.

Thousands of swords and grasses combined with five snatching spirit swords killed together.

Cut him so that his body was covered in blood, his soul was shaken, and the green lotus fire was directly thrown out!

As soon as Lin Xingyun took the fire, he wanted to achieve Jun Cheng Dao with a sword.

But the piece of dragon-patterned jade at the mouth of Jun Chengdao's heart seemed to be born spiritually.

A large amount of chaotic qi burst out again, and finally the ominous power of Jun Chengdao's body was completely expelled!

Immediately spewed out a mouthful of heart blood, which converged on a cloth bag, a gold seal, a treasure armor, and two jade beads on his body.

Then the five Great Sage-level magic weapons instantly surged with spiritual light.

The five in one, wrapped in Jun Chengdao, were about to flee far away!

However, Lin Xingyun also raised his hand, and six Great Saint Soldiers threw out towards Jun Chengdao together.

Moreover, they are all extremely thick magic weapons such as towers, dings, and bells, that is, to drag Jun Chengdao to death!

With their realm, it is actually difficult to urge the various offensive powers of the holy soldiers and the great holy soldiers.

Often you can only simply use magic weapons to protect, escape, or contain other people's magic weapons.

Therefore, when attacking and killing each other in battle, especially when dealing with the demon Tianjiao of the same level, it is actually not used much.

But at this time, the six Great Saint Soldiers were pressed down in unison, and Jun Chengdao was instantly dragged down, and it was difficult to escape from the slightest!

At such a moment of life and death, Jun Chengdao did not have the slightest support, let alone care about any face.

He directly grabbed the piece of dragon-patterned jade in his heart and shouted.

"Second brother save me!" As

soon as the words fell, the dragon pattern jade pei completely burst apart!

Boundless gray chaotic qi also emerged from it, bursting and spreading out like thick smoke.

While forcing all the six Great Saint Soldiers to retreat, he protected Jun Cheng Daozhou's body.

At the same time, a hazy invisible figure also flashed out from the jade pei.

It was actually an avatar, straddling Jun Chengdao's body!

The figure was obscured by countless chaotic lights, and he couldn't see what it looked like at all.

But just standing there, everything around it seems to be experiencing destruction and rebirth one after another, wisps of chaotic qi are coming out, and heaven and earth are evolving with him as the core, as if he is the master of everything in the world

! He is only seven feet long, but he is like a mountain, unbreakable, and firmly protects Jun Chengdao behind him!

"Oh, is it a doppelganger of that chaotic body?"

Lin Xingyun sneered, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes

! This kind of person with such fates as [Brother Relying on Brother Gui] and [Brother and Friend Brother], he really couldn't help but want to destroy it fiercely when he saw it

! As soon as he flipped his hand, nine Great Saint Soldiers threw out again, dragging Jun Chengdao to death!

The next moment, he held two swords and directly slashed at the chaotic figure


!However, when the two collided, the figure retreated tens of feet.

But it didn't dissipate immediately, and his body was already tough to the extreme!"

Hmm? "

Wang Hou

Realm!" Lin Xingyun felt the aura coercion far beyond the Divine Fire Realm from that branch.

But it seems that because it is only a doppelganger, cultivation is naturally far inferior to its original figure.

At most, it is only a half-step prince realm, and it is still not limited by this secret realm world.

But its combat power has obviously surpassed Jun Chengdao

! The body composed of chaotic qi is simply indestructible, and even the Great Luo Dao Sword can resist hard!

However, what surprised Lin Xingyun the most was that the chaotic body of the legendary Jun family was the same age as him.

But the other party had actually cultivated to the Wang Hou realm?!

He had inquired that even if it was his senior sister Liu Xinyan's innate Dao embryo physique, his cultivation speed was top-notch.

When he reached the princely realm, he was already two hundred years old.

No matter how evil the chaotic body is.

How could he be in his early twenties and break through the realm to the prince at great speed?!

"The chaotic body of the Jun family is the greatest honor and hope of the Jun family, and it is absolutely impossible to do anything that is promoted by seedlings

!" "Unless he has some special treasure..."

"If he can cultivate for twenty years, he can withstand two hundred years of cultivation of the innate Dao embryo!" Lin

Xingyun was secretly surprised, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

In any case, he would first behead this Jun Chengdao today

! And at this moment, there was a majestic and fierce anger from above the hall!

"Lin Xingyun, die!" "Ten Fierce Heavenly Dance!" Wang

Teng finished his momentum, and completely turned into the form of a Kunpeng ferocious beast, swooping down towards Lin Xingyun


The power is so strong that it seems to be enough to fight the Nine Heavens Clouds!

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun instantly calmed down.

The Great Luo Dao Sword in his hand came out horizontally and slashed the chaotic figure into the air.

Immediately, he did not move, but from the mouth of his heart, he shone with immeasurable white fairy light.

The next moment, a peerless female figure that was independent from the world appeared from his heart!

And it's the same petite and delicate, cat-eared cat-tailed.

But her aura was as powerful as Lin Xingyun's, four or five times

as powerful! I saw that she was holding a spirit sword in her arms, which was the same shape as the Great Luo Dao Sword.


is the new magical power that Lin Xingyun obtained after integrating into the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone - Holding the Sword Flying Immortal!

This kind of magical power can fuse Qin Di Yao's original external incarnation power into one.

Combined with Lin Xingyun's sword path, he transformed into a flying immortal divine fetus to attack!

Perhaps because of the influence of Qin Emperor Yao's original figure.

The Flying Immortal Divine Fetus that Lin Xingyun turned out to be completely the appearance of Qin Di Yao!

But this did not affect its power in the slightest.

On the contrary, Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao were shocked to see it, and Wang Teng almost stopped his offensive for a few points!

"Whoops," accompanied by ————!

a cracking sound that resounded through the Immortal Fire Palace.

That chaotic figure burst out a white crack from its shoulders to its waist and abdomen

! "Boom————!"

The next moment, its indestructible body instantly shattered, bursting out into boundless chaotic qi!

But obviously it was no longer possible to gather, and there was no more threat!

The "Flying Immortal Qin Di Yao" offensive kept stopping, and turned to volley up like a heavenly girl.

Facing the Kunpeng divine form transformed by Wang Teng, the peerless sword light was cut out again! "Bang ————!" The Kunpeng divine form

emitted a bitter wail, it was like paper paste pinched, and it was cut in two in an instant!

It can't be..."

"Ben Di's life... Undefeated in the same generation... How in this life... Reduced to this point?!" Wang

Teng, who was only half of his body, was still full of disbelief.

He never expected that in this day and age.

A small immortal fire secret realm can make yourself continuously break the halberd and sink into the sand!

First, a little girl beat herself so that she couldn't fight back.

Now this kid in front of him is even more outrageous

! Obviously a big realm behind himself, he can actually cut himself off?!

But Lin Xingyun didn't care how he sighed.

Directly swung out countless lapis gold sword grasses, completely smashing him into a corpse.

His Qiankun Ring and Green Lotus Fire were also brought back one by one by those countless sword grasses.

Then Lin Xingyun flashed out, controlling a full fifteen Great Saint Soldiers, and suppressed Jun Chengdao in place!

No!" "

Lin Xingyun... You can't kill me!

"If you dare to make a move, my father and my brother will never let you go!" Sensing

that his own brother's chaotic doppelganger was all destroyed, Jun Chengdao also lost his last resort.

I had to shout and threaten.

At this time, his spiritual power consumption was huge, and his qi and blood were weak.

A pair of eyes turned into two blood holes.

It looks miserable to the extreme!"

"With your virtue, it is useless not to die."

Lin Xingyun laughed viciously, directly controlled many Great Saint Soldiers, and took away all the magic weapons of Jun Chengdao.

Then he held the Da Luo Dao sword and fell with one sword, completely killing him!"

Ah, Lin Xingyun ——!

" "Wait for my brother to become an emperor... All of you Lin family, don't even think about living————!"

Before Jun Chengdao died, he still stared at a pair of blood holes, cursing at Lin Xingyun.

Then a sword fell.

His head, body, and divine soul were all completely smashed by the Great Luo Sword Qi.

The young master of the Jun family turned into a corpse!

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