However, in the twelve canonical sutras of the human body, there are actually a total of three hundred and sixty acupuncture points, but after opening one hundred and eight caves, each additional opening is several times more difficult than before, and the resource consumption is also doubled.

However, countless cultivators with top talents throughout the ages would naturally not be satisfied with cultivating one hundred and eight cave heavens to advance to the Divine Fire, but would continue to lay a solid foundation.

At this

time, when he was opening the first cave sky, a large fire spirit with a complete Divine Fire Realm was galloping towards him with the fire spirit tide.

But the next moment, above Lin Xingyun's index finger, the first cave sky was completely opened up successfully, and completely stepped into the cave heaven realm

! After a landslide—————!-

like explosion, Lin Xingyun's index finger actually erupted a majestic wave of spiritual power on its own!

And after Lin Xingyun reached the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm, the momentum of breaking the realm did not decrease in the slightest, followed by Hegu Cave, Yangxi Cave, and Partial Li Cave on the Hand Yangming Sutra............

As caves were opened up everywhere, the spiritual power in Lin Xingyun's body seemed to open the floodgates, and gradually burst out one after another stronger waves of spiritual power!

However, Lin Xingyun's realm-breaking aftermath had just begun, and it intensified!

As his hand Yang Ming Sutra continued to open, countless fire spirits around him, as soon as they approached, were all shattered and killed by pure spiritual power waves.

Three quarters of an hour later, all of the thirty acupuncture points of his entire Yangming Sutra had already opened up the cave sky!

At this time, the surrounding area was also destroyed by vast spiritual power, turning it into an open and empty place, and there was a huge pit thousands of feet deep under him.

And those countless fire spirits, even if their wisdom was not opened, instinctively felt infinite fear at this time

! They all retreated and detoured, wanting to avoid the great terror in front of them!

However, Lin Xingyun took a step and went directly to the gate of the Immortal Fire Palace.

Countless fire spirits were still pouring out of it, but they were all directly blocked by him

! Immediately afterwards, he continued to urge spiritual power, converged to the acupuncture points on the Sun Sutra, and continued to open up

the cave sky! "Boom ————!

", "Boom ————!" and "Boom ————!"

were another series of earth-shattering explosions, and his body was like a cannon, constantly opening up the cave sky, and bursting out one after another terrifying spiritual power qi waves!

Large and small fire spirits had just escaped from the Immortal Fire Palace.


hours later, he finally burst into a blast and opened up all the twelve canonical and 360 acupuncture points out of the cave sky!

Below the Immortal Fire Palace, there was a bottomless abyss, and countless fire spirit fragments were miserably scattered in it.

But after causing such achievements and such destruction, Lin Xingyun was still not satisfied

! Because in fact, it is widely spread in the immortal domain, and in the human body, there are not only twelve canons, but also eight veins of the Odd Meridian, of which there are a total of 720 acupuncture points!

Therefore, the vast majority of cultivators, even if they are extremely talented, cannot open up the cave heaven in the eight veins of the Qijing, so they have to sigh and choose to break into the Divine Fire Realm.

However, at this time, Lin Xingyun continued to open up the first of the eight veins of the Qijing, the Yin Dimension Vein, while taking advantage of the momentum.

While flipping his hand and taking out the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar, he lifted the lid of the jar, and devoured the countless pure origins, qi and blood, and spiritual power that had been thoroughly refined into his body one by one

! Not long after, a four-clawed golden dragon, a nine-headed phoenix, a stone man Holy Spirit, and other primeval royal bloodline phantoms appeared behind him!

But he deliberately retained the origin of the Extreme Yang Body and stored it in the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar.

It is planned to be saved for later when it is necessary to create a chaotic body, and then devoured, so as not to expose the existence of the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill early.

And as a heavy bloodline phantom was swallowed and fused, his aura also continued to climb, with the momentum of breaking the realm, and his unparalleled strong foundation, quickly broke through the acupoints of the Yin Vein, and all opened up into the cave sky!

Lin Xingyun pointed again, took out the only Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle, and poured down that piece of the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone.

Then control the magic jar and treasure bottle, and in just a quarter of an hour's effort, all the ominous power on it was peeled off, and once again devoured and refined into half a dark red evil bead!

The Flying Immortal Supreme Bone still retained a trace of spirituality at first, struggling not to integrate.

However, Lin Xingyun just held the dark red evil bead and shook it casually in front of it.

It immediately gave up all resistance and completely merged with

Lin Xingyun! With the integration of the supreme bone, one after another white immortal light, like the most extreme tonic in the world, filled Lin Xingyun's limbs and hundreds of remains, helping him continue to break through the realm!

In its place, there was another, more powerful power!

In the blink of an eye, day and night passed.

As countless fire spirits were slaughtered, the Immortal Fire Palace seemed to have stopped a lot............

At this time, in Lin Xingyun's body, in addition to the twelve canons, the Yin dimension, Yang dimension, Yin stilt, and Yang stilt in the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, a total of four strange sutras, and 360 cave points, have all opened up into cave heavens!

At this time, he was surrounded by a Dao Yun aura, on the top was the Dao Immortal Bell, behind the Dragon and Phoenix Heavenly Dance, and there were countless white fairy lights, lingering on the surface of his body, and the killing qi shocked the heavens and the earth!

To break through, we must first stabilize the foundation, and we also need to accumulate more massively.

"Whew... Almost. After

Lin Xingyun converged all kinds of visions, he exhaled a turbid breath at will, and actually blew a rolling hurricane.

Then he waved the sleeve of his robe and collected all the fire spirit fragments all over the sky into the Qiankun ring.

Only then did he look into the Immortal Fire Palace.

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