"Lin Xingyun, Wang Teng, this young master will not take revenge and swear not to be a man!"

After Ye Yu finished his breath for a while, he gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

He was originally safe and sound, but he was first used as bait by Lin Xingyun, and then chased and killed by Wang Teng, Long Ao, and others, not only was he seriously injured, but in the end, even the Qinglian Tinder was snatched away by Wang Teng!

It was as if he was using the ability of the soul chasing sword to locate and track Lin Xingyun who came here!

But when he was not more than a hundred feet away from Ye Yu, no matter how much he hid his breath, he was finally discovered by Ye Yu.

"Hmm?" "

Is it Lin Xingyun?!" Ye

Yu was furious, but he also knew that his injury was still serious, and he couldn't rush to fight, and he was about to flee immediately.

However, as soon as he moved, an invisible small sword suddenly fluttered on the corner of his clothes.

The Soul Chasing Spirit Sword burst out violently, attacking his

Divine Soul! "Damn it!" Ye

Yu's eyebrows flashed with a strange light, obviously having a magic weapon to protect the Divine Soul, and immediately blocked the Soul Chasing Spirit Sword.

But it also delayed a breath of time, Lin Xingyun had already rushed to him!

"Not good!" Ye

Yu was surprised, and immediately urged the talisman magic weapon, a Great Sage-level ebony gourd, to escape with him.

"Soul Fixing Law Ring!" However

, before he could make a move, countless magic rings immediately took shape, instantly suppressing on top of his head, making his movements stop abruptly

! Immediately after, Lin Xingyun held the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle and projected the remaining half of the dark red evil bead, this time directly smashed between Ye Yu's eyebrows

! "Ah————!

" "Lin Xingyun! What did you do?!" Ye

Yu's face suddenly twisted viciously, his eyes turned terrifying scarlet, and his consciousness was also affected so that he began to desire bloody killing, and he could no longer escape effectively!

Lin Xingyun also expected this, and as soon as they met, he threw out the big killing weapon

of the ominous evil bead! At this time, I saw Ye Yu's protective magic weapon, although he resisted desperately, he still couldn't save Ye Yu by half a point, and he couldn't resist the ominous erosion of the Dacheng Holy Body at all!

Because he was eroded too thoroughly, he was unable to suppress it, and even clusters of strange red hair slowly grew around his body!

"Gee, such a spectacle, it's a pity not to show Ye Que."

Lin Xingyun sneered, and turned out a photo stone and photographed all of Ye Yu's tragic situation at this time!

After a moment of "killing ——!"

, Ye Yu could no longer control his desire to kill.

Immediately waved his red-haired arms, and did not use magical powers, purely surging all spiritual power, and attacked towards

Lin Xingyun! However, Lin Xingyun summoned the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar and opened half of the lid.



Ye Yu was already in an unconscious position, and it was difficult to resist at all.

But when he was sucked into the magic jar, he still instinctively screamed in pain!

Lin Xingyun then covered the magic jar with satisfaction, and while collecting it into the Yuan Mansion, he slowly refined.

While setting off again, he went straight to the Immortal Fire Palace.


Outer perimeter of the Fairy Fire Palace.

After a series of wars, this area has been destroyed into deep pits and scorched earth.

And the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument in the outer perimeter is still standing majestically, without any damage.

But in the Immortal Fire Palace, some kind of abnormality seemed to have occurred.

Thousands of fire spirits were like torrents, emerging from the Immortal Fire Palace at a speed far exceeding that of the past.

Moreover, whether it is the early stage, late stage, and complete cultivation of the fire spirit of the Divine Fire Realm.

As soon as he came out of the Immortal Fire Palace, he fled madly, seemingly avoiding some kind of great terror!

Lin Xingyun cast the Wanhua Sword Technique all the way, while being familiar with the newly acquired sword technique, he easily killed the fire spirit to open the way.

When he arrived before and after the ancient heavenly monument, he did not hesitate and reached out to paste it.

The next moment, familiar golden characters immediately appeared on the ancient heavenly stele.

"Lin Xingyun, ten golden Yuan Mansions, reward the battle immortals..."

This time, the golden characters have not yet been fully displayed.

The entire ancient heavenly monument was full of cracks and quickly cracked!

Another hundred light masses were all burst out, and the quality was even higher than the reward in the ancient heavenly monument of the Wheel Sea Realm!

Lin Xingyun was too lazy to distinguish for a while, and directly waved his sleeves, and all of them were collected into the Qiankun ring.

He looked at the gradually scattered remains of the Ancient Heavenly Monument.

Inside, a pitch-black light mass was slowly floating towards him.

After holding it in his hand, he found that it was also an armor.

But it seems to be the right leg nail.

Just like the right armor I got last time, it was pitch black and unremarkable.

Wear it without half a distraction, and spiritual memory.

After Lin Xingyun checked it, he knew that he was difficult to urge for a while.

It is no longer difficult to collect it directly into the heart yuan house in the body.

Stay with the Da Luo Dao Sword and the right arm armor.

He looked at the sky and found that this secret realm was really special, and there was still no thunder tribulation falling.

It is estimated that the secret realm is out.

He broke through the limit of the Yuanfu and obtained this pitch-black armor thunder tribulation, and he would fall in unison!

But Lin Xingyun was not afraid at all, but sat cross-kneeled on the ground.

At this time, countless fire spirits continued to surge in front of him.

Even if not targeting him.

But the fire spirit was like a tide, and it was crushing him with a burst of impact!

It seemed that the fire spirit tide that was enough to calm the cultivators was just a breeze.

In the next instant, the ten Yuan Mansions in his body were harmonious and interconnected.

Sixty-six dragon-elephant particles are also blooming blue light, urging his flesh, qi and blood to break through to a higher level!

That is, the Shang Yang cave on the index finger, gathered away.

The cultivation of the Cave Heaven Realm is to open up small cave heavens in each of the twelve canons of the human body.

At the beginning of the Cave Heaven Realm, thirty-six Cave Heavens could be opened.

In the later period, it was seventy-two, and the completion was one hundred and eight.

Usually after having one hundred and eight cave heavens, you can gather the power of the surrounding cave heavens, ignite the Essence Divine Fire, and promote to the Divine Fire Realm!

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