Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 245 Feeling poor again after many years


Chu Xiu lost his composure, not because he was making a fuss, but because the system's words were too shocking.

You must know that in order for the emperor to break through the mortal world, he must perfect all the rules of the small world within his body.

This process is very long, ranging from millions of years to hundreds of thousands of years.

When a monk completely completes the rules of the small world within his body, he will be qualified to absorb immortality substances, convert the true energy into immortal power, and then step into the realm of mortal immortals.

It is not easy to perfect the rules of the small world.

The system asked him to overturn everything and start over again, nine times.

Even once was extremely difficult, and nine times was too outrageous, enough to make any monk despair.

The same goes for sublimating the physical body, and the difficulty is not much less than perfecting the nine-time rule.

[Jie Jie Jie, being strong comes at a price, otherwise why would you be better than others? 】

What Tongzi said makes sense.

Chu Xiu couldn't refute.

So he asked.

You said before that real immortals are not necessarily much better than fake immortals. Is this the reason?

For some reason, Tongzi was extremely talkative today.

Chu Xiu was also happy to ask her for more information.

[Yes, there are many reasons]

Looking at the prompt box in front of him, Chu Xiu frowned, But it's too difficult.

The enemies from the outer world will come within thirty years.

Do I still have enough time?

[Jiejiejie, host, don’t forget, you are a man with cheats]

Can you still help me speed up? Chu Xiu's eyes widened.

[Of course, when you break through the Great Freedom of Chaos, it is actually the process of perfecting the rules of the small world]

[Have you not noticed the changes in Blue Star yet? 】

When Chu Xiu heard this, he closed his eyes and looked inside at the small world inside his body.

Powerful spiritual thoughts swept across the Blue Star universe and finally converged on the Blue Star.

He immediately felt that the vitality of Blue Star's heaven and earth was at least twice as strong as in the previous few days.

[The vitality of heaven and earth is the manifestation of perfect rules]

[When the concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth reaches ninety-nine times the original level, it is considered to have completely perfected the rules of heaven and earth, which means that you have the qualifications to break through and become an immortal]

[Compared to you, other monks’ breakthroughs are much more complicated and difficult]

[Smelly host, you damn bitch, you are so enviable! 】

Chu Xiu ignored Tongzi's wise words.

He rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

Only 10 unit breakthrough points allowed me to improve the progress of perfecting the small world rules by 2%.

There are 310 units left, and even perfecting the small world rules once is not enough.

To complete nine transformations, a full 8991 units of breakthrough points are needed.

My physical body also needs to absorb a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in order to complete its sublimation.


After many years, Chu Xiu once again experienced the taste of poverty.

As long as I have enough breakthrough points, I can improve quickly, but unfortunately, there are not enough Divine Essence Stones.

Chu Xiu stood up and paced back and forth by the lake.

Gotta find a way to get more money.

Don't worry about anything else.


Chu Xiu sat down cross-legged, consumed the breakthrough point, and broke through the Chaos Freedom Method.


Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Chu Xiu opened his eyes.

Bring up the system panel.

[Host]: Chu Xiu

[Realm]: The Great Emperor Mighty

[Guiyi Avenue]: By integrating the small world, the rule completion progress is 35%

[Special Physique]: Ancient Holy Body, fully sublimated, the body becomes Taoist

[Fights]: Great Chaos Freedom Technique

[Click to expand magical power]

[Breakthrough point remaining]: 0

Click to view other functions

The remaining 311 unit breakthrough points are consumed.

The rules completion progress of Blue Star Universe has reached 32%.

The concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth is 32 times, and the distance is 99 times, still more than half of the way.

Chu Xiu thought about it for a moment and sighed helplessly.

He stood up.

Suddenly, he made a movement and quickly looked inside the small world.

I was shocked to find that the concentration of heaven and earth energy in the Blue Star Universe was not 32 times, but 35 times, which is 35% progress.

The progress actually increased automatically by 3%?

how so?

Chu Xiu was surprised, happy, and confused at the same time.

I didn't wonder for long.

The system answered his question.

A light blue prompt box appears in front of you.

[Jie Jie Jie, there is nothing strange about this. The host’s small world is different from the small worlds of other great emperors. There are not only life forms but also monks in your small world.]

[As part of the small world within their bodies, their improved cultivation will naturally promote the improvement of the rules of the small world]

The increase in the concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth promotes the improvement of monks' cultivation, which in turn promotes the improvement of the rules of heaven and earth. This is a virtuous cycle.

Not bad, very good!

Chu Xiu laughed heartily, I never thought that a Sheji Taoist Palace that I built at random would bring me such a surprise today.

Think about it for a while.

He plans to send an incarnation to preach on Blue Star.

After all, improving the Blue Star monk's cultivation level is to improve himself.

Just do it.

He separated an incarnation, plunged into the small world inside his body, and ignored him.

Leave the Dongfu courtyard and stroll along the tree-lined paths of Yunxia Peak.

Warm sunlight shines on your face through the gaps in the leaves.

The tip of my nose smelled the rich floral fragrance in the air.

The nerves that had been tense during this period relaxed a little.

When he reached the mountainside, his figure gradually disappeared into the void and disappeared.


The ancient battlefield of all races, the supreme treasure house.

The towering column towers into the sky, emitting brilliant light.

The main purpose of Chu Xiu entering the Supreme Treasure House this time was to take away some heavenly materials and earthly treasures used for body refining.

Since there are not enough breakthrough points and the rules cannot be improved for the time being, he is ready to start with body refining.

The good news is that the Supreme Treasure House has many divine objects from heaven and earth that can be used to refine the body.

Chu Xiu raised his hand to grab it.

A nebula quivered.

A Xuanhuang exquisite ginseng preserved in it automatically flew into his hand.

The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Ginseng continuously exudes the original energy of Xuanhuang. Its shape is similar to that of mountain ginseng, only the size of a thumb. The top part looks like the head of a red bird, and the tail has ninety-nine long dragon-shaped beards. It is very magical.

Just holding it in the palm of his hand and smelling the rich medicinal fragrance, Chu Xiu felt comfortable all over, his mouth was full of saliva, and he wished he could swallow it immediately.

It is indeed a supreme treasure for body training, and the vitality it contains is truly terrifying.

Chu Xiu took out the jade box with a smile and put the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Ginseng into it. In order to prevent the medicine from being lost, he stamped several restrictions on the surface of the jade box before putting it away.

He raised his head again and looked overhead.

Find useful treasures.

Taichu Scrophulariaceae, it's not bad, it has at least a million years of medicinal power, take it!

Collect the 100,000-year-old Rehmannia glutinosa essence!

Sea of ​​blood and lotus, take it away!

The Tianyang Flame Crystal actually costs twenty yuan, take it, take it!


Chu Xiu was just like visiting his own vegetable garden, collecting treasures from heaven and earth that could make countless monks in the outside world jealous and crazy.

Three days later.

He left the Supreme Treasure House with unfinished thoughts.

Return to the battlefield of all races.

I originally planned to go back to Tianqiong Continent to retreat and refine my body.

Tu Shanyu found him mysteriously.

The main hall of the temple.

Chu Xiu sat high on the throne and looked at the silver-haired fox-eared Lolita standing at the entrance of the palace. He was surprised and asked with a smile: If Yu'er doesn't go to retreat, why do you want to see me?

Master Yin, Yu'er has something to give to Master Yin.

Yu'er's face was red, she was jumping up and down, and ran to Chu Xiu's side happily. She held a storage ring in both hands and presented it to Chu Xiu like a treasure.

What's this?

Chu Xiu reached out and took the storage ring.

Hehe, some time ago, my brother and I teamed up to steal a lot of alien treasures.

Everything is in there, Yu'er wants to give it to Lord Yin. Tu Shanyu raised his head, smiled brightly, and his eyes curved into crescents.

Second update, good night everyone!!

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (

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