Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 244 The Great Emperor is just the beginning, the path to immortality has no end


Note: One unit breakthrough point is approximately equal to 100 billion breakthrough points.

The host consumes 312.1 billion divine essence stones

A total of 321 units of breakthrough points were obtained

[May I ask if the host consumes 10 units of breakthrough points to break through the natal enlightenment method—Chaos Great Freedom Method]

Chu Xiu sat cross-legged on the smooth bluestone and slowly closed his eyes.


The words just fell.


The avenue roared.

An unknown source of supreme power blessed Chu Xiu's body, causing him to enter a mysterious and mysterious state.

The surrounding scenery seemed to be stained with a faint layer of ink. The trees, lakes, courtyards, the bluestone where he sat, and even the entire world became gray.

A few moments.

The ink fades and everything melts.

Heaven and earth cease to exist and return to their origins.

Chu Xiu was in a half-dream and half-awake state, wandering between the heaven and earth filled with the original aura.

Just like soaking in a hot spring, the pores stretch and the blood and flesh cells are jumping for joy. It is extremely comfortable and intoxicating.

After so many years of acquiring the system, this was the first time he experienced such a mysterious feeling.

The sun rises and sets, the sun sets and the sun rises.

Chu Xiu sat cross-legged alone on the bluestone by the lake.

The wind stopped.

The green willow branches on the side stopped swinging.

Worried about disturbing him, the insects in the grass stopped chirping.

There was a faint flicker of chaotic wisdom in Chu Xiu's half-opened and half-closed eyes.

This state lasted for an unknown amount of time.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

It was like an ancient god awakening, his eyes dimmed with chaotic fairy light, and everything he saw turned into nothingness.

Chu Xiu quickly controlled himself.

The chaotic fairy light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and his pupils returned to their original form.

Hundreds of meters away, the original flower beds, tea trees, stone tables and other things had disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Chu Xiu looked back.

A light blue prompt box pops up in front of you.

[Jie Jie Jie, how do you feel? 】

Chu Xiu had mixed feelings.

My understanding of the natal enlightenment method has improved a lot.

However, the strength increased too quickly and I couldn't adapt to it, so there was an overflow of strength.

[Jie Jie Jie, for the first time, I will always be nervous. Only by experiencing the process of pink and tender, and realizing the process of slowly turning to black, can you become familiar with it! 】

Tongzi, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence.

Chu Xiu resisted the urge to complain and looked inwards at himself.

The discovery condition has never been better.

The mysterious and mysterious state is different from the feeling of quickly understanding the skills in a short period of time.

A light blue prompt box appears in front of you.

[Of course it is different. You were too weak in the past, and the skills and magical powers you have learned were all created by predecessors, and there are traces to follow. Now, what you are comprehending is your own method of enlightenment. There is no reference from previous experience, so it is all up to you to comprehend it.】

[The chaos of all things returns to one, which is the foundation of your destiny]

[The previous state allowed you to experience chaos immersively and realize the one]

Chu Xiu was thoughtful and had a clear understanding in his heart.

At this time, Tongzi was like a stern teacher, no longer playing tricks.

[After the previous understanding, you know the next road, how to go, right? 】

[There is no living substance in the starry sky universe, so it is difficult to reverse life and become an immortal]

[But if you are embarking on the two paths of reaching the Tao through rules and breaking the Tao with force at the same time, it will be even more difficult]

[You should now perfect the small world, and at the same time find ways to refine your body and sublime it again]

[Stinky host, only when you truly step onto the level of immortal can you see a higher scenery]

[Forgot to tell you, fairy is also different]

What's the difference between a true immortal and a fake immortal? Chu Xiu said solemnly, I've known this for a long time.

The transcendent ones are the real immortals, and the rest are all fake immortals.

[Jiejiejie, you are right, but true immortals are also divided into strong and weak]

[A powerful fake immortal may not necessarily be weaker than a real immortal even if they fight at the same level]

Chu Xiu frowned, Didn't you say that a true immortal is enough to crush any fake immortal?

His practice time was too short.

It took hundreds of years to achieve the position of great emperor. Before he came into contact with a higher level of power, he had limited knowledge and had such doubts.

【Ho! Why do you think Chu An's father, who is also a true immortal and one of the strongest immortal emperors in the mythical era, was defeated when he was besieged by all parties? 】

How many ants kill an elephant?

Chu Xiu expressed his own understanding.

[Stinky host, do you really think so? 】

[For example, if there are a million Nine Heavens facing you, do you think you will lose? 】

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and realized that this matter was not simple.

With his current strength, not to mention a million Nine-layer Heaven, tens of millions of Nine-layer Heaven experts combined cannot be his opponent.

The strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all, and they cannot win with numbers.


Why did he lose back then?

[The Great Emperor is just the beginning, the path to immortality has no end]

[You stepped into the tenth level of foundation building and built the supreme foundation. So, do you think the emperor also has the ultimate level? 】

Chu Xiu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Tongzi's words were like a thunderbolt passing through his mind.

System dialog boxes continue to pop up.

[There is an essential difference between immortals and mortals]

[The starry sky and universe monks absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and turn it into their own true essence. To perform various secret arts and magical powers, they need to activate a corresponding amount of true essence. And immortals also need to absorb immortality substances and transform the vitality system into immortal power]

Chu Xiu's eyes moved slightly, and he roughly understood what the system said, Back then, my wheel sea was dozens of times larger than that of ordinary monks, and my true energy was dozens of times larger than that of ordinary monks. My combat power was as strong as that of ordinary monks. The reason why I am invincible is because I have reached the tenth level of foundation building.

Does the Emperor feel the same way?

Only when you reach the extreme state can you store more immortal power...

【Yes! 】

[The amount of immortal power fundamentally determines the strength of a monk]

[No matter how thorough your understanding of Tao is, without sufficient support from immortal power, your sustained combat effectiveness and magical power will be greatly reduced]

[No matter how true you are, you will still be beaten to death.]

[Stinky host, do you understand? 】

Chu Xiu nodded.

Tongzi's words are easy to understand.

Such as car racing.

With the way of transcendence, as a true immortal, the performance of his car is better than all cars, but without enough gasoline to support him to keep running, he will eventually be surpassed by other racing drivers.

At this moment, he clearly realized the importance of immortal power.

What should I do to reach the ultimate realm of the Great Emperor?

[Jie Jie Jie, yes, the stronger the foundation of the Great Emperor Realm, the stronger it will be to break through the mortal world]

[This realm determines how far you can go in the future]

[As for how to reach the ultimate realm of the Great Emperor, it is actually very simple]

[Improve the rules of the small world, and then destroy the rules of the small world. Repeat nine times.]

[Your physical body will also be sublimated nine times]

[When you reach the extreme of both paths, and then break through the Red Dust Immortal, you will become the strongest Red Dust Immortal in all time]

Stare at the system prompt box.

Chu Xiu's eyes widened in disbelief, and he blurted out: Are you kidding me?

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