Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 239 Heavenly Road, Locust Tree


A long corridor made of colorful lights.

The magnetic storm is coming towards you.

Chu Xiu strolled among them, his long black hair flying, not affected at all.

Auroras flashed before his eyes.

Chu Xiu half-closed his eyes, realizing the rules of the world here.

It was discovered that the rules here are no different from those on the Sky Continent.

The vitality of heaven and earth is not particularly strong. In short, it is far inferior to the human temple.

Wisps of starlight came into view.


Tens of thousands of miles away from the corridor, an irregular oval gap appeared.

Chu Xiu slowly approached.

When he was thousands of miles away, he stopped.

The expression on his face became extremely strange.


The starlight gap let out a deafening roar.

A big tongue shining with bright starlight, as fast as lightning, spanned thousands of miles in an instant and rushed straight to Chu Xiu's face.

So brave.

Chu Xiu sneered and pointed out, the magic power was overwhelming and the stars were shattered.


The seemingly indestructible tongue suddenly shattered when faced with Chu Xiu's finger.


The unknown monster howled in pain and disappeared in an instant.

Also disappearing at the same time was the starlight gap similar to the exit of the corridor.

The peak of the Holy King!

Chu Xiu sensed the monster's aura and immediately judged the opponent's power level.

No wonder the old monk said that the Heavenly Road is in danger.

It opens its mouth to pretend to exit, luring the monks to walk into its mouth. It's really hard to guard against it.

Shaking his head, Chu Xiu continued to move forward.

Half an hour later.

Chu Xiu encountered another starlight monster.

This time, he didn't hold back and killed him directly.

An hour later, Chu Xiu discovered the real exit.

Leave the colorful light corridor.

At his feet is a huge boulder suspended in mid-air, with a diameter of several thousand miles.

Chu Xiu stared intently.

Except for the colorful fluorescent light emitting from the boulders under their feet, it was pitch black in all directions and nothing could be seen clearly.

Directly in front, on the edge of the boulder, was a collapsed ruin, with half an archway slanted above the ruins.

It has gone through endless years, and the ancient characters carved on the archway have become very blurry.

Only by carefully identifying it can you see the content clearly.

Chu Xiu didn't know the ancient characters, but strangely, he clearly knew the meaning of those two ancient characters.

sky Road--

It turns out that this is the real starting point of the Heavenly Road.

Chu Xiu stepped forward.

The emperor-level spiritual thoughts were overwhelming and spread out, scanning the pile of ruins that were unknown tens of thousands of years ago.

After making sure there is nothing abnormal.

He withdrew his spiritual thoughts.



A whistling sound came from overhead.

Chu Xiu raised his head.

Countless meteors the size of rice grains and colorful, cut through the dark space, falling from top to bottom, getting faster and faster.

in a blink.

Meteors can expand from the size of a grain of rice to a diameter of thousands of miles.

They were like luminous islands, falling around the floating island where Chu Xiu was, floating quietly, but no longer falling.

The islands vary in shape and size.

On it grow all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures, all kinds of spiritual grasses, spiritual plants, and Taoist fruit trees, countless of them.


The island burst out with bright light, converging into a bridge of light that connected to the floating island where Chu Xiu was.

Next, Chu Xiu needed to choose a light bridge and set foot on a floating island.

Different floating islands represent different directions of progress.

There are 4,999 floating islands around Chuxiu.

Representative, he has a total of 4,999 choices and 4,999 ways forward.

However, Chu Xiu was not prepared to choose any island.

He has no interest in the natural resources and treasures on the island.

After some induction.

I found that the dark space around me was indeed filled with air restrictions.

The ban is very powerful.

Generally, the Nine Heavens are suppressed and unable to fly. They can only continue to move forward by passing through floating islands.

However, these things could not stop Chu Xiu.

He made secrets with one hand, used the Secret Formation, and threw formation flags in all directions.

After completely suppressing the ban.

Chu Xiu flew into the dark night sky, walking quickly through the darkness and following the light of the island.

While moving forward, he was also observing the situation on the island.

There are indeed many treasures on the island, but they are also full of dangers.

He saw the corpses of many monks wearing black robes or monks' robes.

Blood-sucking mosquitoes as big as pot lids clung to the bodies, gnawing at their flesh and blood.

There are also some islands shrouded in various poisonous mist. If a monk steps into them rashly, his body will be corroded into blood and his soul will be destroyed in an instant.

Chu Xiu's eyes moved slightly, changed direction, and turned into a golden stream of light and flew upward.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, he stopped.

All around was pitch black.

Chu Xiu murmured to himself, There is no end above, and there should be no end below.

He lowered his head. From this distance, the glowing island was no longer visible.

“It’s such a magical space.”

Chu Xiu sank and returned to the sky above the light island.

He tried to tear open the void, but the space here was extremely stable. Even if he was now a powerful emperor, he could not shake it at all.

Chu Xiu had no choice but to continue moving along the luminous island group.

At his current speed.

It took three days to fly to the end of the island group.

It is hard to imagine how much time it would take an ordinary monk to travel from island to island, and how many crises he would have to go through.

Chu Xiu was suspended in mid-air, staring into the distance.

At the end of the island group, there is a larger island connected to it.

It is millions of miles in diameter, and its surface is covered with eternal ice.

Even though he was tens of thousands of miles away, Chu Xiu could still feel the biting chill.

No, that's not a chill, it's an ice rule.

The entire island is shrouded in ice rules.

Creatures rashly step into it, unable to resist the almost regular chill, their vitality will be annihilated in an instant, and their bodies will turn into ice sculptures.

There are tens of thousands of human-shaped ice sculptures in Iceland.

They are monks who came here through the luminous island, but unfortunately they stayed on this Iceland forever.

Chu Xiu is naturally not afraid of the ice rules here.

He took one step and crossed this island millions of miles in diameter.

The second blood-red flame mountain came into view.

The same size as Iceland.

The bloody flames are burning in the sky, so it is better that the space here is stable, otherwise, the space will be burned and collapsed by the high temperature.

Chu Xiu crossed the Flame Mountain in one step.

The third mountain that appeared on the road was a mountain of swords. The swords on it were all over the place, killing anyone who dared to step into it.

Chu Xiu used his strength to break the path, and his physical body was incredibly strong, so he was naturally not afraid of these sword intentions.

Who is that young man in black robe? He used his body to resist the sword's intention and forced himself to fly over the mountain of swords.

Wait a minute, there is a restricted airspace here, why can he fly?

Between the volcano and Knife Mountain, in a canyon.

Two men, one woman, and three monks stared blankly at the figure disappearing in the sky.


We have gone through a lot of hardships and countless companions died along the way to get here.

However, others just took one step and completed the journey that took us more than ten years or hundreds of years.

The nun dressed in azure blue and sea green has dull eyes and an extremely bitter smile.

Minghui, let's move on!

The muscular, shirtless man dressed as a warrior monk said in a deep voice.

Okay, keep going.

Even if we die, we will die on the road!


As Chu Xiu went deeper and deeper.

He encountered fewer and fewer monks.

Gradually even the traces of the monks disappeared.

Chu Xiu was moving too fast.

It was completed in a month, a distance that other monks would find difficult to cross in their lifetimes.

This day.

He stopped.

Her clothes were long and her hair was flowing, and she stood on a piece of bluestone with her hands behind her hands.


The earth was stained with blood, and the blood was as thick as ink. In the center of the blood-stained earth, a banyan tree stood quietly. The trunk was eighty thousand feet high. The branches and leaves of its crown covered the sky and the sun, and its diameter reached hundreds of thousands of feet.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and murmured: This banyan tree reminds me of an old friend.

Second update...Good night everyone

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