Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 238 Reclining Buddha, Far North, Tianmen


Under Chu Xiu’s gloomy gaze.

The old monk felt a stinging pain in his cheek.

That's not an illusion.

But the most real feeling.

He even suspected that if he continued, he would be killed by Chu Xiu's eyes.

This is no exaggeration.

At Chu Xiu's level, if he were to kill a seventh-level person, he wouldn't need to move a finger at all, just look at him and kill him.

The old monk was under great pressure, his wrinkled old face squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, Your Majesty, please calm down...

It's not that I don't want to share the heavenly road.

For a hundred thousand years, in order to explore the secrets of the Heavenly Road, the Western Desert Buddhist Kingdom has paid a huge price. If it is shared for free, we will not be able to account for those monks who died on the Heavenly Road.

Your Majesty, please understand!

The old monk finished speaking bravely, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, clasped his hands together, lowered his head and did not dare to look at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu stared at him with his dark and deep eyes, and then looked at the other monks.

caught his eye.

The monks quickly clasped their hands, lowered their heads and chanted the Buddha's name.

Hmph, these great monks don't know what is good and what is evil.

Before His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor attained enlightenment, he was recognized by the human temple and selflessly provided it to all the monks in the sky for training. It's a good thing that these Western Desert monks are still digging around and bargaining with the Heavenly Emperor when the catastrophe is approaching...

They're so selfish.

Let's just destroy the Western Desert. They don't regard themselves as monks in the Sky Continent anyway.

The monks discussed loudly and sneered again and again. Anyway, with the great emperor Chu Xiu in charge, they were not afraid of the monk's attack and did not hesitate to speak.

The sound of discussion reached my ears, and I felt the murderous intention of the monks watching.

The monks and nuns looked pale, sweating profusely, soaking their clothes.

Chu Xiu had just regained an imperial weapon.

At this time, the evil power is at its peak.

They were really worried that Chu Xiu slapped Xi Mo into powder with a furious slap.

Chu Xiu raised his right hand and pressed it softly.

The melon-eating monks watching in the void all closed their mouths and silently looked at the figure on the top of Foshan Mountain.

As long as Chu Xiu gives the order.

They don't mind following Chu Xiu and destroying the entire Western Desert.

The entire Foshan fell into silence and silence.

The great monks did not dare to breathe.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.


Chu Xiu’s clear laughter echoed on the mountain top.

I have a pure heart and am definitely not a murderous person. There is no need to be nervous.

Hear the words.

The great monks and nuns all had strange expressions on their faces, and they were full of curses in their hearts.

Pure hearted?

Not a murderous person?

You have no idea how Mr. Chu got such a big name back then.

The more kind Chu Xiu behaves, the more nervous, worried and uneasy they become.

Who among the people in the world doesn’t know that Chu Xiu’s thoughts are more volatile than that of a woman?

After guessing everyone's thoughts, Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh, People in the world have misunderstood me for a long time.

He turned his head and stared at the old monk presiding over, Let's not talk about sharing information about Tianlu. I want to go to Tianlu and see for myself.

Do you have any objections?

When the old monk heard this, he let out a long sigh of relief and clasped his hands together, Amitabha~

Your Majesty is going to heaven, so of course we don't dare to stop him.

It's just that there are many dangers on the road...

Chu Xiu waved his hand to interrupt him, If I will perish even if I enter, it would be better to seal this heavenly road to prevent everyone from entering and dying.

Seeing that I couldn't persuade him.

The old monk said no more, Your Majesty, please come with me!

Chu Xiu nodded, rolled up the sleeves of his robe and lay on the ground. The lifeless clone of Wang Ling said loudly to the surrounding monks, You will leave quickly.

The great calamity is approaching, don't waste your last training time!

I will obey the decree of the Emperor of Heaven——

I will obey the decree of the Emperor of Heaven——

The monks quickly bowed and saluted, not daring to stay any longer. They fled into the void in groups and left quickly.

Foshan has regained its tranquility.

The old monk led Chu Xiu away from Foshan, the center, and flew further west toward the West Desert.

Pu Nan, Universal, the two Bodhisattvas did not follow and watched them go away.

Walking on the layers of clouds, overlooking the entire Western Desert, a strange color flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes.

He once lived in the Western Desert for a period of time.

At that time, my level was too low and I didn’t see anything strange.

Now, after breaking through the Great Emperor of the Great Dao, he came back to the Western Desert and saw something completely different.

He overlooked the Western Desert.

Ancient temples and temples can be seen everywhere. They seem to be located in a chaotic place, but in fact they have other mysteries.

In Chu Xiu's eyes, ancient temples and temples were faintly connected together, just like blood vessels.

The ubiquitous Vow Power Buddha Light is the blood in the blood vessels.

The veins of mountains and rivers are bones, the earth is flesh and blood, and the power of wishes is blood.

All these combinations look like a sleeping Buddha, lying on the land of the Western Desert.

Chu Xiu was surprised and asked the old monk if there was any secret in it.

However, the old monk shook his head, indicating that he did not know that what Chu Xiu described was not recorded in the Buddhist classics.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Chu Xiu stopped asking and silently kept this discovery in his heart.

The two flew for more than an hour.

When you reach the extreme north of the Western Desert, you can see the sea if you continue for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Chu Xiu could already smell the salty humidity in the air.

Look up.

The sky is colorful.

Magnificent auroras fill the sky, beautiful, mysterious and intoxicating.

The Western Desert is really a mysterious and dazzling place.

No matter how many times you see such a beautiful scene, you will always be amazed.

Your Majesty is right. The old monk clasped his hands together and smiled kindly.

When the gray fog spreads into the starry sky outside the Sky Continent, this scene will disappear! Chu Xiu sighed quietly.

The old monk's expression changed.

I wonder if His Majesty's Great Wall project still lacks manpower?

Chu Xiu turned his head to look at the old monk and raised the corners of his mouth, It's lacking, why isn't it lacking? Not only is it lacking people, it's also lacking resources.

He raised his right hand and patted the old monk's shoulder heavily, Old bald man, it seems you have figured it out.

The old monk felt as if his shoulder was being hit by a real dragon, and his physical bones were about to fall apart. He endured the severe pain and said with a bitter smile: It's not that the West Desert Buddhist Kingdom didn't respond to your call.

For the past 100,000 years, the focus of the Western Desert has been on the Heavenly Road. In order to explore the Heavenly Road, we have paid too much.

We are really unwilling to not explore it clearly.

Chu Xiu looked at him with a half-smile, Why have you changed your mind now?

The old monk smiled bitterly and said, Your Majesty has decided to explore it himself, so that all our men on the Heavenly Road can be withdrawn.

Looking at the colorful aurora for nine days, I saw a stone door through the void.

On the surface of the stone door, most of the runes have been erased by erosion over the ages.

It is also because of this that the Western Desert Buddhist Kingdom discovered its existence.

Where is the road to heaven?

Yes, Your Majesty, that is Tianmen.

It's really secret, no wonder no one has been able to discover the Heavenly Road in these years!

Chu Xiu withdrew his gaze and took a step forward.

The space is like a wave, spreading out layer by layer.

His Majesty!

The old monk called out.

Chu Xiu had already entered the stone door.

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