Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 236 Transformation and Intelligence



A glint flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes, and he sat up straighter.

Is there any more specific information?

The man in black robe thought for a moment, shook his head and said, The beings who are in contact with me rarely talk to me about things other than the Sky Continent. They will not disclose to me the relevant information about their organization.

But Your Majesty, I have obtained some extraterrestrial intelligence from my interactions with them over the years.

The pattern of the sky is very strange.

It is roughly divided into three forces!

Chu Xiu nodded and motioned for him to continue.

The three forces are the overt forces, the hidden forces, and the gray mist monster group with simple wisdom. The man in black robe was very cooperative and told the information he knew in detail.

The secret forces are represented by the Black Robe Organization. Such forces are so elusive that few people know their details.

There are quite a lot of forces on the surface, and I don't know exactly who the men in black robes are.

As for the gray fog monsters, Chu Xiu heard from Wan Qiu that they were the most numerous and could not be killed.

The sealing power of the starry sky universe is disappearing, and many forces in the outer world will send people here.

Their goal seems to be a treasure...

And my task is to organize behind the scenes and keep an eye on your Majesty's every move.

I heard the word Treasure.

Chu Xiu's eyes moved slightly and he guessed what the treasure in the black robe was.

Most likely it's the blue bead.


It is no longer in the starry sky universe.

As for the reason why the black robe organization is targeting him.

He knew it a hundred thousand years ago, so he doesn't need to ask anymore.

Chu Xiu secretly wrote down the information one by one and continued to ask, Why are the monks in Tianwaitian not afraid of the erosion of gray fog?

The man in black robe said he didn't know either.


Chu Xiu stood up.

He asked almost everything that needed to be asked.

The black-robed man's pupils suddenly shrank, he knelt on the ground and buried his head deeply.

Next, his life and death depended only on Chu Xiu's thoughts.

Has anyone ever placed a restraint on your body?

Chu Xiu's calm voice reached his ears.

The man in black robe trembled.

Reporting to your majesty, they did not impose a ban on me!

He slowly raised his head, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled flatteringly, It's actually best to control people like me.

The great road and strength are all in vain. What I seek is longevity...

Living is what a villain pursues throughout his life.

As long as I can live, I can do anything, including betraying Tianqiong Continent and betraying Tianwaitian.

I know that your Majesty, you cannot trust someone like me.

The man in black robe kowtowed heavily:

I have learned through intelligence over the years that you have a way of distorting monks' cognition.

Please ask Your Majesty to use that method on me. I am willing to completely surrender to Your Majesty and become your most obedient dog.

I just ask Your Majesty to spare my life.

Looking down at the man in black robe kneeling at his feet.

Chu Xiu raised his head and laughed: Interesting, interesting. A guy like you who has no bottom line is really interesting!

The man in black robe also quickly apologized.

What your Majesty said is absolutely true. My bottom line is that there is no bottom line!


Chu Xiu's smile faded and he stared at the man in black robe, People like you are indeed rare, and you are indeed useful to me.

You know what to do, right?

The man in black robe grinned sinisterly: Your Majesty wants me to be an internal agent.


I need information from Tianwaitian.

Chu Xiu waved his sleeves, spoke in a low tone, and said with a ferocious smile, Don't they regard me as prey? Then I will hunt them back and make his life worse than death.

His eyes fell on the man in black robe.

Do you really want to continue living?

Your Majesty, please grant me your permission. The man in black robe said sincerely.

Okay, I'll make it happen for you.

Say it!

There was a void above Chu Xiu's head, and the avenue roared.

In the eyes of the man in black robe, Chu Xiu's figure continued to rise, filling the entire world in an instant.

He is so majestic that the universe seems insignificant compared to him.

The man in black robe's pupils widened.

For the first time, I clearly realized my own insignificance.

A nebula appeared behind Chu Xiu.

That is the Blue Star cosmic projection.

At the very center of the nebula is the Milky Way galaxy where the blue star is located.

The bright starlight was like ribbons hanging down, gradually covering the man in black robe.

The man in black robe closed his eyes and did not struggle.

He knew what was coming next.

But, he has no regrets!

It's better to die than live.

The man in black robe comforted himself, So what if I become Chu Xiu's dog? Anyway, I'm used to being a dog.


The consciousness of the man in black robe fell into darkness.

He clearly felt an extremely powerful force rushing into his body.

Constantly transforming his avenue and distorting his thinking and cognition.


The man in black robe's mind went blank.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Deep in the soul, a murmuring voice sounded.

Like the most beautiful song in the world, full of endless magic.

The man in black robe was completely addicted to it in an instant. He returned to his childhood and his mother's arms, and could no longer maintain himself.

A few quarters of an hour later.

The eyelids of the man in black robe lying on the ground twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He turned to look at Chu Xiu's back.

His eyes were no longer frightened, but only filled with enthusiasm and reverence.

He quickly stood up, came behind Chu Xiu, and knelt down on one knee.

Wang Ling meets the master~

At this moment, he respected Chu Xiu as if he were a god, and he could no longer feel any betrayal.

Chu Xiu turned around and stared at the man in black robes, the corners of his mouth raised, and he was in a very good mood.

If Wang Ling makes good use of this chess piece, he can definitely catch Tianwaitian by surprise.

How does it feel?

Reporting to Master, my condition is better than ever.

Wang Ling looked at Chu Xiu fervently, Master, my path is boundless. My strength has increased by at least 50%.

Not bad - Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction, Go and kill the mermaid queen!

She's so noisy!

As you command——

Wang Ling accepted the order, raised his hand to tear open the void, and crossed across.


In the sky above Poseidon, there was the sound of fierce fighting.

The battle lasted less than half a quarter of an hour.

The void opened behind Chu Xiu.

Wang Ling, dressed in black robes, walked out of the void, holding a bloody human head in his hands.

The Mermaid Queen left, walking very uneasily, her eyes widened and almost bulged out of their sockets, the expression on her face was vicious and ferocious.

Not bad.

Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction and patted his shoulder with appreciation.

The same is the quasi-emperor ninth level.

The man in black robe who has experienced the transformation of Guiyi Avenue is much stronger than the Mermaid Queen.

Chu Xiu was very satisfied.

Wang Ling lowered his head slightly and said respectfully: Thanks to the master's cultivation, otherwise it would be almost impossible for me to take down the Mermaid Queen who has the imperial weapon.

Master, the Queen's Scepter is suspended above Poseidon.

My subordinates have limited strength and cannot take away the revived imperial weapon.

Master please punish...

Chu Xiu chuckled, It's okay, I'll just come and take it.

After saying this, he raised his hand and tore open a crack in the space.

His right hand reached inside.

next moment.

In the sky above Poseidon, a giant hand holding up the sky appeared that was several times larger than the planet.

Countless mermaids heard the noise and looked up at the sky.

They were still in shock from the previous battle.

What is that~

The sudden appearance of the giant hand holding the sky made them even more frightened.

The strong man from the human fish tribe came back to his senses and shouted angrily:

No, his target is our clan's imperial weapon, stop him quickly!

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