Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 235 Your Majesty, I will be your dog



Seeing Chu Xiu appear in front of him with such unpredictable means.

The man in black robe was immediately frightened to death. He staggered back a few steps, stared at Chu Xiu with a horrified face, and asked in a trembling voice: How did you find him here?

Chu Xiu said nothing, just stared at the man in black robe silently.

With every step he took, the man in black robe took a step back.

The air seemed to have solidified, and it was extremely depressing.

Fear, despair, and all kinds of negative emotions flooded into the black-robed man and the mermaid queen hiding in the dark.

The pressure Chu Xiu brought to them was too great.

Faced with such an invincible being, they couldn't see any way out.

The man in black robe was forced into a corner, with his back against the cold and rough wall, his pupils trembling, staring at the majestic figure in front of him, trembling like a mouse.

Or maybe it was because Chu Xiu put too much pressure on him.

Or because of fear of death.

The man in black robe's knees weakened and he knelt directly at Chu Xiu's feet.

God...His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, please spare my life.

Chu Xiu looked down at the man in black robe, his blurred face showed no expression, and his pair of dark eyes showed no emotion at all.

A few breaths ago, he was still talking loudly and didn't take Chu Xiu seriously. After a few breaths, when he faced Chu Xiu, he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

It’s true that things in the world are unpredictable, and the big intestine wraps up the small intestine.

You have let me down too much!

Chu Xiu raised his foot, kicked the man in black robe over, and then trampled him under his feet.

The man in black robe did not dare to struggle, his eyes were obedient, and he did not dare to show any resentment or hatred.

There was even a flattering smile on the old face.

As long as he can survive, he can work for an organization outside the world, and he can also be a dog for Chu Xiu.

Infected by strangeness, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. He has seen too many amazing and talented people drowned in the long river of time. It is exactly what he said. The longer he lives, the more he fears death and the more he wants to continue living. .....

He can betray Tianqiong Continent for the sake of longevity, and he can also betray the Tianwai Organization for the sake of longevity.


Only living people deserve dignity.

Your Majesty, I am still useful...

The man in black robe, whose face was stepped on by Chu Xiu, struggled to speak.

Chu Xiu had a clear view of his expression and understood the other party's plan. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: No, I take back what I said before.

You are indeed a character.

Able to bend and stretch——

A flattering smile appeared on the face of the old man in black: Your Majesty, you are so flattering. I am just an old dog who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

Chu Xiu raised his feet and moved away from his face.

The man in black robe quickly stood up and knelt at Chu Xiu's feet again.

Your Majesty, I know a lot of information about Tianwaitian.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't show the value of Chu Xiu's interest in time, what would happen to him would definitely be worse than death.

Chu Xiu turned around and came to the window, pulled out a chair made entirely of shells, and sat down slowly.

Put your hands on the armrests of the chair.

The fingers tapped rhythmically.

Make a beep beep beep sound——

The man in black robe walked forward on his knees, like a pug, and moved to crawl in front of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu turned his head and looked out the window at the scenery.

The sky is as blue as water, the sea is endless, and seabirds fly in groups, flying freely among the clouds.

On the beach glowing with colorful lights, several mermaid girls with scantily clad clothes and exotic styles were chatting and laughing, picking up beautiful shells washed up on the beach by the waves.

Further away, huge sea beasts surfaced from the sea from time to time, making melodious and high-pitched calls, along with the sound of waves hitting the rocks, floating leisurely on the salty sea breeze.

“What a great place to vacation!”

Chu Xiu sighed.

Scenes appeared in my mind.

Master and the others wore various styles of swimsuits and played beach basketball on the beach.

He was wearing sunglasses, lying under a parasol and drinking ice Coke.

Thinking, thinking, he fell into a trance.

Seeing his silence, the man in black robe kneeling at his feet felt his heart suddenly sink to the bottom, and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

Is he considering what kind of cruel means he should use to manipulate me?

Well, that's definitely the case.

Damn it, I'm willing to be a dog, and you still want to mess with me?

Please be human!

The man in black robe was cursing in his heart, but his expression was extremely respectful, and he didn't dare to breathe for fear of making Chu Xiu unhappy.

The Mermaid Queen has tried three hundred times and still has not given up her plan to escape.

Do you think she can escape?

Chu Xiu withdrew his gaze and suddenly spoke.

The man in black robe quickly bowed his head and bowed, In front of Your Majesty, even a mere mermaid queen wants to fight to the death. It is simply ridiculous.


Chu Xiu nodded, You are smart. When my clone appeared, you easily sealed the entire star.

Not even a fly can leave Poseidon without my permission.

The man in black robe bowed his head and offered a barrage of rainbow farts.

Chu Xiu stared at the obedient man in black robes and waved his hands impatiently, Stop pretending.

Let me ask you.

Excuse me, Your Majesty. I will tell you everything I know. The man in black robe kowtowed quickly.

What's with that ominous aura about you?

Chu Xiu felt an aura similar to Kuafu's from the black-robed man himself.

He was all too familiar with that ominous curse.

It was also because of this that he did not kill the man in black robe immediately.

At the same time, he also considered the operability.

If the man in black robe is controlled and transformed and becomes his second son, he will not be blind when dealing with visitors from outside the world in the future.

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy and you will be victorious in any battle.

He, Chu Xiu, is confident but not arrogant. He will naturally use the power he can use.

This ominous curse comes from the sky beyond the sky. It is a strange energy, similar to the vitality of heaven and earth, which contains a large amount of immortality.

That's why a villain can live for hundreds of thousands of years without running out of life. The man in black robe did not dare to hide anything and slowly explained the reason.

Chu Xiu hummed and continued to ask.

Why don't other people in black robes have this kind of energy in their bodies?

The man in black robe curled his lips disdainfully, Your Majesty, you look down on those hot chicks. They don't deserve the gift at all...

The reason why you can live so long is just because you have absorbed some living substance residues.

Your Majesty must have noticed that they all look strange, right?

That's the price of absorbing the residue.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows.

The expression of the man in black robe changed, he slapped himself hard, lowered his head, I got carried away with my pride, your majesty, please forgive me.

Chu Xiu crossed his legs, took out a pot of Mo Xiangyi, filled a cup, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, put down the cup, and asked: What is the name of the organization you are loyal to, how big is it, and how many strong people are there?

I don't know the specific name. The man in black robe lowered his head, However, one time when they were communicating with me, I happened to learn some information.

That organization is huge even if you look at Tianwaitian, and it is also a secret organization. Very few people in Tianwaitian know of their existence.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (

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