
Tianqiong Continent·Northern Territory, Yaochi Holy Land.

The mountains are lined with cliffs and are of extraordinary beauty, with waterfalls and springs and misty water.

Viewed from the sky, inside the Holy Land, palaces and pavilions are suspended in mid-air. They are extremely beautiful and the scenery is no different from that of the fairyland.

One of the two most beautiful peaks in Yaochi is called Shengluan Peak, where all the saints of the past dynasties have lived.

Shengluan Peak is lush and green, with exotic flowers and plants everywhere. The mountain is full of spiritual energy, with thousands of auspicious clouds. Divine birds are circling, chasing each other and playing. At the highest mountain stream, a large waterfall falls down, and the Milky Way is ten thousand feet long. It is very The spectacular.

From top to bottom, the waterfall splashes a vast expanse of white mist, forming a magnificent rainbow bridge under the sunlight.

The girl with a graceful figure and a face covered by white gauze walked on a wisp of green clouds under her feet. Her clothes were fluttering. When she jumped over the waterfall, she didn't care that the hem of her skirt got wet by the splashing water.

She hurriedly flew towards Shengluan Peak.

They flew outside the Saintess' Palace. Before the flying sword landed, the girl jumped to the ground first. Her feet stumbled, her body staggered, and she fell on her back.


An afterimage swept quickly from the Saintess' Palace.

He grabbed her belt and lifted her up.

The visitor was a female cultivator in her early thirties, wearing a gorgeous purple dress that outlined her long, graceful curves, making her look mature and attractive.

She also covered her face with white gauze, and her eyes were as soft as water.

He glared at the girl angrily.

You girl, why are you still so irritable?

Hey~ The girl frowned and scratched her head.

Tell me, what happened that made you so urgent. Seeing that she still looked so naive, Qimeng sighed helplessly.

Only then did the girl react. She grabbed Qimeng's hand and said urgently: Uncle Qimeng, Holy Son Chu Xiu is outside the mountain gate now.

Qimeng was startled when she heard this.

Chu Xiu?

Isn't he practicing in seclusion in Ancient Wilderness? When did he return to Tianqiong Continent?

After being stunned for a moment, Qimeng realized that now was not the time to think about these things. Chu Xiu's status and strength were now different from those in the past, so she could not neglect her. So, she looked at the girl and ordered: The saint is in retreat. Go and inform the saint now. Girl, I’ll go greet Mr. Chu Xiu.”

Yeah-- The charming girl nodded repeatedly and ran to the Saint's Palace.

Qimeng straightened her clothes, stepped on the void, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the mountain gate of Yaochi Holy Land.


The gate of Yaochi Holy Land is beautiful and full of ancient charm. It is not as grand as the gate of Taisu Holy Land, but looks much more graceful and refined.

It is worthy of being the only holy place in Tianqiong Continent that only recruits female disciples. Even the mountain gate gives people the feeling of beauty.

at this time.

Chu Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a simple black robe. His long hair was like ink, swaying in the breeze.

His temperament is otherworldly, and even if he doesn't show the slightest bit of coercion on his body, people dare not look at him.

Several female disciples from Yaochi lowered their heads, their ears and fair necks were red, and their hearts were pounding.

The little girl guarding the mountain gate is young, and she is at the peak of her curiosity.

Communicate with each other through spiritual communication.

Ah! Is this Saint Taisu?

Yeah, he's so good-looking...

It's hard to imagine that there is such a perfect man in the world.

Compared to other great religions, the proud son of the Immortal Dynasty is just as ugly as a monster.

He is really good-looking! Especially his ethereal and ethereal temperament is so attractive!

I don't mind being a disciple of Yaochi. I want to join Taisu Holy Land...

Don't have such wishful thinking. His Royal Highness the Holy Son must have come to our Holy Land this time to meet our Saint.

Have you heard? It seems that our saint already has...

What state is Old Demon Chu now in?

Among the few female cultivators, the strongest ones were only in the realm of supernatural powers, so how could the sound transmitted by divine thoughts escape his ears.

Hear the end.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman in the colorful skirt. .

He is estimated to be in his early twenties, with short light blue hair reaching his shoulders, fair skin, and youthful appearance.

Little girl, you know the meaning of fragments.

What does Feng Yao have? You can tell me.

Old Demon Chu, who eavesdropped on the little girls' private conversations, was going to be disappointed after all.

Feel his gaze.

The blue-short-haired woman's cheeks suddenly became hot. She lowered her head in panic, pinched the corner of her clothes, stopped jumping wildly, and stopped talking.


Chu Xiu was speechless.

Fortunately, at this time, Qimeng quickly flew out from the Holy Land.

Elder Qimeng——

I've met Elder Qimeng——

I've met Elder Qimeng——

Qimeng nodded slightly and turned her head to look at Chu Xiu. Under the white gauze, her red lips were slightly raised as she walked closer, bringing with her a refreshing fragrance.

She bowed slightly and saluted, speaking softly:

Lord Chu Xiu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your style is even better than before.

I haven't seen Elder Qimeng for many years and he has broken through to the Saint King realm. It's really gratifying. Chu Xiu nodded with a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Qimeng's gentle and watery eyes moved slightly and looked at Chu Xiu, My level is nothing compared to Lord Chu Xiu.

I don't know why Mr. Chu Xiu came to our Yaochi. Why don't we just enter the Holy Land and let you wait here? It would be rude of us.

After saying that, she turned back and glared at the little girls, feigning anger: Why don't you welcome the distinguished guests into the Holy Land? How can it be disrespectful to neglect such distinguished guests?

The little girls quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Qimeng.

Chu Xiu waved his hand, I haven't seen Feng Yao for decades, so I came here specifically to see her today.

The visitor is a guest. How can I trespass into the Holy Land without informing the host?

They just follow the rules.

Elder Qimeng, don't blame these little girls.

Qimeng smiled sweetly. Although she knew that Chu Xiu was so polite to her because of the saint's face, she was still very happy and comfortable in her heart...

Who is Chu Xiu?

The most powerful man in the Sky Continent, the Optimist Pillar of countless living beings.

For an ordinary monk to see him and say a few words to his character, it would be a blessing from heaven.

But he can be treated politely by the other party.

How could Qimeng be unhappy?

Master Chu Xiu, please follow me into the Holy Land. I have already summoned the Saint. I believe she will be released soon!

Well, thank you. Chu Xiu nodded.

While talking, the two of them turned into two streams of light and disappeared into the mountain gate.

Looking towards the direction where their backs disappeared.

The girl with light blue short hair patted her chest, and her little face under the veil was filled with a smile, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is really as gentle as jade, and he is a true gentleman!

Isn't it?

The girl in plain skirt next to her nodded in agreement, Other important figures from ancient families and the Holy Land came to visit our Holy Land without even looking at us.

Hmph, in the eyes of those big shots, we are just ants that can be wiped out with a flip of a hat. Of course they won't look at us seriously.

The girl with short hair was angry.

Immediately, the look of obsession appeared in his eyes again.

Only His Highness Chu Xiu looks at us as if we are looking at one person.

In the past, people said that His Highness Chu Xiu was a murderous demon. I think this is not the case. The world has misunderstood Chu Xiu for a long time!

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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