Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 209 Xue Yueqing’s secluded place has to form a word secret and a number secret


Everyone knows that Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing became enlightened through an ordinary hare.

But I don't know where his birthplace is.

Xue Yueqing personally told Chu Xiu that Qingyun Valley was his birthplace.

The inheritance of the secret composition was left here by him.

Chu Xiu was walking in the canyon of Yixiantian.

It seemed careless, but the speed was surprisingly fast. He took one step and was thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye.

Half an hour later.

He stopped in front of an oval-shaped stone about half a meter high, covered with moss.

Chu Xiu closed his eyes and felt carefully.

Sure enough, there is the aura left by Xue Yueqing.

Chu Xiu raised his hand and drew a swastika seal in the air according to the method given by Xue Yueqing.

A flick of the finger.

The swastika is submerged in the oval stone.


The stone vibrates and radiates high temperatures.

The wet moss on the surface of the stone was instantly evaporated.

Immediately, a blazing white light shot out, reflecting on the cliff next to it, forming the outline of a door as high as a person.

Chu Xiu walked closer.

A familiar voice reached my ears.

This emperor is the Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing.

Junior, if you want to accept the inheritance of this emperor, you must complete three trials. This emperor does not focus on talent when selecting successors, but focuses on testing the character. Are you ready?

call out--

He just finished speaking.

Seven formation flags flew out and disappeared into the stone wall.

The light gate changes from virtual to real.

Junior, you actually understand the formation. Very good, very good, very good.

You will pass the first trial.

the second....


Chu Xiu punched out, the golden fist power surged, and the rocks and space were blasted into nothingness.

He took a step into the dark space.

Step on a trail of white light and follow the guidance.

At the beginning it was very narrow, but the talent made it through. After taking a few hundred steps, it suddenly became enlightened.

A lush green bamboo forest comes into view.

There is a small courtyard next to the bamboo forest.

The main entrance of the small courtyard is connected to a dirt road, which winds forward. On both sides of the road, there are several cultivated fields covered with weeds.

This situation is very peaceful.

Many years ago, Xue Yueqing should have lived in seclusion here.

Chu Xiu walked closer.

Push open the door of the fence outside the small courtyard and enter the small courtyard.

The courtyard is cleaner than expected, with no weeds growing.

The blue brick and tile house looks like it was just built, without any sense of dilapidation.

Chu Xiu was walking in the courtyard and stopped in front of two small earthen bags.

There are several smooth stones stacked in front of the mound.

This is the Stone Tomb~

Chu Xiu lowered his eyes and looked.

There are two rows of ancient characters carved on the top stone.

The mother of the Dian family, the sister of the Dian family.

There are two deep footprints on the ground next to the stone tomb.

Presumably, Xue Yueqing often stood here alone at night, drinking and talking to his relatives about his worries...

However, what puzzled Chu Xiu was.

Xue Yueqing is a powerful person at the level of the Great Emperor.

There should be no problem in rescuing two hares from the long river of time, right?

Think about it carefully.

There was a hint of understanding in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Xue Yueqing is a good emperor.

But his relatives are dumb hares.

So what if we rescue them? Can they remember Xue Yueqing?

Facing Xue Yueqing, they won't feel friendly, they will only be full of fear of the unknown!

Or, he believes that instead of resurrecting his loved ones in this cruel world, it is better to let them live in his own beautiful memory.

He is truly a gentle and complex person.

Chu Xiu shook his head and walked straight to the small tiled house made of blue bricks.

Approaching the door, he pushed it open and entered.


The door is open.

What comes into view is a wooden bed, a chair, a desk, and a homemade rough bookcase.

There is an open scroll on the desk.

A wolf-hair pen rolled down on the left side of the scroll.

The ink in the inkstone next to it has long dried up.

There are two jade slips placed on the bookcase, one blue and one white.

Chu Xiu came to the desk.

He lowered his head and looked at the opened scroll.

The scroll shows half of the face. Although the whole face is not visible, it is certain that this painting depicts a man.

Chu Xiu stared intently.

After seeing that half of the face clearly, his pupils trembled slightly.

He stretched out his right hand, grabbed the scroll, and slowly unfolded it.

After reading the above content clearly.

He fell silent.

There is indeed a man in the painting.

Wearing animal skins, he sat cross-legged under a huge locust tree, his head drooped, and he looked like he had fallen for a long time...

Behind the man, and above his head, there were densely packed huge black shadows.

They were grotesque corpses covered with tentacles.

Even if the corpses are drawn on paper, the pressure they exude makes Chu Xiu tremble...

Great horror.

Absolutely terrifying.

Any one of the corpses could easily crush him while alive.

What surprised Chu Xiu the most was not these corpses.

But it was the man wearing animal skin under the locust tree.

His appearance was exactly the same as mine.

How can it be,

Didn't he go on the road of reincarnation and go to the next life?

Why does it appear here.

Where was Xue Yueqing, who saw this scene and copied it?

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought.

It seems that Xue Yueqing's decision to leave me the clues to the composition secret was definitely not a spur-of-the-moment move, but a premeditated plan.

He brought me here and deliberately let me see this picture.

What is his purpose?

Chu Xiu frowned.

He stared at the man who looked exactly like himself in the scroll, completely unable to feel the pressure he brought to him.

Chu Xiu looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see any clues.

I had no choice but to put the scroll into the small storage world and study it slowly the next day.

He came to the bookcase.

Grabbing the jade slip that glowed with blue fairy light.

Divine thoughts were lost in it.

Read the information recorded in it immediately.

Xue Yueqing’s complete enlightenment method—Yuehua Emperor Sutra,

It also records Xue Yueqing's understanding of the Dao of the Sword and the Dao of the Formation.

Chu Xiu put away the jade slip and picked up the white jade slip.

His spiritual thoughts were absorbed into it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

What is recorded in this jade slip is the secret of the Nine Secrets.

What surprised Chu Xiu the most was.

This jade slip not only records the cultivation techniques of the Secret of Composition of Words, but also the cultivation techniques of the Secret of Numbers.

Combination Secret: Different from the general secret method, this method prefers the formation method. It can combine various forces and combine them into a large formation for killing or defense.

Number Secret: Cultivating the external incarnation is different from ordinary incarnations. He can maintain the fighting power of his true body. When fighting with others, if he uses this method, two Chu Xiu or even multiple Chu Xiu will besiege the enemy together.

The two Chu Xiu's cooperation was perfect, and various magical techniques were superimposed on each other. The increase in combat power was so great that it was by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

Chu Xiu's eyes flickered.

My heart was filled with joy.

I thought that forming a word secret would be terrifying enough to increase my combat power.

I never thought that the unexpected number secret would be even more exaggerated.

I don’t know how strong the emperor is.

I own the word secret, the word secret, the line secret, the group secret, and the number secret.

With the completion of the ancient holy body and the free law of chaos, together, with various methods superimposed, can we defeat the emperor head-on?

Chu Xiu happily put away the two jade slips.

Look around and try to continue licking the box.

However, the result was destined to disappoint him.

Xue Yueqing's house is extremely clean.

Except for the inkstone on the desk and a pen, there is not even a set of quilts on the bed...

It's a pity, it's a pity...

Chu Xiu shook his head and reluctantly took away everything from the room to the bed, table, and bookshelf.

Slowly came to the courtyard.

Think for a moment.

I still gave up the idea of ​​uprooting the house.

Hey, I'm really, I'm crying to death. I'm such a benevolent and righteous cultivator who respects my seniors!

Old Demon Chu shook his head and sighed. He came to two piles of stone tombs and took out a pile of spiritual herbs and two jugs of wine and placed them on the tombs.

Xue Yueqing can't come back, I will worship you on his behalf!

He stood in front of the stone cairn for a quarter of an hour.

Immediately, he turned around and left slowly.

A faint groan echoed through this small space:

“The world of life and death is uncertain, and I feel hesitant in the late night.

I still dreamed of licking the calf, and when I woke up I burst into tears.

Xue Yueqing, I give this poem to you, so I can repay you for this karma.

Third update, good night everyone

Nothing to do today, just listening to music. I wonder where you guys went to play?

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (

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