Chapter 601 Talk to Uncle Han

“Can these seals be lifted? This point is really unbelievable. We don’t know what will happen, and we have never seen it here.”

“If you want to lift it, you need to study the methods here. This is not something we can lift with our current ability. The current situation is so speechless, I don’t know how to explain this to you. Well, the best thing we can do today is to think carefully about what will happen.”

Chu Mochen knew that things here were not that simple, and naturally there was no way to explain it to them. Now that things are so special, Chu Mochen can’t stay here by himself and do nothing.

“Although there are Maple Leafs, the next situation for us needs to be serious. What will happen next? After this. The most important thing is that there are some helpless things.

Chu Mochen shook his head helplessly, he didn’t know what would happen after he did this, but in his eyes. There are some things that are frustrating here.

“Forget it, it’s getting late, you all have a good night’s sleep, as for tonight, it’s the first night Qinglong has spent here. So it’s still up to Phoenix to take care of it. It’s good to have an account of what happened. Don’t be too nervous, both of you, just take this as your own.”

But even if they say that now, but Chu Mochen knows that they want to stay here, then the next thing will not be so simple.

“I’d better wait here for a while before going to bed, anyway, I’m not going to do anything tomorrow. Think again, what will happen here? Importantly, there is something fundamentally wrong when something like this happens, and it is too late to prevent it.

My cousin shook his head helplessly, knowing that things here are not simple, but he didn’t expect it. It is often involved so deeply, and at the same time, this situation occurs, so what will happen next. They couldn’t let it leak out either.

“I also need to wait a while for Phoenix, didn’t you just say you want to hand me something? Then what exactly are you going to hand in next? You haven’t finished talking to me just now.””.

Several people gathered in Chu Mochen’s room and talked about things, but Chu Mochen was just an outsider, reading some books by himself, thinking about the previous things.

“Go and pour a few glasses of water over here.” Chu Mochen said to his cousin that he was still playing games, but after hearing what Chu Mochen said, he immediately went to Jimen’er, and then poured a few glasses for Chu Mochen. Hot water, brought over.

“There was nothing major at first, but now the situation is special, and I have some helpless things to know. This makes me ignorant. What will happen next? How should we think about it?”

“It still needs me to discuss it, and after I can make a decision, there is some helplessness for us when such a thing happens.”

Chu Mochen can’t make up his mind by himself. He knows that if this matter is exposed, it will probably cause other sensations.

If they don’t make up their minds, then things may change. As for where the other divine beasts are, they still don’t know.

The Azure Dragon is now suitable, and the seal of the Phoenix has not been lifted. They also have no way to lift the seal, no matter which ancient book it is recorded.

After taking a look at the situation, Chu Mochen finally shook his head helplessly, knowing that things here are not that simple. Chu Mochen still has some crooked thoughts in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Mochen finally called Uncle Han. Uncle Han was still sleeping soundly on the other side, but after receiving the call from Chu Mochen, he opened his mouth in a daze. scolded.

“Damn, what are you doing if you don’t sleep at night? If you don’t sleep, Laozi still sleeps, what’s going on? You have to weigh it up yourself. I don’t have the strength to accompany me on this matter. You are talking nonsense.”

After saying this, Chu Mochen’s forehead burst into blue veins, but he could only endure Uncle Han’s inexplicable waking up. You must know that this situation is already normal for Chu Mochen.

But no matter what, Chu Mochen was still a little helpless, because he knew what was going on here and it was absolutely extraordinary.

Whatever happens, they all need to have some plan.

“The current situation is special, what happened? We must also think about it, no matter what, it must not happen, what big event will make us lose face. 33

Chu Mochen could only bear it, the blue veins on his forehead let Uncle Han lose his temper over there, and finally woke up in a daze.

“I said don’t come to me at night, look at you, isn’t this self-inflicted. Now the situation is so special, I can’t say anything more to you. 99

Uncle Han was still self-righteous and said something. In fact, Chu Mochen didn’t mean that the special police expected Uncle Han to do something. But still speechless.

“I have something I need to discuss with you. You may not understand the current situation. You are doing fine. Although it’s the middle of the night, your memory is somewhat faulty.”

Knowing Uncle Han’s temperament, Chu Mochen didn’t say any more, but Uncle Han turned on the recording directly, which made Chu Mochen speechless.

“You can rest assured, this side is definitely better than anyone else. Qinglong has a good time on your side. If you don’t have Laozi urging those people, you probably won’t be able to get it. Woolen cloth.

Uncle Han spoke arrogantly and arrogantly from the side. The thing that Chu Mozuo cares about the most is this kind of thing, but (Li Wangzhao) When listening to Uncle Han talking here, Chu Mochen’s heart will be There was a sense of pleasure, what happened, Chu Mochen didn’t want to know.

On the other hand, Uncle Han said it with gusto, and after a while, Chu Mochen had already reached a new conclusion.

After listening to Uncle Han’s words, Chu Mochen didn’t take it to heart, but since this was the case, Chu Mozuo always had some scruples in his heart.

“Besides the topic, it’s also about Qinglong. I want to tell you about it. I just found out that there are traces of seals in the bodies of these mythical beasts. I don’t know what’s going on, but I always feel that things should be It’s not that simple. 99

“So what you mean is, you want me to help you investigate these divine beasts, why? There will be a seal pendant in the body.

Uncle Han didn’t care, he opened his mouth and said, it seems that this kind of thing is a trivial matter to Uncle Han,

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