Chapter six hundred finally at ease

When Fenghuang said these words, there was naturally no illusion in his heart, but although the uncle didn’t believe it, he could only suppress the doubt in his heart.

“I didn’t have anything to take, so I’m going to make a good meal for you. The village chief came to me a few days ago, saying that he wanted to see if anything happened to you. When he came to see you, If you are not here, the village chief will not disturb the gap again.”

After talking about this, the uncle felt a little helpless, but looking at the current situation, he always felt a little overwhelmed in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, Chu Mochen did not continue to say more.

“Actually, there was nothing to say, we are all very happy here.

After Chu Mochen said this, he looked at his cousin who was beside Lu, and his cousin nodded quickly, and then started talking about the village chief.

“Wait until tomorrow, I’ll see if the village chief is looking for me. Don’t worry about it today, let’s finish our meal first, we have suffered a lot along the way. The key is that the car was scrapped in the end, but Fortunately, there are insurance companies, and we have nothing to worry about.”

After hearing this, the uncle suddenly burst into laughter, and there was some ridicule in his eyes: “Good boy, you are really distressed about the source of your money, the way you used to spend money lavishly doesn’t exist now. Ah, you kid is really a ghost. 33

“It doesn’t exist or doesn’t exist, the key is that things have become a little more special and unnatural, but since that’s the case, then we don’t have anything to say.

After talking about this, Chu Mochen didn’t think about it any more, instead he looked at the people in front of him and fell into silence.

“There was nothing to think about in the first place. Since this is the case, let’s not think about it any more.”

Chu Mochen doesn’t want to continue talking about the current situation, but even looking at the situation here, Chu Mochen has calmed down in his heart. Who will be killed at that time? They still need a certain amount of time to go. Consider it.

“There was nothing special at first, but since there is such a situation, then we have to make it clear.

The uncle ignored them, and instead went to the kitchen to cook and eat. Chu Mozuo wanted to help, but he was pushed by the uncle to catch him.

After the meal was full, the uncle no longer had any doubts and dispelled the worries in his heart.

“Since you have all arranged the space between the rooms, then you should have a good talk about some things first, and I will not disturb you.”

The cousin directly helped the uncle to the sofa, and then went to wash the dishes excitedly, because the moment the uncle got up, the cousin suddenly felt a trace of spiritual power, he wanted to brush as soon as possible, after finishing to try it.

“Dad, don’t worry, there is absolutely no problem with this thing in my hands. Anyway, the situation is so special, we all have to have a good idea, don’t we?”

After talking about this, my cousin didn’t think about it any more. At the same time, Chu Mochen glanced at the phoenix, and they smiled at each other: “Uncle, we haven’t been at home these days, you must have worked a lot, before. The elder brother also told us some things, saying that you are old and don’t like spending money, you have been frugal all your life, even if you have hired a nurse, you don’t want it.”

“What do I spend that money for? It’s not that I have no hands or feet. I’m not wasting money by doing things like that. I can’t afford to live such a luxurious life. Anyway, I will feel guilty after living it. Money and I have no idea, how they want to live, how to live.

The uncle waved his hand helplessly. The thrifty uncle in this life can also experience it, but at this time, the uncle also has some helplessness.

“Oh, it’s not really a big deal. I’ll give you my skills and I’ll never go wrong. Don’t worry, when I was with you, I used to give my elder brother a massage. My elder brother told me If I don’t become a masseuse, I will lose my hands.”

“You kid has a sweet mouth.”

The uncle was surrounded by a group of people. He didn’t laugh at all, not happy at all. When it was almost time for bed, the uncle got up and went back to his room.

“Let’s go, let’s go into the room and talk about these things, don’t disturb the old man’s sleep.

My cousin opened his eyes, and after he washed the dishes, he was sitting here meditating. The uncle just didn’t notice it, they looked at each other and went to Chu Mochen’s bedroom.

“This time I have a new discovery, and the situation is a bit outrageous now, but I feel an unusual breath, and I keep wandering around here. I don’t know if I feel wrong or what? I always feel like there might be something really different here.”

After Chu Mochen glanced at each other, he began to inject spiritual power into Phoenix’s body. Sure enough, this seal Chu Mochen deeply felt that this was a Phoenix, and he sealed himself.

“Qinglong, I’m going to inject spiritual power into you now to see what your seal is. So you can’t be distracted during the process, understand?”

We, “Each of these mythical beasts should have a seal. As for what it is, I don’t know yet. You have helped me break through a seal before, but how should these winds be cracked? I’m afraid it will take some time. .

After Fenghuang said this, he looked at Chu Mochen.

Chu Mochen nodded, and then began to inject his own spiritual power into Qinglong’s body.

Sure enough, what happened here was already the same as what Chu Mochen had guessed. After Chu Mochen glanced at Qinglong, there was a little bit of vigilance in his eyes, and he was helpless in his heart, but he had no choice.

“You people’s bodies are really weak, and you don’t know what’s going on. You mythical beasts always inject seals into your bodies. I really don’t know what you’re thinking.

“In this way, they may be hiding a huge secret pendant. I always feel that the situation here is unusual, but I really didn’t realize that they still have a seal inside themselves. I thought you broke a seal, and then Those seals will follow.

My cousin was a little helpless and didn’t know how to say more, but the news that he got now also made Chu Mochen very surprised. Qinglong’s body was actually his own seal.

However, as for these methods of unlocking the seal, perhaps only they themselves know. What happened, they need to think more about what will happen.

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