Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 88: Nine-Color Poria! Yuyan Also Wants A Child! (Seeking Subscription)

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

The voice of the system sounded in Yang Chen's mind:

"Ding, the host killed the son of destiny Li Hao, and got a villain Large Gift Bag!"

Yang Chen was stunned for a moment.


How many hours have passed?

He fell asleep!

Hao'er died now?

Couldn't it be that he was tortured last night, day and night!


Haoer, Haoer.

You don't blame the father, do you?

Being a father is not intentional either.

after all.

Who would have known that Li Jun was also so perverted that he tortured you for a whole night.

But Haoer.

Although you are dead, you are still very valuable.

villain Large Gift Bag, but a good thing.

With system rewards.

Being a father can also better protect your queen mother and Little Brother.

Rest in peace, your earthly spirit.


"Open villain Large Gift Bag!"

Yang Chen drank in a low voice.

【Ding, the villain Large Gift Bag was successfully opened, and the host got a colorful tuckahoe!】


Yang Chen was shocked.

Nine-colored tuckahoe?

It turned out to be nine colors!

This is a holy item in Legendary!

Poria cocos is an elixir that can envelop the cultivator's soul.

Very Precious in itself!

Common poria cocos, only one color.

However, in Poria, occasionally the Poria King will be born.

Poria King is 100 times more effective than Common Poria.

But King Fuling will go through the baptism of thunder every time he grows a hundred Jiazi.

After the thunder disaster, if it can survive, it will add a color.

And Jiucai Poria has grown at least five Ten Thousand Years, and has experienced eight thunder disasters!

In the history of Xuantian Sect, there are records about this aspect.

Ten Thousand Years ago, there was a Sect Leader whose strength reached the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage, but was unable to breakthrough Void Refining Realm.

Later, I got a six-color Poria cocos by accident.

The result was a smooth breakthrough, reaching Void Refining in one fell swoop, dominating the North Spirit Domain for Thousand Years.

Afterwards, this Sect Leader left Beilingyu and went to the land of Zhongzhou!

Six-color Poria cocos has such a miraculous effect, and nine-color Poria cocos will only be more heaven-defying!

For the cultivator's soul, this is a sacred object that can't be met!

During this time, Yang Chen's Cultivation Base has improved extremely fast, and has reached the Nascent Soul Eighth Stage Realm.

It is not far from Divine Transformation.


His soul power, however, did not keep up.

Breakthrough Divine Transformation, the most important thing is Nascent Soul, that is, the cultivation of divine soul power.

Only by concentrating on the Gathering Origin and ditching the Tongtian ground can breakthrough Divine Transformation be achieved.

In this level, I don't know how many cultivators got stuck.

Beilingyu, 29 has a lot of influences of Nascent Soul upgrade and upgrade.

However, there are very few of them that can breakthrough Divine Transformation.

Most of the Nascent Soul Tenth Stage cultivators have difficulty concentrating on the Gathering Origin in their lifetime.

In the end, it will only die with exhaustion of life span.

And once this step is taken, the sea is wide and the fish leap, the sky is high and the birds fly, entering another world.

This is also the reason why Li Fujishan spent a lot of energy and spent several Hundred Years to cultivate the Human Cauldron Zhao Shirou.

Nascent Soul breakthrough Divine Transformation, to cross a natural moat.

And now, I have Jiucai Poria.

Yang Chen doesn't need to deliberately cultivate Soul Refining soul power.

Nine-colored Poria cocos can continuously nourish and improve his soul.

At that time, there will be no barriers for the breakthrough God Transformation Realm.

Lotus Position sit down.

Yang Chen looked at a small nine-color flower in his hand, with a layer of natural seal on it.

Isolate the astonishing soul power of Jiucai Poria.

Remove the seal.

Immediately, a massive amount of divine soul power directly surrounded Yang Chen.

The nine-colored light shines brightly.

Almost substantive.

Then, the nine-colored Poria cocos directly submerged into Yang Chen's mind and soul palace.

The Soul Palace is the most secretive and most important place of the cultivator.

The soul, Nascent Soul, is here.

Nine-colored Poria cocos directly took root in Yang Chen's soul palace, and the light rendered the entire soul palace into nine colors.

The nine leaves of Jiucai Poria also began to unfold.

The red leaves seem to flow with flames.

Blue's leaves seem to be turning into ice.

The silver leaves seemed to have countless sword glows moving back and forth.

Black's leaves are more like a black hole, emitting a thick and faint light.

Nine-color Poria, each color is a kind of soul attribute.

This is also its most precious place.

Nine-colored rays of light filled the Soul Palace, and Yang Chen could only feel that the power of his own soul was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the nine kinds of spiritual powers with different attributes in Jiucai Poria cocos were born from heaven and earth, and after several times of thunder and calamity, they were precipitated in ten thousand years, so they are extremely pure.

Not only improving Yang Chen's soul power, but also continuously tempering his soul power.

This is a qualitative improvement.

In the future, the primordial spirit condensed by his breakthrough Divine Transformation must be extraordinary!

"Brother Chen!"

Beside him, Zhao Shisheng's soft chant made Yang Chen open his eyes.

"Brother Chen, what a powerful soul power!"

Zhao Shirou also has Baoguang Yingying on her body.

In the palace, she absorbed a lot of the soul power released by Jiucai Poria just now.

A charming face is full of intoxication.

"Rou'er, I just opened an Exotic Treasure I obtained earlier!"

"Contains a large amount of pure soul power!"

"It can help the two of us enter the God Transformation Realm without a trace of barrier!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Zhao Shisheng was shocked.

"Access to Divine Transformation without a trace of barrier?"

"What kind of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures have such effects?"

"Rou'er, hold me tight!"

Yang Chen said suddenly.


Zhao Shirou groaned coquettishly, and then wrapped her jade arms around Yang Chen's neck.

Her delicate body was clung to his arms.


Zhao Shirou suddenly exclaimed.

She just thought that Brother Chen would ask for that again when he woke up in the morning.

Unexpectedly, after hugging brother Chen tightly, a pure power of soul poured into his body.

"Rou'er, don't be distracted, quickly calm down and refine!"

Zhao Shirou still maintained the posture of her jade arms wrapping around Yang Chen's neck, then she sank her mind and began to refine that pure soul power.

An hour later.

Zhao Shirou opened her beautiful eyes.

His eyes were full of surprises.

After the strength reached Nascent Soul, he began to practice Nascent Soul, that is, the power of the soul.

And the pure soul power that was refined just now directly improved her soul significantly.

This half an hour is equivalent to the results of three to five years of ordinary penance.


"Brother Chen, you gave me these soul powers, so don't you want to absorb less?"

Zhao Shirou said at this time.

Yang Chen immediately stroked her charming cheek.

"Are you still separated from Brother Chen?"

"Don't talk like that in the future!"

"Slap your memory up!"



Zhao Shirou rubbed the towering part that was beaten, pretending to be in pain.

But her beautiful eyes were full of emotion.

The jade arms around Yang Chen's neck tightened again.

The red lips were attached to his ear, and the voice contained infinite affection:

"Brother Chen, you are so kind!"

"Rou'er is the luckiest thing in my life to meet you!"

"Woo, woo, woo!"

at this time.

A rush of voices sounded outside the palace:

"Empress Dowager, it's not good!"

"Your Majesty, something happened to him!"

Zhao Shirou let go of Yang Chen immediately.

"Wu Er, why does he have so many things!"

"It's really worry-free!"

His tone was full of embarrassment.

Yang Chen suddenly smiled secretly in his heart.

Caressing her smooth back.

"Alright, Rou'er, let's go out and see what happened to Hao'er!"

"Well, your anti!"

The two walked out of the palace.

Zhao Shirou's maid hurriedly said:

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, he was killed!"


Zhao Shirou was startled immediately, her face paled.

In the prison.

Li Hao's limbs were scattered on the ground, and it can be seen from the wound that he was torn off alive.

His face was even more bloody and bloody, full of ferocity and terror.

A pair of eyes are wide open, unrepentant.

"Wu Er!"

Seeing Li Hao's miserable state, Zhao Shisheng's voice choked up.

Even if Li Hao poisoned her, Hao was very disappointed in her heart.

However, after all, decades of mother-child love.

Seeing Li Hao's miserable appearance, Zhao Shirou was heartbroken immediately.

"Who did this?"

"In the imperial city, who dares to lay such a cruel hand on Hao'er?"

"Don't you know that he is the stepson of my Son?"

Yang Chen asked sharply. (bibf) The Gold Core cultivator, who was in charge of guarding the sky prison, knelt down on the ground hastily.

"Holy Son, Lord Holy Son!"

"Yes, it's the second prince Li Jun!"

"Li Jun?"

"Last night, His Majesty came to the prison and asked the villain to go out, and told him not to come in no matter what sounds he heard!"

"The villain didn't dare to relax his vigilance, so he listened for a while outside the prison on this floor, but he heard the sound of oriole crowing!"

"Your Majesty, he had that kind of relationship with Li Jun's concubines and Li Jun's mother and concubine last night!"

"The villain was worried that if he continued to listen, if His Majesty found out, he would punish the villain, so he left the cell!"

"Who knew, because Li Jun was too angry, he actually broke through the seal and recovered his calendar!"

"So, so the current scene happened!"

"I beg the Holy Son and the Empress Dowager to spare their lives!"


Hearing the Gold Core cultivator's words, Yang Chen looked astonished and astonished.

Zhao Shirou gritted her teeth tightly, hating that iron cannot become a steel road:

"Wu Er, you bastard!"

"You did such a beastly thing!"

"Brother Chen, how did I raise such a son?"

As she spoke, Zhao Shirou's voice choked up.

"Oh, Rou'er, it's not your fault!"

Yang Chen held her in his arms and comforted her:

"Wu Er is young and energetic, and it is understandable for him to seek excitement, but this is not something he can grasp!"

"Hey, it was also last night that we were so concerned about naming Tian'er that we ignored Hao'er!"

"If I could have gone to see Hao'er last night, this tragedy would not have happened!"

Yang Chen looked sad.

The tone is full of self-blame.

Zhao Shirou's eyes were somewhat unbearable, and she comforted her:

"Brother Chen, don't blame yourself so much!"

"Hao'er has fallen to such a point, it is also the bitter fruit he planted himself!"

"Such a perverted thing is simply outraged by both humans and gods. It's no wonder that Li Hou can break through the seal with his anger!"


Yang Chen hugged Zhao Shirou even tighter.

Looking at Li Hao's eyes on the ground, he was dying.

He stroked her swollen belly with both hands.


"Rou'er, don't be too sad!"

"Although Wu'er is dead, we still have days!"

"Well, brother Chen, you are right, we still have days!"

Li Hao died.

Yang Chen told Xu Hui to choose one of the collateral clansmen who left home to be the new head of the country.

The collateral descendants of the family are also the royal family, and the succession to the throne is justified.

Moreover, as a collateral descendant, he has no roots, so facing a powerful direct descendant, he can only hug Xuantian Sect's thigh tightly.

In this way, Xuantian Sect can better control Liyang Kingdom.

Although Liyang Kingdom is not strong.

But it is a relatively large secular country.

The territory is tens of thousands of miles, and the population is hundreds of millions.

Every year, some talented people are born.

And these cultivation geniuses are the fresh blood of Xuantian Sect.

He stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion for another half a month.

During this period, Yang Chen relied on the nine-colored Poria cocos in the soul palace to raise the power of the soul to the level that Nascent Soul Eighth Stage should have.

Outside the small courtyard, Leng Yuyan and Zhao Shisheng trimmed flowers and plants together.

These two women got along very harmoniously, and there was no trace of conflict.

Since they got to know each other, they are called sisters.


Leng Yuyan's face was ruddy.

His forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat.

Taking a deep breath, her green fingers drew circles on Yang Chen's chest.

"Yuyan, what happened to you in the past half month?"

"It's a bit abnormal!"

Yang Chen stroked her hair with a playful voice.

Leng Yuyan knew what he meant.

Suddenly felt shy, but still said softly:

"I want to have a child too!"


Yang Chen was immediately happy.

He glanced at Zhao Shirou's room.

It seems that Rou'er's pregnancy stimulated her.

Tut tut.

Women, you really know how to act.

They are as close as sisters during the day.

Now it's time to compete again.

At this time.

A lightsaber pierced the Shattering Void, directly penetrating the room.

Sword Qi was surging, but it stopped firmly in front of Yang Chen.

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

Looking at the lightsaber suspended in front of Yang Chen, Leng Yuyan said vigilantly.

Her Cultivation Base reached the Nascent Soul Second Stage stage.

It can be clearly felt that this small lightsaber contains a shocking Sword intent.

Just this sword intent seems to be able to cut everything in the world.

"It's okay, Rou'er, this is my master's unique communication lightsaber, it should be that master has something to ask me!"


Leng Yuyan blushed.

Quickly wrapped the body with the quilt.

Brother Chen's master is naturally Master Own.

However, Master and her old man sent a summons for the lightsaber.

But I was with Brother Chen.


What a shame.

Yang Chen didn't pay attention to her expression, looking at the lightsaber, the corner of his mouth curled up.

Master respects her, it seems that she has passed the test.

The master said before, if you don't break through the border, you will never leave the customs.

Now, Master has reached the Void Refining Realm.

In Beilingyu, the Divine Transformation cultivator can be called Power.

Recently, in Ten Thousand Years, even a Void Refining cultivator has not been born.

If it's Master Breakthrough Void Refining.

Then the gold content of him, the Holy Son of Xuantian, will be even higher.

However, he doesn't need to rely too much on the identity of the Holy Son now.

After all, he already has the strength to defeat the Divine Transformation cultivator himself!

Yang Chen took off the lightsaber and marinated it into True Qi.

Immediately, a cold and somewhat angry voice resounded in my mind:

"Yang Chen, you rebellious disciple. How long have you been a teacher? You actually got married and had three children!"

"Hurry up and get back to the teacher!"

Listening to the voice in his mind, Yang Chen could even imagine the angry look of the master.

In the original book, her identity as a beautiful master is not simple.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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Dear readers, I am very sorry, the author went back to his hometown for two days this weekend, so the code words have been affected a bit!

But it will be updated normally starting tomorrow!

thanks for your support!

A big kowtow to all readers! .

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