Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 87: Named Yang Tian! Hao'er Came To Listen To The Corner Again! (Seeking Subscription)

Defeat Lei Qianjue, the Divine Transformation First Stage.

Yang Chen also played all his cards.

Different Fire, Thirty-six Stone Carvings of Heavenly Devil, Power of the Body.

I used it all up without any reservations.

However, being able to win would injure Lei Qianjue severely.

It was also because Lei Qianjue was careless.

He probably never dreamed that he would be a body cultivator.

That punch hit Lei Qianjue firmly in the heart.

Although he didn't explode his physical body directly, his heart was definitely shattered seeing his blood full of internal organs.

The importance of the cultivator's body and heart is self-evident.

After losing his heart, Lei Qianjue's strength was greatly reduced.

Of course, for the Divine Transformation cultivator, the strength of the physical body is only a part.

Because, the Divine Transformation cultivator has condensed the Gathering Origin spirit, and can use the primordial spirit to mobilize the myriad of heaven and earth.


Yin Jiu is the soul cult cultivator.

And devouring Cangchen Venerable and Li Fujishan, after half a year of hard training, his strength has reached the Half step God Transformation Realm realm.

For Lei Qianjue, who only had the power of his primordial spirit left, blocking revenge was his nemesis.

If Lei Qianjue's body was intact, Yin Jiu might not be his opponent.

but now.

Lei Qianjue would definitely not be able to escape Yin Jiu's clutches.

This is also the reason why Yang Chen did not continue to pursue.

After all, Lei Qianjue is the Great Elder of the Fenglei Sect.

This kind of dirty work, just leave it to Yin Jiu to do it.

in a few days.

In Zhao Shirou's palace.

Yang Chen squatted on the ground, with his ear on Zhao Shirou's bulging stomach.

"I hate Brother Chen!"

"It's only been six months, can you hear it?"

Zhao Shirou is coquettish.

However, a pair of jade hands were groping around Yang Chen's head.

The charming eyes are full of tenderness and love.

"Others' sons can't hear it for six months, but our son is different!"

"Have you ever seen a few babies pregnant with golden light!"

Yang Chen laughed.

Putting his ear on Zhao Shirou's stomach, he was quite surprised when he heard the vibration inside.

The reason why my own son can have such a talent is the golden light of pregnancy.

It should be because he has fused the dragon's spine.

After fusing the dragon's spine, his Constitution has been substantially improved.

It is not weaker than the body of a real dragon.

The body of the real dragon is the Xeon Constitution in Legendary.

So, in the final analysis, the seeds are better.

"Brother Chen, what do you think is the best name for our child?"

Zhao Shirou asked at this time.

"What is your name?"

Yang Chen raised his head, a playfulness flashed in his eyes.

It's time to name my son again.

However, according to his rules, naming a child depends on the name of the child's big brother.

Yang Chen was thinking, Zhao Shirou said:

"Brother Chen, you say you are a boy every day, why don't you call the child Yang Wu, Wu Tong Wu, and, after the morning!"

"Yang Wu?"

Yang Chen frowned upon hearing this.

This woman, why does she like to use her father as a benchmark to name her children?

Lin Xilan is, and Zhao Shi is also willing.



Yang Chen hit Zhao Shirou firmly.

Softly reprimanded:

"Blind up!"

"I am the father, the elder, the noon is the same as the morning!"

"How can a son be equal to his father?"

Hearing Yang Chen's reprimand, Zhao Shisheng suddenly realized.

"Brother Chen, you are right!"

"It's because Rou'er is not thinking carefully!"

"Brother Chen, do you have a suitable name?"

Yang Chen thought for a while and said:

"Give our son a name, mainly depends on his big brother!"

"Wu'er's name has the word Hao in it!"

"It is said that in ancient times, there was a Haotian Great Emperor who overwhelmed the Nine Heavens and was invincible in the world!"

"Hao'er took the word Hao, so our son, let's take the word Tian!

"It's called Yang Tian!"

"It sounds sunny, yet domineering!"

"Rou'er, what do you think`"?"

"Yang Tian?"

Zhao Shirou's beautiful eyes lit up.

Obviously happy with the name.

"Well, my brother Chen is called Yang Tian!"

"Brother Chen, you are so kind, don't think about Xia when you name it!"

"It's a pity, Hao'er, his mind is getting worse and worse!"

Zhao Shirou sighed while speaking.

Yang Chen immediately said:

"Rou'er, Hao'er is still a child, we must tolerate him!"

"As a stepfather, I will teach him well in the future!"

"If it doesn't work, take him to Xuantian Sect and let him practice in Xuantian Sect!"

"Brother Chen, you don't have to be so nice to him, he always contradicts you!"

Yang Chen said with a smile:

"Why do I treat him well? Isn't it Aiwujiwu?"

"Brother Chen!"

Zhao Shirou groaned softly, and snuggled into Yang Chen's arms.

The eyes are intoxicated, the beautiful eyes are like water, and the autumn waves are rippling.

As a single woman who practiced for several Hundred Years.

Zhao Shirou couldn't bear Yang Chen's continuous love words at all.

Just a few simple words can make her completely intoxicated.

Lying on Yang Chen's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, Zhao Shirou's beautiful eyes gradually blurred.

"Brother Chen, tonight is the night of the full moon again, and the mysterious yin energy in Rou'er's body has fluctuated a little again!"

"I worry about affecting our children!"

As the bright moon gradually rose, Zhao Shirou said softly.

The last time Yang Chen helped her get rid of the mysterious yin energy, it took one night and a lot of Cultivation Technique was abolished, but only a third of it was removed.

There is still a huge amount of Xuanyin energy in her body now.

Although not as explosive as before.

But the bright moon rose, and the body was still a little cold.

"But Rou'er, what is your current state?"

Yang Chen hesitated.

However, Zhao Shirou's beautiful eyes were full of confusion and said:

"Brother Chen, it's okay!"

"Let's just be careful!"

"This, okay!"


Yang Chen had no choice but to agree.

In the dormitory, the moonlight and spring light shine brightly against each other.

And at this time.

In the palace where Li Hao was.

"Your Majesty, all of Li Jun's concubines have been raped!"

"And his concubine mother, who has been seriously injured, has sealed the Cultivation Base!"

"These people are all locked in the prison!"

Listening to his subordinate's report, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

"very good!"

"The prison is strictly guarded. Without my order, Li Jun and his concubine and mother concubine are not allowed to die!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

The men retreated, and a distorted smile appeared on Li Hao's face.

"Li Jun, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"Now it's in my hands, and I'm going to torture you!"

"Anyone who has added shame to me will die!"

"Li Jun, you are the first!"

"And Yang Chen, I will kill him sooner or later!"

Li Hao walked out of the Great Hall, looked at the bright moon in the sky, with some hesitation on his face.

"Forget it, let's confess to the queen mother!"

"After all, the current me is still too weak!"

"Without the Queen Mother, the Nascent Soul late stage cultivator, as a backer, the position of the king is not stable!"

"Although I poisoned my mother to get rid of that little bastard, if I apologize to her, she will definitely forgive me!"

"After all, the empress and I have been mother-child for decades!"

"How can a little bastard who has not been born be able to compare!"

Li Hao thought about it, and then walked towards Zhao Shisheng's bedroom.

However, when he came to the bedroom, he was stunned.

Because, he heard the monotonous voice full of human emotion again.


"Yang Chen, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"I'm going to kill you, you bastard!"

Li Hao roared, with veins popping out of his forehead.

His face turned green.

Clenched fists.


In his eyes, killing intent gushed out.

After a while.

Li Hao left this sad place.

【Ding, the host got rid of the mysterious yin energy for Zhao Shirou, Li Hao listened, his mood completely collapsed, plundered the son of destiny Li Hao's luck value of 500 points, and the host got 500 points of villain value!】

【Ding, friendly reminder, Li Hao's luck value is reset to zero!】

Listening to the voice of the system in his mind, Yang Chen looked playful.

This is riding a horse.

Haoer, Haoer.

There is not much time to indulge for the father.

But why do you come here every time?

Come over just right every time?

Be willing to be a listener every time?


You are really, because of the good son of the father.


Luck value is reset to zero.

This shows that it is impossible to find any luck value from Li Hao.

Completely lost its value.



If you keep the five hundred luck points, I will find a way to find them for you as a father.

You have a few more days left to live.


Alas, I can only kill you for my father.

He looked at Zhao Shirou who had fallen into a coma next to him.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth curled up in amusement.

Then, quietly out of the palace.

Soul release.

Yang Chen sensed Li Hao's position.

At this moment, Li Hao left sadly, instead of going to the palace, he came to the dungeon.

The Liyang Sky Prison is near the Liyang Palace.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

When the guard soldiers saw Li Hao, they immediately knelt down and saluted.

All looked respectful.

Land directly on the forehead.

The Elder of Fengleizong, the Divine Transformation cultivator in Legendary, forced His Majesty to abdicate, but was severely injured by Xuantian Shengzi and fled.

Today, no one knows that the Lord Liyang is the stepson of Xuantian Shengzi.

Therefore, even if the guard general was a Gold Core cultivator, he knelt directly on the ground without any hesitation.

Li Hao was very satisfied with their attitude.

However, the face is still distorted and scary.

His eyes glowed green.

Shen Sheng said:

". "Take me to see Li Jun!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

The guard general of Tianlao is a Gold Core cultivator. Hearing this, he got up and brought Li Hao into it.

The sky prison of the Liyang royal family has five floors.

Li Jun, his concubines and his mother were alone on the first floor.

At this time, Li Jun had long lost his demeanor in Tianyang Palace.

Cultivation Base was sealed off, breathless, and slumped on the ground.

His eyes were dull, and he repeated in his mouth:



Hearing Li Hao's footsteps, Li Jun raised his head.

A look of fear flashed across his face.

"Li, Li Hao!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"I, I was wrong, I was wrong Your Majesty!"

"Please let me go!"

"Let me go!"

Facing Li Jun's begging for mercy, Li Hao's twisted face eased a little.

"Ha ha!"

"Li Jun, don't worry, I won't kill you!"

"You are my big brother, how could I have the heart to kill you?"

Saying that, Li Hao looked at the Gold Core cultivator:

"Go out, no matter what you hear, don't come in!"


The Gold Core cultivator bowed and left.

Li Hao walked up to Li Jun and looked at Li Jun who was kneeling on the ground. He was in a very happy mood at the moment.

A foot stepped on his head.

Then, the wolves rubbed against each other.





Until Li Jun's face was bloody.

The prison floor was covered in blood.

Only then did Li Hao lift his foot contentedly.

"This feeling of stepping on people's feet is really cool!"

"But Li Jun, don't faint, there is still a good show to come!"

"Jie Jie!"

With that said, Li Hao walked into a prison next to him.

A concubine of Li Jun was imprisoned there.


"Li Hao, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"I must kill you, Li Hao!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Li Jun (De Nuo Zhao) lay on the ground, cursing angrily.

Although teeth are falling out, lisp.

However, the voice of grief and indignation was quite harsh.

And at this time.

An invisible dark place in the dungeon.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth curled up in amusement.

"Hao'er, Hao'er!"

"You are really a pervert!"

"It's more perverted than being a father!"

"It's true that blue comes out of blue and is better than blue!"

"However, since you like to play so much, father will give you something more exciting!"

"Jie Jie!"

Yang Chen flicked his fingers, and a ray of light fell into Li Jun's body.


Li Jun actually stood up from the ground.

The seal on his body was released, and the sluggish aura was rising rapidly.

"Li Hao, I'm going to tear you apart!"

"Li Jun, you!"

"How can it be?"


"Li Jun, I, I was wrong!"



A burst of miserable sounds resounded through the prison.

However, Li Hao had issued an order before that no one was allowed to come down if he made any noise.


In the dungeon, the sound insulation is excellent.

Even True Qi fluctuations cannot be sensed by the outside world.

Yang Chen didn't look at Li Hao's tragic situation.

Leaving directly from the dungeon without a sound.

Back to Zhao Shirou's bedroom.


"Master C!"

Zhao Shirou groaned and turned over. Although she was asleep, her cheeks were rosy and the corners of her eyes were full of charm.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth curled up in amusement.

"Wu'er, Hao'er, you can go with peace of mind!"

"Your queen mother and Little Brother, I will take good care of them!"

"Jie Jie!"

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