Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

394: Forty-Six Points! This Old Woman Is Quite Thick-Skinned! (Please Subscribe)

"Master, are you angry?"

Feeling the dissatisfaction in Yang Chen's tone, the Shicai Poria leaves shook gently, with a touch of confusion and fear in his mind.

"Don't be arrogant in front of me anymore!"

"Also, it didn't bear fruit this time, but it's just this time and it won't happen next time!"

"From now on, keep 40% of the energy you absorb for yourself and give 60% back to me!"

Yang Chen said in a deep voice, giving her a mandatory order.

Although Shicai Fuling can forcibly absorb a True Immortal, she is also a parasitic plant of her own. Today, Shicai Fuling is still submissive and fearful of his master.

But if it is allowed to continue to grow, and the ferocious nature revealed when Taizu True Immortal is absorbed by Shicai Poria, it may become increasingly difficult to control.

When the time comes, it might backlash the master and absorb his soul~.

Therefore, her growth must be suppressed and maintained within a controllable range.

"I know, I know, Master!"

Shicai Poria weakly transmitted the sound, and then the multicolored light filled the air and began to release pure soul energy.

In the ancient tomb.

Yang Chen, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of divine golden light shot out.

The palace master's wife, who was absorbing the origin of Taizu's True Immortal corpse, had a flash of surprise on her face.

Is the fight over so soon?

The wife of the palace master immediately flashed to the entrance of the ancient tomb, with the Sky Shuttle flashing in her hand, ready to break through the space and run away at any time.


"Congratulations to Taizu for completing the body seizing and obtaining this body. Taizu's Cultivation Base will definitely go further in the future!"

Zhou Chen hurriedly knelt on the ground and said loudly.

However, Zhou Ni beside him had beautiful eyes twinkling at this moment, full of doubts.

Because the imprint of the divine soul in the origin of her soul has not dissipated.

Yang Chen fell in front of Zhou Chen from the air, and looked at him kneeling on the ground with a pious look on his face, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Brother Zhou Chen, we have always been friends on the same level, so why do you do this great gift?"

Hearing this joking voice, Zhou Chen raised his head suddenly.

"You, you are Yang Chen!?"

"Yes, of course I am Yang Chen!"

"Of course, if you want to recognize me as Taizu, I won't accept it!"

"Asshole, where is my great ancestor?"

Zhou Chen quickly stood up and shouted at Yang Chenran.

"Taizu True Immortal, his old man originally wanted to seize me, but after some enlightenment from me, he realized his mistake, and out of regret, he actually blew himself up. Alas

It’s such a pity that a generation of True Immortal has come to an end like this!”

"By the way, you must have felt a soul storm just now, right?"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Zhou Su's pupils were slightly startled.

There was indeed a spiritual storm emanating from Yang Chen just now.

She originally thought it was the confrontation between Taizu True Immortal and Yang Chen, but she didn't expect that it was Taizu True Immortal who blew himself up.

Is this bastard so scary?

He was able to force Taizu True Immortal to self-destruct his soul!

Has the road to revival of her destiny dynasty been cut off again?

She herself will have to succumb to this bastard again from now on.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ni's beautiful eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of gloom and helplessness.

"No, it's impossible!"

"How could Taizu True Immortal destroy his soul?"

"He is a True Immortal, and all the True Immortals are ants!"

………………Please give me flowers…………

Zhou Chen shook his head repeatedly, looking a little crazy.

Taizu's True Immortal was his only hope, so how could he fail to seize his body?

How could he self-destruct his soul?

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

[Ding, the host kills Taizu True Immortal, plunders son of destiny Zhou Chen’s luck value of 3000 points, and the host obtains villain value of 3000 points! 】

[Ding, the host kills Taizu True Immortal, Zhou Chen’s mentality collapses, plunders son of destiny, Zhou Chen’s luck value is 1000 points, and the host gains villain value of 1000 points! 】

The system sounds.


Yang Chen couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

Killed Taizu True Immortal and robbed four thousand points of luck.

Not bad, not bad, I wasted so much effort.

At this time, the wife of the palace master gathered a True Qi palm and grabbed it against the ancient book of time.


Yang Chen waved a sword light and chopped True Qi's palm into pieces.

"Yang Chen, what do you mean?"

Knowing that Taizu True Immortal failed to seize the body and Yang Chen was still Yang Chen, the palace master's wife was not in a hurry to leave.

shouted sharply:

"Just now you were kidnapped by Taizu True Immortal, but I still rescued you, and almost lost your longevity again. Is it possible that you will be ungrateful and fall out with me now?"


Yang Chen sneered.

The lady of the palace rescues him?

Maybe he wanted to kill him and Taizu True Immortal together!

Although he was fighting Taizu True Immortal just now, he was also paying attention to the movements outside.

This old woman is so shameless.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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