Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

393: Now That You Have Spiritual Intelligence, You Want To Monopolize It? Jie, Your Mother's Si

Although Shicai Fuling's laughter was a bit evil, she addressed him as master, which made Yang Chen feel a little more relieved.

With both hands forming seals, the space of the magic pillar began to shrink.

In just a moment, Taizu True Immortal didn't have much room to move around.

With Yang Chen's permission, Shicai Poria was suspended directly above the magic pillar space, and its roots spread down, penetrating towards Taizu True Immortal.

Taizu True Immortal waved his sword and cut off many roots.

But the rhizomes of Shicai Poria seem to be endless and continue to grow wildly.

Although Taizu True Immortal kept cutting off the roots, the space was small, and there were always a few roots that occasionally penetrated his soul.

With each penetration, Shicai Poria absorbs a large amount of divine soul energy from Taizu True Immortal's body.

"Asshole, what kind of monster is this?"

Taizu True Immortal roared.

At this time, he was really scared.

Because this Shicai Poria 810 Ling plant can directly absorb the origin of his soul.

If this continues, it won't take long for him to be absorbed by this colorful Poria cocos like fertilizer.

Yang Chen was also a little surprised at this moment.

Shicai Poria's absorption ability is so strong that it directly ignored Taizu's True Immortal rules and forcibly absorbed the origin of his soul.

This is even stronger than the Taotie Devouring Heaven Skill.

There is such a terrifying existence parasitic in the Soul Palace. Although it can continuously nourish his own soul, he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"Yang Chen, if you have any conditions, just ask, as long as you let me go!"

Taizu True Immortal roared in a deep voice at this time.

When Yang Chen heard this, a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth. This Taizu True Immortal seemed to be afraid.

"Tell me the origin and application of the ancient book of time (bjcg)!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

Taizu True Immortal was a little hesitant, but feeling the loss of the soul in his body, he immediately said:

"The ancient book of time was accidentally obtained by this emperor in a secret realm. According to legend, it was left by a Taoist group in the ancient times of the Kunlun world!

"This emperor can only barely use it to exert the power of time through the ancient book of time!"

"If you let this emperor go, the ancient book of time will belong to you from now on!"

"Okay, answer me another question, why didn't you enter the Immortal World at that time?"

Yang Chen asked again.

Taizu True Immortal's face was pale and gloomy, and he secretly cursed Yang Chen for having too many problems, but he still gritted his teeth and said:

"When this emperor became True Immortal, the battle between the immortals had just passed. At that time, the immortal road was broken and there was no way to go!"

"That's right!"

Yang Chen nodded.

"You can let this emperor go now!"

Taizu True Immortal drank deeply.

"I just want to ask you two simple questions. When did you say I would let you go?"

Yang Chen's lips curled up with a hint of amusement.

"Asshole, are you trying to trick me?"

"Yang Chen, aren't you afraid that this emperor will explode and his soul will perish together with you?"

Taizu True Immortal's face was full of ferocious madness.

But for his threat, Yang Chen didn't care at all at this time.

If the Taizu True Immortal threatened him with the intention of self-destructing his soul from the beginning, it would indeed have a devastating blow to his soul palace.

but now.


Having lost the origin of so many gods, even if he self-destructs his soul now, it will not cause much harm to his soul palace due to the barrier of the magic pillar space.

Taizu True Immortal yelled and begged for a while, and finally, the magic pillar space trembled and then shattered.

Powerful soul energy filled Yang Chen's soul palace, setting off a fierce soul storm.

Yang Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in the Soul Palace.

However, as Shicai Poria released tens of thousands of roots and absorbed all the soul energy, the soul storm also subsided.

"The power of the soul's self-destruction should not be underestimated. Fortunately, Shicai Poria's absorption ability is strong enough. Otherwise, even if the Soul Palace is not broken, it will be damaged!"

After a while, Shicai Poria put away the roots and came to Yang Chen.

The light of the ten leaves flows and is dazzling.

However, this time, the soul that absorbed Taizu True Immortal did not bear any fruit.

This guy has his own spiritual intelligence and wants to devour it all for himself.

As if feeling Yang Chen's dissatisfaction, Tian Cai Fuling sent out a spiritual thought.

"Master, I didn't bear fruit this time because I wanted to transform as soon as possible!"

"After transforming, you can serve your master better!"

"I don't think the master will blame me, huh?"

"Jie, your mother is so big, who are you talking to?"

Yang Chen reprimanded in a deep voice.

This guy is so naughty.

If you don’t learn well, you just learned this sentence, right?

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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