Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

358: You Are Deliberately Taking Advantage Of Me! (Please Subscribe)

Zhou Chen once read a classic, and he remembered a sentence in it very clearly.

If you want to get to the depths of a woman's heart, there is a shortcut, and that is.

Thinking of that sentence, combined with my aunt's current performance.

Zhou Chen was determined in his heart.

His aunt has already succumbed to that bastard Yang Chen.


Yang Chen is a fool.

You ride on the horse and wait for me.

Thinking of his aunt's graceful expression under Yang Chen's body, Zhou Chen felt as if a raging fire was igniting in his body.

My throat suddenly felt sweet.

But he immediately held back and forcefully swallowed the mouthful of blood.

He couldn't let his aunt see him vulnerable.

Otherwise, wouldn't my aunt feel that he is not worthy of being an enemy of that bastard Yang Chen?

"Chen'er, are you okay?"

Seeing Zhou Chen's pale face, Zhou Ni couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, he is her only nephew, her only remaining relative in this world.

"Chen'er, what my aunt said just now was a bit harsh, don't take it too seriously!"

"Don't worry, no matter what, Aunt 517 will help you run the destiny dynasty!"

Hearing Zhou Ni's words, although Zhou Chen felt warmth flowing through his heart, the resentment in his heart also became stronger.

How does the aunt want to help him?

By pleasing that bastard Yang Chen?

Hateful, hateful!

At this time, Yang Chen, who was practicing, suddenly heard the voice of the system in his mind.

[Ding, Zhou Ni is disheveled, Zhou Chen mistakenly believes that his aunt has been defiled and conquered by the host, and his mood is seriously damaged. He robs son of destiny of Zhou Chen’s luck value of 1500 points, and the host gains villain value of 1500 points! 】


When Yang Chen heard this, his eyes were filled with amusement.

Zhou Chen mistakenly thought that Zhou Ni was defiled and conquered by him?

This misunderstanding is a bit big.

Although he admired Zhou Ni's inability to perfectly challenge gravity, he did not do anything.

Brother Zhou Chen, you really misunderstood him.

However, this is also an unexpected surprise.

Directly plundered 1,500 points of luck.

As usual, although Zhou Ni, the aunt, is not the heroine of Destiny, she still holds a lot of weight in Zhou Chen's heart.

You can continue the strategy strategy later.

Although it cannot challenge gravity perfectly, it is not considered sagging either.

Time flies quickly, and another month has passed.

Yang Chen spent this whole month gaining insight into the way of life.

The heart of the sacred tree in his body and the overflowing life source continuously nourish his physical body. The physical Realm is not only stable at the Indistinguishable Dao Fourth Stage, but is also moving towards the Indistinguishable Dao Realm Fifth Stage.

The nourishment of the physical body by the source of life is no weaker than the tempering of thunder and calamity.

Moreover, his understanding of the way of life is also rapidly improving.

I have to say that the heart of this sacred tree is indeed extraordinary. No wonder the old woman of Jiguang Dao Master was so greedy.

Now his mastery of the way of life has reached the level of Indistinguishable Dao.

You can use the Tao of life as a melting pot to forge the Tao foundation.


The green energy of life diffused out of Yang Chen's body, wrapping it up to form a furnace of life.

And in the furnace, space, flames, light, and sharp sword lights (bdaj) and Yang Kang's own surging Blood Qi are advancing one after another.

Although the furnace of life is extremely strong, it is still trembling under the impact of these violent forces.

After a while, tiny cracks appeared on the furnace of life.

"not good!"

Yang Chen opened his eyes, his expression full of solemnity.

He is still too arrogant.

I feel that everything is under my control. As long as I use the Tao of Life as the melting pot, I can check and balance the other forces and forge the foundation of Tao.

However, these forces are so violent that they are about to collapse the furnace of life.

If the furnace of life is broken, it will declare that you have failed in casting the foundation.

The consequences of failure to cast the foundation are extremely serious.

Even if his current physical Realm has reached the Indistinguishable Dao Fourth Stage, I am afraid it will be unbearable.

As the cracks in the furnace of life gradually widened, all kinds of violent energy spread out from it.

Ji Karenyou, who was training in Closed Door, suddenly opened her phoenix eyes.

"This bastard is going to forge a Dao foundation and break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm?"

"Confused, all the forces are evenly matched, regardless of priority. If you cast the Dao foundation like this, I'm afraid that if the Dao foundation fails, you will become Qi Deviation!"

Karen Ji took one step forward and appeared directly in the Great Hall where the Nuclear Bureau lived.

Seeing Yang Chen's whole body wrapped in the green furnace of life, his eyes couldn't help but be filled with surprise.

"What a rich energy of life. This bastard has achieved such attainments in the way of life in such a short period of time. Is he a monster?"

"No, this bastard must have a powerful Exotic Treasure that can help him practice the way of life, and also provide him with a steady stream of life sources, so that's why he can do this!"

"Damn it, with such Exotic Treasure and so much life source, instead of using it to heal my wounds, I have to use my dual cultivation Cultivation Technique to absorb the blood of True Immortal!"

"This bastard is deliberately taking advantage of me!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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