Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

357: My Aunt Was Conquered By Yang Chen? (Please Subscribe)

A magnificent mansion in Tiandu City.

Under the cover of night, Zhou Ni came through the air.


Seeing Zhou Chen who was imprisoned in place by him, with a ferocious and twisted expression, Zhou Zhong's beautiful eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of worry.

With a quick flick of his finger, a ray of light hit Zhou Chen and released his imprisonment.


As soon as the confinement was released, Zhou Chen roared hysterically.

His eyes were red, as if he were crazy.

Just now, he watched helplessly as his aunt fell into the tiger's mouth and was forced to commit herself to that bastard Yang Chen.

But he could do nothing.

Two whole hours passed.

Auntie, now, I'm afraid she has turned into the shape of Yang Chen's bastard inside and out.

"Yang Chen, damn it, I will cut you into pieces!"

"The corpse was broken into thousands of pieces!"

Zhou Chen roared angrily to vent the rage in his heart.

"Chen'er, don't think too much, Chen didn't do anything to my aunt!"

Seeing Zhou Chen's appearance, Zhou Ni said hurriedly.

However, Zhou Chen just glanced at her sideways.

"Aunt, your corset was tied on the left side when you left!"


Hearing this, Zhou Ni was startled, and when he lowered his head to look, a blush suddenly appeared on his fair face.

Just now, I was only busy putting on the palace clothes to cover my body. I didn't pay attention to the fact that Kui Xiaodong's belt was tied on the right side in a hurry.

Although Yang Chen did not do anything to her, she was honest in front of that bastard after all.

And that bastard also commented that her area was a bit saggy.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ba didn't know how to explain it to his nephew for a while.

"Don't worry, aunt, I won't be so impulsive as to seek revenge on that bastard Yang Chen now!"

"I will practice hard, and when I gain strength, I will seek revenge on that bastard!"

"The hatred for seizing my wife and humiliating my aunt, I will definitely cut him into pieces and massacre the entire Daotian Holy Land in the future to vent the hatred in my heart!"

Zhou Chen said in a deep voice, as if he was making a vow.

Seeing Zhou Chen's appearance, Zhou Ni couldn't help but said:

"Chen'er, don't you stop thinking about revenge!"

"Yang Chen is not something you can handle!"

"Now, what you should be thinking about is how to compromise with him and gain his support so that you can successfully rule the Destiny Dynasty and revive our Zhou family!"

Thinking of Yang Chen's terror, Zhou Xinchong felt deeply helpless.

Although Zhou Chen possesses the Imperial Sacred Body, he has the hope of becoming True Immortal in the future.

However, compared with that bastard Yang Chen, there is a huge difference.

He has such heaven-defying combat power even before he has reached the Indistinguishable Dao realm. There must have never been such a person in the Kunlun realm for ten thousand years.

Moreover, that bastard can't help but have heaven-defying fighting skills, and his methods are extremely sinister and vicious.

Even I fell into his hands and was imprinted with a divine soul. I will be driven by him from now on.

If Chen'er insists on going against him, he may be in trouble in the future.

However, after hearing Zhou Ni's words, Zhou Chen said in a deep voice:

"Aunt, that bastard and I are at odds with each other. You asked me to compromise and befriend him. This is impossible!"

"He and I are destined to survive only for a while!"

"Chen'er you"

Seeing Zhou Chen being so paranoid, Zhou Ni couldn't help but reprimanded:

"Chen'er, as an emperor, how can you be carried away by hatred?"

"You bear the Sacred Body of the Emperor and are the hope of my Zhou family!"

"What kind of hatred is more important when my Zhou family returns to control the Destiny Dynasty?"

"..Besides, Yang Chen's strength and methods are much more terrifying than you imagine!"

"Daotian Holy Land is even more unfathomable, and its overall strength is stronger than our Destiny Dynasty!"

"If you go against him, it's like hitting an egg against a rock!"

"Okay aunt!"

Hearing his aunt describe Yang Chen like this, Zhou Chen's face became more and more gloomy and he interrupted her directly.

Thinking of what happened between his aunt and Yang Chen just now, Zhou Chen felt even more aggrieved.

Could it be that my aunt has been conquered by Yang Chen with that bastard?

Otherwise, why would he be full of praise for that bastard in his words, making others more ambitious and destroying his own nephew's prestige?

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen couldn't help but think of a scene a few months ago.

He was holding the Great Seal of Heaven and wearing Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor, preparing to take the opportunity to sneak attack Yang Chen [but he saw that bitch Ji Qinghan doing such despicable things to that bastard Yang Kang.

That scene not only made him angry.

It even made him feel a sense of humiliation.

My aunt has spent more than six thousand years and has never had a companionship or enjoyed the pleasures of men and women.

In these two hours, could it be that the bastard Yang Chen really conquered his tongue?

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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