Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

345: Karen Ji’S Suspicion! Who Are You To Reprimand Little Sister? (Please Subscribe)


The ten-story pagoda came down heavily.

Then it quickly became smaller and returned to Karen Ji's palm.

Karen Ji's jade face was full of pride.

But after his mind sank into the tower, his face instantly turned cold.

“Damn it!”

"She still escaped!"

"How powerful is the Holy Spirit's spatial attainments?"

Ji Karenyou's phoenix eyes were uncertain, and finally her eyes focused on Yang Chen.

He took one step forward and appeared directly in front of Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen, were you up to something just now?"

Karen Ji's voice was cold and full of questions.

She suspected that Yang Chen had secretly helped the Holy Spirit break through the space just now.


Yang Chen looked puzzled, and then said in surprise:

"Queen senior, don't you think I helped Zero One Seven leave?"

"You are fighting so fiercely, and the pagoda is so powerful, how can I intervene!"

"Besides, Qinghan is always by my side, she can help me testify!"

Hearing this, Ji Qinghan hurriedly said:

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

"Brother Chen is always by my side, how can I help that Holy Spirit escape!"

"Are you crazy?"

Karen Ji ignored Ji Qinghan and stared at Yang Chen.

The Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower appeared behind her, Yin & Yang energy flowing around, exuding a terrifying aura.

Yang Chen looked at the ten-story pagoda and thought to himself that it was true.

Karen Ji, an old woman, has made great gains in the Fallen Immortal secret realm.

He actually got such a pagoda.

The immortal power emanating from this pagoda is not much stronger than the disease-blood sword he obtained.

"Yang Chen, you'd better not deceive me, otherwise we will settle old and new grudges together!"

Karen Ji didn't notice anything strange in Yang Chen's eyes, and finally said coldly.

In fact, she only had doubts in her heart.

After all, that Holy Spirit is extremely difficult to deal with.

Moreover, Yang Chen, a bastard, even has profound spatial attainments.

But it was almost impossible to make a move under her nose without being noticed.

"Sister, how could Brother Chen lie to you!"

"He and the Holy Spirit don't know each other, so how could his elbows be turned outwards?"

"By the way, sister, where did you get this tower? Why do I feel that the blood flow in my body is much faster!

"Is the name of this tower called the Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower?"

Ji Qinghan looked at the ten-story pagoda behind Karen Ji and asked doubtfully.

"how do you know?"

Karen Ji looked stunned, her eyes full of surprise.

"I don't know either!"

Karen Ji shook her head.

"It seems that the name of this tower appeared subconsciously!"

"Sun Moon Divine Phoenix Tower?"

"Judging from the name, it should be an immortal weapon of the Phoenix clan!"

"This tower should have been obtained by the Queen Senior from the Fallen Immortal secret realm!"

"Qinghan, you have now transformed into a pure-blood true phoenix, awakened some Bloodline memories, and it is normal for you to know the name of this tower!"

"However, this also shows that this tower must have had great love for the Phoenix clan in ancient times!"

Yang Chen said slowly.

"Well, that should be it!"

Ji Qinghan nodded in agreement.

Then he said:

"Sister, can you let me operate this tower?"

"I feel that there is some connection between me and it!"

Hearing this, Karen Ji frowned slightly.

Turning her jade hand lightly, the Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower quickly shrank and landed in her palm.

However, she did not give the tower to Ji Qinghan, but directly put it away.

"Let's talk about it later!"

"Tch, stingy!"

Ji Qinghan curled his lips dissatisfied.

At this time.

Following the battle just now, a large number of stone pillars collapsed.

This space can no longer be maintained.

Magma began to pour violently.

These magma are not only extremely hot, but also contain fire poison.

"Queen senior, let's get out of here first!"

"That Holy Spirit can be searched slowly in the future!"

Yang Chen said, directly tearing out a space crack that could be traveled through.

Although Karen Ji was a little reluctant.

But there is nothing she can do now.

The depth of the dragon vein is very large, stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

Trying to find the Holy Spirit here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Otherwise, there would be no trace of the Holy Spirit found in these hundreds of years...

Karen Ji stepped into the space crack after Yang Chen and Ji Qinghan.

After a while, the space crack slowly closed.

At this time, dozens of miles away from here, the red magma slowly condensed into a daoist silhouette.

"Strange, why did that man help me?"

"Moreover, I felt a very friendly atmosphere from him!"

"Could it be that he is also the Holy Spirit?"

In the palace.

"Sister, that old bitch Zhou Ni has been in contact with the Soul Palace. If Brother Chen hadn't been here this time, her conspiracy would have succeeded!"

"Those old people from the Zhou clan are all restless!"

Ji Qinghan told Karen Ji what happened during this period.

Indispensable is a period of adding fuel and vinegar.

However, Queen Destiny, who has always been decisive in killing, did not get angry about this, but said calmly:

"What's over is over!"

"I will no longer care about the relationship between you and Zhou Chen, but you are not allowed to hurt Zhou Chen!"

"I promised his brother that I would take good care of him!"

"Also, you'd better be careful Yang Chen, that guy is not as simple as you see, he is not a good person!"

"Brother Chen, what's wrong?"

Ji Qinghan was a little unhappy and immediately retorted:

"If it weren't for Brother Chen, would your injury be able to recover?"

"When that Holy Spirit breaks through the 0.4 level and comes, I'm afraid, sister, you will be in trouble!"

"You, hum!"

Karen Ji was a little helpless.

Ever since the bastard Yang Chen appeared, this girl has become more and more disrespectful of her sister.

She wanted to reprimand this disobedient Little Sister.

However, when the words came to his mouth, he could not open his mouth.

Thinking of the scene when she was using the dragon and phoenix dual cultivation method with that bastard Yang Chen, she felt a sense of guilt in her heart.

Although she is a sister, what qualifications does she have to reprimand her own Little Sister at this time?

After all, her hands were already full of sin.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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