Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

344: Sun Moon Divine Phoenix Tower! Help In Secret! (Please Subscribe)

"go to hell!"

The childish voice of the girl in the red dress was full of murderous intent, and she slapped her hand again.

The red flame penetrated the space directly and came to Ji Qinghan in an instant, making her unable to avoid it.

"not good!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes.

I didn't expect that this Holy Spirit could actually master such advanced spatial methods.

He quickly turned into the ice phoenix body and received this palm forcefully.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of her, slapping out a palm to disperse the red flames condensed into palm prints.

"elder sister!"

Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes were delighted.

"Qinghan, you are no match for her, step aside first!~"

Ji Qingyou waved her jade hand, knocking Ji Qinghan back into the distance.

"Bad woman, I'm going to kill you!"

When the girl in the red dress saw Karen Ji, the murderous intent on her face suddenly became more intense, as if she was seeing the enemy who killed her father, and her expression even showed a fierceness and distortion.

The aura on his body rose again.

Clap it with one palm.

The red flame shattered the space and rushed towards Karen Ji from all directions.

Faintly, a prison of flames formed.

Although this move seems ordinary, it is actually an extremely powerful killing technique.

The flames contained a large number of space blades.

Only with profound attainments in the way of space can one be able to use the sharp edge of space.

Reaching this point, the power of the way of space began to gradually appear.

Karen Ji didn't dare to be careless and quickly formed seals with her hands.

"Four Symbols Divine Art!"

The imperial rules that filled the sky quickly condensed into four divine beasts.

Golden Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Tortoise, White Tiger.

The four mythical beasts are distributed in all directions of Ji Qingyou, like a formation, which can be attacked or defended, but is unbreakable.

Gradually all the red flames and space blades were scattered.

"Hmph, no wonder you dare to return to your old nest. It turns out that you have broken through to the Indistinguishable Dao late stage!"

"However, even if you break through the Realm, it will not help!"

"Just surrender and capture me!"

Karen Ji's eyes were cold, and she directly coordinated with the four divine beasts to attack the girl in the red dress.

As long as she suppresses this holy spirit and absorbs its blood, she still has a chance to reach the True Immortal state.

That way, there would be no need for that bastard Yang Chen.

"Qinghan, how is your injury?"

Yang Chen came to Ji Qinghan's side at this time and asked with concern.

"Brother Chen, I didn't!"

"By the way, my sister didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

"She's going to say some nasty things, so don't be the same as her!"

Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Yang Chen suddenly smiled.

"Don't worry!"

"I had a great chat with the Queen Senior!"

"Have you had a great time talking?"

Ji Qinghan was a little suspicious.

Because my sister, who is indifferent to everything, never talks happily with others.

She was used to giving orders.

But she couldn't think too much about it at the moment.

Because the battle in the distance became more intense.

The empty space was shaking.

The lava above seemed ready to pour down at any moment.

"The Holy Spirit is worthy of being the darling of heaven and earth. He can actually fight with the Queen back and forth!"

Yang Chen looked at the battle between Karen Ji and the Holy Spirit in the distance, and his heart was filled with surprise.

Karen Ji absorbed the True Immortal blood and has regained some strength at this moment.

Although not as good as in its heyday, it should still be at the peak level of Indistinguishable Dao.

The Holy Spirit has just entered the late stage of Indistinguishable Dao.

But facing Karen Ji at this moment, she was not at all inferior.

You know, Karen Ji has been practicing for five or six thousand years and has quite a lot of combat experience.

"That Holy Spirit is indeed very strong!"

"The Holy Spirit is born to be able to communicate with the great avenues of heaven and earth, and comprehend various mysterious Supernatural Power methods from it!"

"Every Holy Spirit that has appeared in the history of Zhongzhou, even if it is dug out and has not formed an intact Holy Spirit body, it is still invincible!"

"I once read a record in an ancient book that the damage-free Holy Spirit has a physique equivalent to the divine body of the human race, and is more powerful than a pure-blooded dragon and phoenix!"

"The Jade Beauty Clan is the Holy Spirit Bloodline flowing through it, and they are still the powerful ancient clan in charge of the Daotian Holy Land!"

"Brother Chen, you should be familiar with the Holy Spirit. After all, Fairy Ya is your fiancée!"

Hearing Ji Qinghan's words, Yang Chen shook his head.

"Although the Jade Beauty Clan has the Holy Spirit Bloodline, I don't know much about them and my contact with them is not very deep!"

"Don't know much? Don't have deep contact?"

…Please give me flowers…

Hearing this, Ji Qinghan poked Yang Chen's heart and said in a somewhat sour tone:

"Fairy Yuxuan is the most beautiful woman in Daotian Holy Land. How can you not understand such a beautiful fiancée?"

"I'm afraid you already know it thoroughly!"


Feeling the sourness in Ji Qinghan's tone, Yang Chen was somewhat speechless.

What the hell are you doing?

Her sister is fighting to the death, is she still in the mood to be jealous?

However, Ji Qinghan's words also reminded Yang Chen.

Although she didn't know Yu Xuan very well, she knew the beautiful woman Yu Yourong quite well.

In Yu Yourong's memory, Yang Chen knew that this beautiful woman had taken a piece of Sun God Jade as her body.

Taiyin Divine Jade is also a kind of Holy Spirit.


The current Yu Yourong should also belong to the first generation of Holy Spirits.

And what Karen Ji wants to do should be the same as Yu Yourong.

They all have to use the Holy Spirit to help them break through the realm and become immortals.


At this time, four mythical beasts appeared around the girl in the red dress, and then disappeared directly.

The power of the self-destruction caused a large number of stone pillars to collapse.

The red magma began to slope down.

The girl in the red dress was obviously seriously injured, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

At this time, a ten-story pagoda suddenly appeared from Karen Ji's hands.

The body of the tower is flowing with Yin & Yang energy, and a divine phoenix spreads its wings and sings.

The ten-story pagoda suppressed it, and the power of the seal surged [seemingly suppressing everything.

“Damn it, it’s this Damn it tower again!”

The girl in the red dress shouted.

He made imaginary movements with his palms, trying to break open the space and escape.

However, the endless power of the ban actually blocked and froze the entire space.

Realizing that she could not break through the space and leave, a flash of panic flashed across the face of the girl in the red dress.

But at this moment, she, who was keenly aware of the power of space, suddenly discovered that a piece of space behind her was loose.


Although the girl in the red dress is immature, she is not stupid either.

She knew that there was help.

The girl in the red dress glanced at Yang Chen, then quickly opened the space behind her and fled quickly.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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