Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

340: Filter Out Fire Poison, Dragon And Phoenix Dual Cultivation Method! (Please Subscribe)

Ji Qingyou's eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

At this moment, she really wanted to slap the bastard in front of her into ashes.

This bastard actually absorbed the fire poison into his body.

Is he crazy or is he dying?

It was so poisonous that even she didn't dare to touch it easily.

Not to mention being absorbed into the meridians of the body.

On Karen Ji's jade hand, red flames burned, and the black garden energy was gradually burned away by the flames.

Just now, I was only focused on absorbing True Immortal's blood, and didn't realize that it actually contained fire poison. "Three zero three"

Fortunately, not much is absorbed, so it can be expelled from the body and burned and refined.

"Yang Chen, are you deliberately plotting against me?"

"Do you really think that as long as Qinghan is here, I won't kill you?"

Ji Qingyou's phoenix eyes burned with red flames, and murderous intent bloomed.

Yang Chen said apologetically:

"Queen senior, I'm so sorry!"

"I just forgot to remind you!"

"You should know that this is a body cultivator. Fire Poison Body Refining is a method for our body cultivators to refine our bodies!

"I saw a lot of fire poison deep in the dragon's veins, so I took the opportunity to absorb some!"

"I didn't expect these fire poisons to be so cunning and mix with the blood of True Immortal so quickly!"

Karen Ji snorted coldly.

She didn't believe a word of Yang Chen's explanation.

This bastard must have prepared the fire poison in advance, so he readily let her absorb the blood of True Immortal.

Really evil intentions.

Now that the fire poison and True Immortal's blood are mixed together, even if she kills this bastard and forcibly extracts the True Immortal's blood, she cannot directly absorb and refine it.

Fire poison, especially for fire cultivators, is extremely harmful.

Once it gets on it, it acts like maggots on the tarsal bones and is extremely difficult to remove.

This bastard is really brave.

Fire Poison Body Refining, even those body cultivator Powers in ancient times did not dare to try it easily.

Things that don’t know whether to live or die.

"Yang Chen, if the fire poison is in your body, won't this emperor not be able to get the blood of True Immortal?"

Karen Ji said coldly.


Yang Chen was a little embarrassed.

"I want to give the blood of True Immortal to the Queen Senior!"

"But fire poison is indeed more troublesome!"

"Queen, senior, why don't you try to absorb the fire poison into your body?"

"After all, you also have the blood of the Fire Phoenix, so you should be fine!"

"Yang Chen, stop talking nonsense!"

Karen Ji said angrily:

"Although I possess the Fire Phoenix Bloodline, I am not a body cultivator!"

"Absorbing the fire-poisoned True Immortal blood will do more harm than good, so it's better not to absorb it!"

"After all, you just want to take possession of the blood of True Immortal for yourself!"

"What a despicable person who doesn't keep his word!"

"Queen senior, it's very unpleasant for you to talk like this!"

Yang Chen suddenly became dissatisfied and said:

"Don't even think about it. If Junior didn't want to give you the blood of True Immortal, why did he follow Qinghan here?"

"Junior is worried that you will encounter danger deep in the dragon vein, so he came to give you True Immortal blood regardless of the danger!"

"But who knew that fire poison would actually be involved with the blood of True Immortal!"

"But don't worry, although the blood of True Immortal is mixed with fire poison, Junior has a Cultivation Technique here, which may be able to filter out these poisons!"


“Cultivation Technique that can filter out fire poison?”

Karen Ji raised her dark eyebrows slightly, which looked a little nice...

Even though she is the queen of destiny, she is helpless against the poison of fire.

Yang Chen, a Void Refining junior, can have any unique Cultivation Technique that can filter out fire poison?

"Show the Cultivation Technique to me!"

Karen Ji said and stretched out her jade hand.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth curled up, and he condensed 5.5 Cultivation Technique into a roll of bamboo slips and threw it to her.

Karen Ji crushed it into pieces, and countless words and pictures entered the center of her eyebrows.

But after a moment, Feng's eyes suddenly opened.

In his eyes, murderous intent condensed.

"Dragon and Phoenix dual cultivation method!?"

"Yang Chen, you are really seeking death. How dare you tease me with a dual cultivation Cultivation Technique!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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