Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

339: The Blood Of True Immortal, The Queen Is Senior! (Please Subscribe)

"Qinghan, you go out first, I have something to talk to Yang Chen alone!"

Hearing what his sister said, Ji Qinghan shook his head:

"Sister, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'm not an outsider!"

"You are disobedient, aren't you?"

Ji Qingyou raised her eyebrows and spoke in a heavy voice.

But the majesty of the eldest sister did not scare Ji Qinghan.

On the contrary, in front of her lover, she was scolded like a little girl, which aroused Ji Qinghan's rebellious psychology.

"Sister, Brother Chen and I are here to save you out of kindness, so don't go too far!"

"Brother Chen is my companion, this is already a fact!"

"If you don't agree, the two of us will leave now!"


Little Sister, who was raised by herself, actually talked back to herself like this.

Karen Ji was very annoyed.

This damn girl has really strong wings.

"Alright Qinghan, it's better to listen to the Queen Senior and get out first!"

"Perhaps the Queen Senior has something to say to me alone!"

Yang Chen said softly at this time.

"Brother Chen, she is my sister"

Ji Qinghan was a little reluctant.

She was a little worried that her sister would take the opportunity to attack Brother Chen.

But the firmness and unquestionability in Yang Chen's eyes made her heart soften, and she finally said helplessly:

"Okay, if anything happens, Brother Chen, just call me right away!"

"If something happens to you, I will never live alone!"

Ji Qinghan walked out of the Great Hall with a reluctant look on his face.

Karen Ji's face turned dark, and her phoenix eyes stared at Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen, you are really good at it!"

"Forget it, I deceived that old woman Yan Honglian, but she also coaxed my little sister into confusion!"

"Queen senior, your words are biased!"

"I have never deceived Empress Yan, and I have not deceived Qinghan!"

"There is true love in the world, the love between men and women, haha, I forgot, Queen Senior practices the ruthless way, it is difficult to understand the feeling!"

Ji Qinghan left, and the expression on Yang Chen's face changed from serious to playful and frivolous.

These words immediately reminded Karen Ji of the scene in the Fallen Immortal secret realm again.

This pair of bitches, a man and a woman, worked day and night for a whole month without much rest.

She naturally knows the purpose, which is for her ruthless heart.

But fortunately, her heart is strong and she can't be messed up by some lewd words.


"Yang Chen, if you don't want to die now, just keep your mouth shut!"

"I will put aside the relationship between you and Qinghan for the time being. Now that my true body is here, should you hand over the blood of True Immortal to me?"

Karen Ji looked at Yang Chen coldly, resisting the urge to slap him to death and said.

"The blood of True Immortal will naturally be given to the Queen, senior!"

"Junior came here this time with exactly this intention!"

"However, the blood of True Immortal has been integrated into Junior's meridians and flesh. It is not easy to take it out now!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

...Please give me flowers...

"How can it be difficult?"

Ji Qingyou raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression full of disdain.

"Relax your body, and I can take it out directly from your meridians!"

"It's not easy for you, huh, but for me, it's just a snap of the fingers!"


Seeing Karen Ji's confident look, Yang Chen's lips curled up with a hint of amusement.

Then Lotus Position sat on the ground.

"Queen, senior, I'll help you!"

Seeing that Yang Chen agreed to hand over the True Immortal's blood so easily, Ji Qingyou couldn't help but reveal a hint of suspicion in her eyes.


She drove that girl Qinghan out just to be prepared to intimidate this bastard.

Unexpectedly, this bastard agreed so readily.

never mind.

This bastard promised the best, so she didn't need to waste any more words.

Karen Ji is not worried about Yang Chen playing tricks.

In her opinion, even if a junior in the Void Refining realm has heaven-defying combat power, as long as she is more vigilant, this bastard can't plot against her.

Lotus Position sat behind Yang Chen.

Karen Ji put her jade hand on his back.

True Qi entered Yang Chen's body, preparing to forcibly remove True Immortal's blood.

But after a moment, Karen Ji's eyes widened.

The palm of his hand quickly shook Yang Chen away.

He gritted his teeth and yelled:

"Asshole, you actually absorbed the fire poison into your body!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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