Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

335: Madam Of The Palace Master! Ji Qinghan Lured The Wolf Into The House! (Please Subscribe)

After Zhou Ni left, Ji Qinghan did not continue to accompany Yang Chen, but began to stabilize the situation in Tiandu City.

An Indistinguishable Dao Realm war caused panic in the entire Tiandu City.

That is to say, both warring parties regard Tiandu City as their own territory. Otherwise, countless areas of Tiandu City will be reduced to ruins at this moment.

Yang Chen found a palace and started Closed Door Training.

Using the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique, he swallowed one of Zhou Ni's black puppets and a large amount of her soul energy.

Yang Chen needs to refine and absorb it.

Although the "457" black puppet is composed of the resentful soul of the cultivator, under the purification of the light and divine radiance, it is directly transformed into the purest soul energy.

The two Soul Palace Indistinguishable Dao realm old demons who were suppressed by him in the Yukong Seal.

He was also directly killed and absorbed by him using the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique.

However, from the mouths of the two Soul Palace old demons, Yang Chen also learned some things about the Soul Palace.

Today, there are two Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivators in the Soul Palace.

The Master of the Soul Palace passed through the Tribulation of the Soul a few thousand years ago, but because he failed to survive the third Tribulation of Immortal Transformation, his physical body was destroyed.

It is also for this reason that the master of the Soul Palace has always wanted to find a harmonious body.

Zhou Chen's top-grade Sacred Body was targeted by him.

The other Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator in the Soul Palace is the wife of the palace owner.

According to the accounts of two old demons from the Soul Palace, the origin of this palace master’s wife is extremely mysterious.

Yang Chen trained in the palace with the closed door for two full months.

Relying on a large amount of soul energy and the source of life in the heart of the sacred tree, it has reached the peak of the Void Refining realm, Realm, and is only one step away from the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Indistinguishable Dao environment.

As the name suggests, it is in line with the path you have cultivated.

Nowadays, Yang Chen practices the Dao of Space, the Dao of the Sword, the Devil Dao, the Dao of Fire, the Dao of Light, as well as the tyrannical body and the violent dragon Bloodline within his body.

All of this makes him extremely powerful, capable of killing Indistinguishable Dao cultivators across the Realm.

However, the various forces are too complex and not prioritized.

What Yang Chen needs now is an inclusive calendar district.

The way of fire, the way of space, etc. can all be integrated together.

It is also because of this that in the past two months, he has gained insight into the power of life contained in the heart of the sacred tree in his body.

The force of life is gentle and can blend with other forces without any conflict.

Moreover, the power of life cooperates with the power of light.

It can perfectly cover up the demonic aura brought by the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique he practiced.

"Brother Chen!"

At this time, Ji Qinghan's voice reached Yang Chen's ears, causing him to open his eyes.

The palace restrictions opened and Ji Qinghan walked in.

Dressed in ice blue palace attire, her face was cold and arrogant.

However, the moment he saw Yang Chen, his feelings suddenly turned into tenderness and deep lovesickness.

After not seeing each other for two months, Ji Qinghan saw her lover again. At this moment, Ji Qinghan just wanted to throw herself directly into Yang Chen's arms.

But she also knew that Brother Chen had been practicing in Closed Door Training, and she came to interrupt his Closed Door Training.

If he only focused on expressing his feelings at this moment, it would inevitably make Brother Chen feel bored.

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Ji Qinghan said:

"Brother Chen, there is still no news from my sister in the past two months. I am a little worried about her!"

"So, I want to ask you to go to a place with me. Maybe my sister will be there!"

"But that place conflicts with the Ice Phoenix Bloodline in my body, so I want to ask you to go with me. It just so happens that you can also help my sister heal!"


Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

In the past two months, although he was training in the Closed Door, his soul would explore the palace from time to time. 1.5

He also wanted to take advantage of Karen Ji's serious injury and take advantage of her.

However, no trace of Karen Ji was ever found.

Just now, Ji Qinghan came to invite him.

Then let Ji Qinghan, the Little Sister, lead the wolf into the house because of her sister.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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