Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

334: You Are My Master! Give Zhou Chen Some Old Friends! (Please Subscribe)

"Senior Zhou Ni, tell Qinghan our current relationship and don't make me angry!"

"Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences!"

Yang Chen said lightly, his tone full of threats.

"Yang Chen, did you do anything to my aunt while riding a horse?"

Zhou Chen also noticed something strange at this time and shouted sharply at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen ignored him.

Just looked at Zhou Ni quietly.

Zhou Ni gritted his teeth, knowing in his heart that if he didn't let this bastard get his wish today, he would not let himself go.

Although I send my greetings in my heart ~ Yang Chen’s ancestors are more than ten generations old.

But in the end, Zhou Ni still trembled and said reluctantly:

"I, I have indeed decided to follow, follow Yang Chen!"

Zhou Ni didn't shout the two most crucial words.

Trying to muddle through.

However, how could Yang Chen let her go.

Now it is not only to crush Zhou Ni's self-esteem, but most importantly, to plunder Zhou Chen's luck value.

He has been planning for this for a long time.

"Who am I to you?"

"speak out!"

Yang Chen shouted in a deep voice.


Zhou Ni's plump and delicate body trembled violently, unable to hold back, she moaned again.

Electric currents flowed rapidly in her soul, causing her whole body to tremble. At the same time, the resistance in her heart also weakened a lot.

Finally, he said helplessly:

"You are, you are my master!"

"Oh well!"

A flash of pride flashed across Yang Chen's face, and then he stopped activating the soul mark.

This scene made Ji Qinghan on the side look stunned for a while.

If Zhou Ni agreed to follow Brother Chen, then she would suspect that the old woman had other agendas.

but now.

Zhou Ni, an old woman, called Brother Chen Master.

Although she looked reluctant, Brother Chen seemed to be able to control her body, forcing her to shout out.

Brother Chen, this bad guy, has so many tricks.

It would be a good thing if Zhou Ni could be completely conquered.

Of course, the premise is that Brother Chen only treats her as a maid, not a woman.

After all, although this old woman is old, she is pretty and even older than her.

"Aunt, are you crazy!?"

Zhou Chen's face was gloomy at this moment, and he shouted to Zhou Xia in a deep voice.

Aunt, she actually called Yang Chen, the bastard master?

This is absolutely crazy.

Must be crazy.

Auntie, she is a powerful person of Indistinguishable Dao late stage.

Let alone Yang Chen, a Void Refining junior.

Even the emperor's sister-in-law never made her aunt surrender.

But now, why would you call Yang Chen that bastard master?

Zhou Ni's body returned to normal at this moment, but her face was full of shame.

Calling Yang Chen this bastard master in front of his nephew.

Her dignity was shattered to pieces at this moment.

Unable to face his nephew, he could only turn his back.

"Yang Chen, you bastard, what despicable methods did you use?"

"I'm going to kill you on horseback!"

Zhou Chen's eyes were ferocious.

At this moment, he also saw that his aunt was completely forced to call this bastard master.

This bastard must have used some sinister trick to force my aunt to submit.

"Haha, brother Zhou Chen, your aunt chose to follow me, naturally it is for you!"

"Don't worry, I can assure you that the Destiny Dynasty will belong to you from now on. I will leave here with Qinghan in a short time!"

"Don't let down your aunt's kindness. She made a great sacrifice for you!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Zhou Chen's face suddenly turned livid with anger, and veins popped out on his forehead.

"Yang Chen, I'm f*ck, I'm going to kill you!"


Zhou Chen cursed angrily.

"court death!"

…………Please give me flowers 0

Ji Qinghan's face was cold and he raised his hand to slap him.

But suddenly, Zhou Chen spurted out a mouthful of blood.


He was so angry that he was so angry, and he had suffered serious injuries just now, that he fainted.


Zhou Ni quickly supported him.

Looking at Zhou Chen's almost distorted face and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, she could understand the grief and anger in her nephew's heart.

After all, this bastard Yang Chen just stole away his childhood sweetheart Ji Qinghan.

The hatred of taking his wife has not yet been avenged.

Now, she, the aunt, was called the master again.

This blow was indeed too great.

It's okay to be in a coma.

At least, I don't have to bear the deliberate insult from that bastard.

"Yang Chen, you are going too far!"

Zhou Ni looked at Yang Chen coldly, his eyes full of grief and anger.


"Zhou Ni, how dare you mention the master's name!"

Before Yang Chen could speak, Ji Qinghan immediately shouted.

There was a sense of pride in his expression.

The feud between her and this old woman has been going on for thousands of years.

Now of course I can't let go of this opportunity, I want to humiliate and humiliate her.

Zhou Ni snorted coldly, without saying anything else, hugged Zhou Chen and left here.

[Ding, the host asked Zhou Ni to call him master in public, Zhou Chen's mood collapsed, and he robbed son of destiny of Zhou Chen's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points! 】

The system sounds.

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Two thousand points of luck.

There was a lot of plunder this time.

Although Zhou Ni, a beautiful woman, is not the heroine, as Zhou Chen's aunt, her status in Zhou Chen's heart is quite high.

From now on, you can put more thought into her.

After all, just calling him master was not enough.

Wouldn't it be more beautiful if we could add a few old cousins ​​to Zhou Chen?

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