Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

310: Become A Companion? Wasn't The First Kiss A Lie To Me? (Please Subscribe)

Another moment of tenderness.

Ji Qinghan straightened the pleated palace dress and combed the long hair scattered on her face behind her head.

His temperament suddenly became less shy and more noble and cold.

Then, he and Yang Chen walked to the entrance of the cave.

Yang Chen waved his hand and removed the light curtain at the entrance of the cave.


Zhou Chen's gloomy and angry face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Brother Zhou Chen, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!"

"The evil spirit in Qinghan's body is quite difficult to get rid of, and it takes a lot of time!"

"Forgive me, forgive me!"

Yang Chen had a warm smile on his face.

But in Zhou Chen's eyes, it was extremely damning.

"This bastard, Bai Ri" affirmed that Qinghan had a lot of advantages in the cave.

It's hard to say that the scene on Qinghan's chest was completely taken away by him.

I have never seen the secret parts of my own woman, but others have shown them to me.


Damn it, when I succeed in my cultivation, I will kill you first.


Zhou Chen snorted coldly, ignored Yang Chen, and looked at Ji Qinghan.

The black air and wounds on his chest have completely dissipated.

His temperament was even colder than before.

However, the original phoenix robe was replaced by a blue palace dress.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

I hope Ji Qinghan, a bitch, knows his shame and doesn't change his position in front of Yang Chen, a bastard.

Zhou Chen suppressed the anger in his heart and asked:

"Qinghan, how is your injury? It should be fine!"


Ji Qinghan coldly uttered two words.

She didn't want to talk to Zhou Chen at all now.

It was a wonderful moment of affection, but it was suddenly ruined by him.


"Qinghan, I just received a message from the emperor's sister-in-law. She asked us to return to Tianducheng immediately!"

"Now the capital city has activated the city protection formation to eliminate the evil cultivators from the Soul Palace who have sneaked into the city!"

"Yang Chen, it is not convenient for outsiders to enter Tiandu City at this moment, we should just say goodbye!"

Zhou Chen said in a deep voice.

I just thought of a reason and wanted to send Yang Chen away.

However, after hearing his words, Ji Qinghan said angrily:

"Zhou Chen, Brother Chen is the Holy Son of Daotian. Daotian Holy Land has a close relationship with our destiny dynasty. How can we be an outsider?"

"Stop talking nonsense here, it's not your turn to make the decision in the Destiny Dynasty now!"

"Qinghan you!"

Zhou Chen's face turned pale after being scolded by Ji Qinghan like this.

However, he couldn't care less about Ji Qinghan's indifferent attitude towards her now.

Because Ji Qinghan called Yang Chen, Brother Chen, he was keenly aware of it.

"Qinghan, why do you call him that?"

Zhou Chen asked quickly.

"Humph, Brother Chen and I have become companions, so naturally we should call them that!"

Ji Qinghan did not hide anything and directly stated her relationship with Yang Chen at this time.

She did have a crush on Zhou Chen thousands of years ago, and the two of them were childhood sweethearts.

But Thousand Years passed, and she no longer had feelings for Zhou Chen.

Since Zhou Chen woke up, he has repeatedly declared that he is his future emperor.

Even my sister is interested in matching.

This disgusted her.

But fortunately, I met Brother Chen.

Otherwise, it has been difficult to find a husband, and with my sister's strong arrangements, Zhou Chen's wish may have been fulfilled.

Now, she was going to tell Zhou Chen directly that she, Ji Qinghan, already had a companion.

And it's a thousand times stronger than him.

Let him give up completely.

"Jie, knot as dao companion?"

Zhou Chen was stunned when he heard this.

But then, his eyes instantly became ferocious.

He originally just thought that he would be taken advantage of by letting Yang Chen, a bastard, help Qinghan get rid of the evil spirit in his chest.

But I didn't expect that the two of them would develop to this extent.

Moreover, Ji Qinghan, a bitch, shamelessly calls this bastard Brother Chen.

What did the two of them do in the cave just now?

Is it possible that that kind of relationship has already happened?

Damn it.



Zhou Chen's eyes became more ferocious, veins popped out on his forehead, and he growled:

"Qinghan, are you crazy?"

"How long have you known this bastard?"

"You have forgotten that you promised to be my emperor and empress back then. You are my woman!"

"Zhou Chen, stop talking nonsense!"

Ji Qinghan immediately interrupted Zhou Chen.

Thinking that Yang Chen was standing nearby, he hurriedly explained:

"Brother Chen, those were all promises I made casually when I was young. They should not be counted, so don't worry about them!"


Yang Chen's eyes were full of amusement.

"Qinghan, it turns out that you and brother Zhou Chen still have this kind of past. You just told me that it was your first kiss. Could you be lying to me?"

"Brother Chen, how could I lie to you?"

"Although Zhou Chen and I were childhood sweethearts when we were young, he has never even held my hand!"

2.8 "It was my first kiss just now!"

Being suspected by Yang Chen, Chu Qinghan suddenly became a little worried.

Facing Zhou Chen's strong indifference, he instantly became as helpless as a little girl.

This scene made Zhou Chen's eyes wide open.


"Bitch, Ji Qinghan, you bitch!"

Zhou Chen couldn't bear it any longer and cursed angrily.

[Ding, the host and Ji Qinghan became a companion and took away his first kiss. Zhou Chen's mood collapsed and he plundered son of destiny. Zhou Chen's luck value was 1000 points. The host gained a villain value of 100! 】

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