Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

309: From Now On, You Will Call Me Brother Chen! One Phoenix Serves Two Purposes! (Please Subscribe)

Zhou Chen looked at the isolating light curtain at the entrance of the cave in front of him and punched it heavily.


The light curtain rippled, and the cave trembled.

However, with his Cultivation Base, the light was not broken.

In the cave.

Ji Qinghan and Yang Chen, who were immersed in the kiss, felt the vibration in the cave and opened their eyes at the same time.

Lips and teeth separated.

Ji Qinghan's cheeks were as red as blood.

Looking at Yang Chen's beautiful eyes, the lingering affection is like autumn water, seeming to overflow.

Just now, she was completely immersed in it.

That feeling is intoxicating.

No wonder both cultivators and mortals are looking for partners.

It turns out that the taste is so wonderful.

"It seems that Brother Zhou Chen has broken free from your imprisonment!"

"Ji fellow daoist, it's time for us to go out!"

Yang Chen glanced at the light curtain at the entrance of the cave.

There was a flash of regret in his eyes.

He regretted arranging a formation light curtain at the entrance of the cave.

Otherwise, after Zhou Chen broke free from his imprisonment, he would directly see the scenery inside the cave.

Then, haha.

Wouldn't it be possible to take advantage of the situation and plunder a large amount of luck value?

It's a pity, I regret it.

The palms of his hands gently rubbed Ji Qinghan's plump and graceful waist and back.

Cool and smooth.

Full of flexibility.

It can be said to be a jade bone with ice muscles.

It is indeed a pure-blooded true phoenix, and it feels great in the hand.

Although Ji Qinghan's delicate body was trembling slightly, it did not stop Yang Chen's entrance.

She pressed her cheek against his shoulder and said in a slightly coquettish tone:

"Yang Lang, you still call Ji Ji fellow daoist?"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I can't continue to call you Ji fellow daoist, that would be too offensive!"

"I'll call you Qinghan from now on!"

"However, don't call me Yang Lang. From now on, you will call me Brother Chen. Do you understand?"


Hearing this title, Ji Qinghan's half-closed beautiful eyes couldn't help but open.

There was a bit of amusement in his eyes.

Because as far as she knew, the lover in front of her seemed to be very young, not as old as herself.

However, feeling the domineering tone in Yang Chen's tone, Ji Qinghan still nodded meekly.

"Oh, I see!"


Saying that, Ji Qinghan wrapped her jade arms around Yang Chen's waist and pressed her cheek tightly against his chest.

I want to feel the sweetness of this moment.

But suddenly, the cave trembled again.

The formation light curtain at the entrance of the cave was hit hard by Zhou Chen again.

Although Zhou Chen couldn't break the formation, this ordinary cave couldn't withstand a few shakings.

"Qinghan, why don't we go out? Brother Zhou Chen should be waiting impatiently!"

Yang Chen said softly.

...Please give me flowers...

Ji Qinghan glanced at the entrance of the cave, a hint of boredom flashed in his beautiful eyes.

I just confirmed my companionship with Brother Chen.

I should have taken this opportunity to cultivate feelings and express my feelings.

But Zhou Chen, this annoying guy, keeps disturbing me outside.

Damn it.

"Okay, okay!"

"But Brother Chen, our current relationship has been confirmed!"

"You, you are not allowed to go back on your word in the future!"


"Even if Saint Lord Daotian doesn't agree, you can't let me go!"

"Otherwise, otherwise I will fight to Daotian Holy Land!"

Ji Qinghan looked at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes, and his tone was firm and stubborn.

"Don't worry, how could I not want you!"

"You are a pure-blood Phoenix. What man can refuse a pure-blood Phoenix?"

"I will still have to rely on you to protect me from now on!"

Yang Chen's tone was playful, his palms gently groping her tender jade back.

A pure-blooded true phoenix who can both ride and ride.

One phoenix serves two purposes.

How could you not?

What's more, this is one of the sister flowers.

Although the aloof Her Majesty the Queen is more in line with his taste.

But with her as Little Sister, it will have a unique flavor.

ps: The new book is on the way, please support me from readers!

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