Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

296: This Little Bastard Is So Cheap! She Is A Woman After All! (Please Subscribe)

Looking at Yang Chen who closed his eyes obediently, but there was a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth.

Aurora Dao Master gritted his silver teeth slightly.

This little bastard really did what he wanted.

If there is a conflict between the meridians in the body and the origin of life, it can only be absorbed directly by the heart.

The heart of the three-eyed fairy is the source of Bloodline's power and is extremely powerful. She is confident that she can contain the origin of life, causing the origin of life to burn in her heart.

In order to restore the Cultivation Base as soon as possible, this is the only way to do it.

This little bastard is cheap.

I think back in the Immortal World, how many Immortal Venerables pursued her but failed.

And she, the Aurora Taoist Master, has practiced for hundreds of Ten Thousand Years and has never had skin-to-skin contact with a man.

Now I have to deal with this junior.

"Yang Chen, I'm warning you, after you close your eyes, you are not allowed to open them without my permission!"

Jiguang Taoist gave a warning, and then walked to Yang Chen.


A faint fragrance penetrated Yang Chen's nose.

It's not like the fragrance of flowers, it should be the body fragrance of Aurora Taoist Master. twenty three

The fragrance of flowers can float very far, but only body fragrance needs to be smelled faintly at a close distance.

There was a soft hum, and then, Yang Chen put a pair of jade hands on his waist.

Then, an astonishing holy softness came from his chest.

He couldn't help but take a breath of air.


Although he is a senior who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he is still not to be underestimated.

Aurora Taoist Master, like Piao Miao Saint, are both three-eyed immortals.

He is tall and slender, about the same height as an ordinary human man.

The position of the heart on his left chest coincides with the heart of the sacred tree on his right chest.



Yang Chen suddenly felt a strong heartbeat.

This strong heartbeat was transmitted to his body like water waves, causing the blood flow in his body to speed up.

Moreover, an ancient prehistoric aura also entered his body along with this heartbeat fluctuation, trying to make his body tremble and surrender, kneeling under this ancient aura.

Yang Chen had felt this ancient aura before.

The Misty Saint once released this kind of aura when she awakened the Three-Eyed Immortal Clan Bloodline.

This is the coercion that Bloodline exudes when released.

Although he didn't know what kind of race the Three-Eyed Immortal Tribe was, he was not afraid of his Sun God Body.

What's more, in addition to the Sun God Body, he also has the Bloodline of the Ancient God Dragon.

Within the body, the golden divine blood surged and roared, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, with bursts of dragon roars mixed in with it.

Compared with the overwhelming aura of prehistoric times, it is not weak at all.

A flash of surprise flashed across the beautiful eyes of Jiguang Taoist Master at this moment.

She and Yang Chen, a junior, have skin-to-skin contact, so the two Bloodlines will naturally conflict.

However, she didn't expect that the power of Bloodline in this kid was as strong as hers.

The Sun Divine Body is indeed the strongest body in the entire universe.

Even if the origin has not yet become immortal, there is such a huge Bloodline Five.

Moreover, that dragon roar had a faint aura that could only be found in the five-clawed divine dragon of the Ancestral Dragon Realm.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

"Junior was kind enough to transmit the source of life to you, but you used Bloodline to suppress Junior. That's too much!"

At this time, Yang Chen opened his eyes.

Looking at the beautiful face that was only a finger away from him, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Being so close, I feel more and more that this beautiful woman is absolutely beautiful.

And at this moment, the Aurora Taoist held him tightly with his jade arms in order to fit the heart of the sacred tree on his right chest.

Her plump and delicate body clung to his body.

The taste is simply wonderful.

"Bastard, who told you to open your eyes?"

Seeing Yang Chen suddenly open his eyes, a hint of embarrassment flashed through the beautiful eyes of the Aurora Taoist Master.

The vertical eyes between the brows suddenly opened, and within them were the three-color immortal light flashing.

Yang Chen was suddenly shocked.

He suddenly opened his eyes, which made this beautiful woman angry.

If he receives a blow, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

Dammit, as for that?

Although she has lived for a million years, she is still a woman after all, but she is prone to being impulsive regardless of the consequences.

Yang Chen quickly mobilized the source of life in the heart of the sacred tree.

Suddenly, the green light of life flashed on his chest.

Because the hearts are close together, the source of life overflows from the heart of Shenmu 713 and is immediately absorbed by the heart of Aurora Taoist Master.


The source of life directly turns into a green life flame, surges out, and fills the entire heart space.


Suddenly, the Aurora Taoist groaned.

Feeling the flame of life filling the space in his heart, he didn't bother to settle accounts with Yang Chen. He hurriedly closed his beautiful eyes and began to guide the flame of life to flow into his limbs and bones.

Although the fire of life does not have a high temperature, it is still a flame after all.

Moreover, the source of life that Yang Chen transferred into the heart of Aurora Dao Master was more than what he had taken out before, and the flames were enough to cover thousands of miles in radius.

Fierce flames burned, spread and accumulated within the main body of the Aurora Dao.

Extremely high temperatures formed.

Her plump and delicate body couldn't help but tremble, and the nails on her jade hands dug directly into the flesh of Yang Chen's back.

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