Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

295: The Original Fire Turns Into Qinglian! Can I Only Use That Posture? (Please Subscribe)

I don't know how long it took before Yang Chen opened his eyes again.

In his eyes, a trace of vicissitudes of life flashed through.

It's like traveling through Ten Thousand Years, reading all the world.

With the palms spread out, a green lotus slowly bloomed.

Qinglian is not the manifestation of True Qi.

It is a cyan Lotus flower in its true form.

Yang Chen had refined the Qinglian Tianyan before, and he already had the original fire of the Qinglian Tianyan in his body.

Now, a trace of the flame origin of Qinglian Tianyan, combined with his understanding of the way of life, has grown directly into a real Qinglian.

Yang Chen put the green lotus on the ground and quickly took root in the soil king.

On the lotus body, the green "380" flames lingered, exuding a scorching aura.

"A trace of original fire turned into a green lotus, Yang Chen, it seems that you have gained a lot in these three months!"

"Only those True Immortals who practice the way of life can control these methods!"

"This Qinglian is the seedling of Qinglian Tianyan. If it is placed in the volcanic magma, it may be possible to breed a strange fire again!"

Beside, the Aurora Taoist Master walked slowly, his tone full of appreciation.

Yang Chen turned his head to look, and couldn't help but look slightly confused.

Aurora Taoist Master's hair was wet at the moment.

There are still water droplets remaining on the face.

He had obviously just finished taking a bath.

The red palace dress clings to her body, perfectly revealing her plump and graceful curves.

Coupled with Qingcheng's beautiful face, she looks like a peerless fairy in the dust.

Yang Chen looked at a lake in the distance, and a flash of regret suddenly flashed in his heart.

If I woke up earlier, wouldn't I be able to see some beautiful scenery?

However, he didn't look much further.

After all, I have been warned by this beautiful woman several times.

With a surprised look on his face he said:

"It's been three months?"

"So long? Why didn't you wake me up, senior?"

"Humph, it's not for your own good that I didn't wake you up!"

Jiguang Dao Master gave him a white look with her beautiful eyes.

Combined with the water drops on her jade face and the wet black hair, she exuded a sense of charm.

"Opportunities for enlightenment can only come by chance but cannot be sought!"

"What's more, three months is just a blink of an eye for a cultivator!"

"Your understanding of the way of life in these three months is enough to be worth Thousand Years of hard training!"

"You should be able to mobilize the life source of the heart of the sacred tree now!"

"The origin of life in the heart of the sacred tree?"

"it should be OK!"

Yang Chen nodded.

After watching the life of Kunlun Shenmu just now, he couldn't help but understand the way of life, and established a subtle connection with the heart of the Shenmu.

In fact, the entire heart of the sacred tree is composed of the city of the origin of life.

In the heart of the sacred tree, there is an ocean of life origin.

Yang Chen tried to mobilize a trace of the source of life and pulled it out of the heart of the sacred tree.

Suddenly, a few drops of green liquid appeared on his right chest.

Although it was still in his body, it exuded a strong breath of life.

"It is indeed the origin of life!"

The Aurora Taoist stretched out his jade hand directly and placed it on Yang Chen's chest.

I want to use this method to absorb the origin of life.

Being chest to chest with a junior like Yang Chen, she still couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Especially this kid who was staring straight at her chest before, looking like he was dreaming.

If there was really contact at that part, wouldn't it be playing into the hands of this little bastard?

However, that life source overflowed from Yang Chen's skin and immediately started to burn as soon as it entered her palm.


The source of life instantly turned into a raging green flame..

With Yang Chen and Aurora Taoist as the center, it spread towards the oasis and desert.

However, this green flame is not very hot.

On the contrary, where the flames passed, the green color of the oasis became stronger.

In the desert outside the oasis, green grass and flowers are growing and blooming rapidly.

The flames spread thousands of miles around.

It also turned the desert with a radius of thousands of miles directly into an oasis.

The sky even started to rain spiritual rain with the energy of life.

"The life energy contained in a trace of the origin of life is so surging, it is worthy of the heart of the sacred tree!"

"Unfortunately, I have been practicing the Way of Aurora for a long time, and the imprint of the Way in my meridians is too deep, and it is too repellent to the origin of life!"

Aurora Taoist Master's white and dark eyebrows frowned.

Yang Chen can mobilize the source of life, but she cannot absorb it directly.

With the Cultivation Base she has now restored, she is still unable to suppress the life source of the heart of the sacred tree and forcibly inhale it into the meridians of the body.

Is it possible that you really can only use that posture?

Seeing this scene, Changchen's eyes flashed with a trace of imperceptible amusement.

"Senior, it looks like you can't directly absorb the source of life in 3.2!"

Ji Guang Taoist snorted coldly and glared at him with beautiful eyes.

But in the end, he still said:

"Close your eyes and don't think too much!"


Although Yang Chen secretly laughed in his heart.

But she still closed her eyes with a serious face, leaving some dignity for this beautiful woman.

After all, he is still a giant in the Immortal World, a senior who has lived ten thousand years.


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