Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

287: My Charm Remains The Same As Before! The Foundation Of The World Tree! (Please Subscribe)

"What Junior likes is the type of senior!"

"Beautiful and charming without losing the plump charm!"

As soon as Yang Chen said those words, he immediately regretted it.

What I just said was a bit too frivolous.

I still don’t know the temperament of this Aurora Taoist.

Moreover, he currently has no means to check and balance her.

If this old woman thinks that she is teasing her, she will be in trouble.

"Oh? Do you like my type?"

"Haha, it seems that after ten thousand years, my charm is still the same as before!"

"But then you have to practice hard. There are many single female immortals who are as old and beautiful as me in the Immortal World!"

Jiguang Dao Master was not angry, but instead teased Yang Chen.

Think about it too.

How could a senior who is over a hundred years old and has such a broad mind care about this with a young boy?

Jiguang Taoist Master then said:

"Yang Chen, I still need a favor from you!"

"Senior's orders!"

Yang Chen said immediately.

"The world you call the Fallen Immortal secret realm is the northern region of Zhongzhou in the former Kunlun realm.||!"

"The northern region of the Kunlun Realm is an extremely magical place. The World Tree of the Kunlun Realm grows here!"

"The World Tree?"

Yang Chen frowned slightly.

He couldn't help but think of the World Tree seed he obtained.

Jiguang Taoist Master then said:

"The World Tree is the foundation of a big world and the connection between the big world and the origin of the universe. It can also be said that the vast space of every big world is formed by the step-by-step growth and expansion of the World Tree!"

"That's why the war that year took place in the Northern Territory, and the purpose was to destroy the World Tree in the Kunlun world!"

"The reason why it is difficult for you to get True Immortal from the Kunlun world now is because the World Tree has been destroyed and the connection with the original avenue of the Universe is lacking, which makes it extremely difficult to achieve True Immortal through Transcend Tribulation!"

"I see!"

Yang Chen nodded, his eyes flashing with some thoughts.

In this way, after the seeds of the World Tree grow, it should be the World Tree.

With the growth process, the space becomes larger step by step, and finally evolves into a big world.

"Back then, I was killed by several Immortal Venerables from the same realm. I haven't seen anything since. I'm not sure if the foundation of the world tree in Kunlun is still there!"

"So, I want you to go there!"

"If the foundation of the World Tree is still there, for you and me, it will be a shocking Good Fortune!"

"I will use this to quickly restore my strength!"

"The foundation of the World Tree?"

"Shocking Good Fortune?"

Yang Chen's eyes were slightly startled.

It must be extraordinary to be called a shocking Good Fortune by the giant of the Immortal World, Aurora Taoist Lord.

Moreover, the foundation of the World Tree in Kunlun's world does not know whether it has any impact on the World Tree seeds in his body.

If the growth of the World Tree seeds can be accelerated, his mastery of the way of space will also rapidly improve.

Worth a visit.

".. Since senior has given the order, Junior will go ahead!"

"What's more, senior was helping the Kunlun world back then, which led to the current situation. As a junior in the Kunlun world, Junior should do his best to help senior recover!"

Yang Chen said righteously and solemnly.

Anyway, if it’s cheap, it won’t cost any money.

"Good boy, I never thought you would be so worried!"

"I did not misjudge you!" (Zhao's)

"When I recover in the future, I will take you to the Immortal World to teach you carefully!"

The voice of Aurora Taoist Master was full of appreciation for Yang Chen.

However, her title made Yang Chen frown slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

Good boy?

It’s not like this Aurora Taoist has never seen his scale before.

Is he a child?

This is an insult to him!

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