Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

286: In The Past, Kunlun Was Among The Top Ten In All Worlds! I Like This Type Of Senior! (Please Su

"What does Queen Senior think of your proposal?"

Yang Chen's expression was full of sincerity.

Karen Ji's eyes flickered, and finally she snorted coldly:

"I will trust you again!"

"But remember Yang Chen, if the Meteor Immortal secret realm comes out and you dare to prevaricate me, I will definitely kill you in Daotian Holy Land and cut you into pieces!"

"When the time comes, no one in the entire Kunlun world can protect you, let alone Yu Yourong!"

After saying that, Karen Ji turned into a stream of light and left the burial space.

"Now, does a mere Transcend Tribulation cultivator dare to ignore the entire Kunlun world?"

The voice of Master Aurora sounded in Yang Chen's mind again.

This made him look slightly startled.

"Senior, now in the Kunlun world, the Transcend Tribulation cultivator is already at the top!"

"That person just now is known as the Queen of Destiny. Her strength can almost be said to be arrogant to the entire Kunlun world!"


A faint sigh.

"I think back then, the Kunlun Realm was among the top ten among all realms, and True Immortal was countless!" 11

"Supreme in the Kunlun world, he is also a giant in the Immortal world!"

"Now, it has fallen to this level!"

"It seems that the war a hundred Ten Thousand Years ago completely destroyed the Kunlun world!"

"Myriad Realms? Among the top ten?"

"Senior, don't you know what this world is?"

Yang Chen was attracted by the words of Master Aurora.

Aurora Taoist Master immediately said:

"It seems that a war ten thousand years ago not only drastically reduced the number of top cultivators in the Kunlun world, but also caused a memory gap in the Kunlun world!"

"Forget it, I'll tell you about it!"

"The Kunlun world you are in is a big world. There are tens of thousands or more big worlds like this in the entire Universe!"

"And the Immortal World, located at the core of the Universe, is a place with the most complete laws of heaven and earth, and connects all the big worlds!"

"The top cultivators from all the worlds meet in the Immortal World!"

"In this way, the strength and weakness of this world will be highlighted!"

"In the Kunlun world back then, there were no less than five people like me, and all of them could dominate the Immortal World. At that time, the Kunlun world's strength was among the ten thousand worlds, and it ranked among the top ten.

"However, that battle was too brutal. It seems that the Hundred Ten Thousand Years in the Kunlun world not only failed to recover, but actually faded away!"

Taoist Aurora's explanation made Yang Chen stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is such a vast world outside the Kunlun world.

In the past, we only knew that the Immortal World was the place where True Immortal ascended.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Immortal World, there are tens of thousands of big worlds like the Kunlun World.

And Immortal World connects all big worlds.

Then this Immortal World must be crowded with powerful people and lively.

Outside the burial space.

Several people walked out.

The space channel originally condensed by the three-color immortal light began to slowly dissipate, and finally turned into a stone wall again.

"Xuan'er, have you obtained the transmission from Aurora Taoist Master?"

When Yu Zun saw Yu Xuan, he suddenly looked startled.

Because the aura on Yuxuan's body has reached the Void Refining Seventh Stage at this time, and the aura of light is extremely strong, like a goddess of light.

But soon, his expression darkened.

Because, Yuxuan changed clothes.

He clearly remembered that Yuxuan was wearing a long dress with the Jade clan logo before entering.

Now, it is a moon-white tube outfit.

Although more holy and noble.

But why do we need to change clothes?

And that bastard Yang Chen also changed his clothes.

Is it possible for the two of them?

[Ding, Yuzun suspects that Yuxuan has turned into the shape of the host, and his mood is seriously damaged. He plunders son of destiny Yuzun's luck value of 1000 points, and the host gets 1000 villain points! 1

[Ding, the host intercepted the opportunity of the Jade Master and robbed the son of destiny of the Jade Master's luck value of 2000 points. The host obtained the Kangpai value of 2000 points! 】

The system voice sounded in my mind.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but evoke a trace of amusement.

Three thousand luck points, not bad.

"Yuzun, please call me by my full name, otherwise I won't blame you for being rude to you!"

Yuxuan snorted coldly, frowning and glaring coldly.

After what happened before, she was just bored with this situation.

He usually prides himself on being invincible, but at critical moments, he not only shrinks, but becomes a villain.

If it weren't for the Holy Son, she could only hand over the key to the tomb in humiliation, and there would be no chance of obtaining the Aurora Taoist Master, who would be a True Immortal in the future.

Thinking of this, Yu Xuan's beautiful eyes couldn't help but glance at Yang Chen secretly.

Previously in the stone tomb, she was honest with the Holy Son.

I wonder if the Holy Son is still satisfied with himself?

She considers her figure to be no worse than that of Piao Miao Saint and Chu Xi.

Thinking of this, Yuxuan couldn't help but blush on her cheeks.

This scene was all caught in Yu Zun's eyes.

Suddenly veins popped out on his forehead, and his face looked ferocious.

"Yuxuan, you bitch, bitch!"

"You are cold to me, but shy and timid to that bastard Yang Chen!"

Yu Zun cursed in his heart.

At this time, the Misty Saint walked up to Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen, something happened here, where are you going?"

"There is still some time before the end of the Fallen Immortal secret realm, why don't we wait and go together?"


Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

He knew exactly what this Misty Saint had planned.

Still thinking about the three-color crystal coffin.

"It's okay to go together, after all, we don't know each other very well!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

The Piaomiao Saint looked startled.

She really wanted to follow Yang Chen to see if he had stolen the crystal coffin.

But I didn't expect that this bastard would say so coldly that they weren't familiar with each other.

In the stone tomb, his whole body was seen by 800, and he even said that he didn't know him well.

Damn it.

The Misty Saint clenched her silver teeth and glanced coldly at Yang Chen.

Then he turned around proudly and left with several female cultivators from Piaomiao Immortal Palace.

"This little girl has awakened the Bloodline of the Three-Eyed Immortal Clan and obtained my Tao Fruit. She will definitely become a True Immortal in the future!"

"Yang Chen, although she hates you for looking at her body, this is not a breakthrough point!"

"After all, this kind of hatred can easily be transformed into love!"

"Furthermore, when my body fully recovers, explain to her how you can help me. Then you two can expect good things!"

In my mind, the voice of Aurora Taoist Master was somewhat pleasant.

Yang Chen looked slightly startled, but he didn't expect that the Aurora Taoist master had quite some insights into the relationship between men and women.

"Thank you senior for your kindness, but Junior doesn't really like her type!"

"Oh? This little girl is so beautiful, why don't you look down on her?"

"Then what do you like?"

It seems that he has just woken up, and the Aurora Taoist talks a bit too much.

Yang Chen didn't think too much and just followed her question and said:

"What Junior likes is the type of senior!"

"Beautiful and charming without losing charm!"

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