Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 216: Breaking The Shackles Of Respecting Teachers? (Seeking Subscription)

"The Saint Lord of this generation is from the Jade Clan. If the Saint Lord of the next generation is also from the Jade Clan, then not only our Zhan family, but also the other Elders in the Holy Land will feel dissatisfied in their hearts!"

"The Holy Land of Daotian is the holy land of all the holy land cultivators!!"

"But the Jade Clan has always regarded the Daotian Holy Land as their private property. Hmph, now that their own bloodline has been thinned, they still want to control the Daotian Holy Land from generation to generation. It's ridiculous and overconfident!"

Zhan Qiuyun said, her beautiful eyes looked at Yang Chen, and she said earnestly:

"Xiao Chen, although you only have the Cultivation Base of the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage, when it comes to Realm, it is far from Yuzun!"

"However, your existence is very special!"

"Although you are Ling Shuang's disciple, you are not completely from our Zhan family. You are not much different from those disciples who worshiped in the Daotian Holy Land!"

"In terms of origin, the other Indistinguishable Dao realm Elders in the Holy Land are extremely satisfied with you!"

"A cultivator who does not come from the ancient clans of Daotian Holy Land becomes the Son, which is more in line with their interests!"

"Even if you lose to Yu Zun, you only need to show enough talent at 25, for example, you can fight against the Void Refining First Stage cultivator across borders!"

"In this way, Auntie can guarantee that those core Elders will definitely recommend you to be the Son of the Holy Land with all their strength!"

"At that time, several Elders will join forces to check and balance Yu Yourong, the Saint Lord, and the position of the Holy Son will be yours!"

Zhan Qiuyun was persuasive to Yang Chen for a while.

Yang Chen knew her real purpose.

After going around such a big circle, it is nothing more than to let myself obtain the position of the Holy Son, and then hand over the Yukong Seal to her.


This beautiful woman has a deep obsession with Yu Kongyin.

"Xiaochen, what do you think of Shigu's analysis just now?"

Zhan Qiuyun asked at this time.

Yang Chen nodded:

"It makes sense!"

"I didn't expect that although my aunt has been obsessed with cultivation, she still has such attainments in the art of maneuvering, and has such a deep way of check and balance!"


Zhan Qiuyun's black eyebrows were slightly raised, and she looked a little smug.

There is also some expectation.

If the little bastard Yang Chen became the Son, not only would he be able to get the Yukong Seal.

He could even slap that old woman Yu Yourong in the face.

Yu Kongyin has been thinking about her for a thousand years.

When her Cultivation Base reached the Void Refining state, Yu Yourong promised her that as long as her Cultivation Base reached the Indistinguishable Dao state, she would hand over the Yukong Seal to her.

But after she reached the Indistinguishable Dao state, she changed her mind again.

He also threatened her to compromise.


Do you really think she, Zhan Qiuyun, is easy to bully?

"Xiao Chen, since you also think it makes sense, after half a year, you, the Son of Heaven, can join in too!"

"Auntie has also reached the Indistinguishable Dao Realm now. Although she is not the core Elder, in this heavenly holy land, words still have some weight. I will fully support you when the time comes!"

As Zhan Qiuyun said, she patted Yang Chen's shoulder heavily, with an encouraging gesture.

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Yang Chen's face.

"Auntie, what you said is very reasonable, but my nephew may not agree to you!"


Zhan Qiuyun looked startled, frowned and asked:


Yang Chen said helplessly:

"Auntie, have you forgotten? My nephew's master is a saint!"

"If the little nephew becomes the Holy Son, wouldn't the seniority be messed up?"

"At that time, how will my nephew get along with Master?"

"What's this!?"

Zhan Qiuyun immediately curled her lips and said disapprovingly:

"The way of cultivation, those who have achieved it first!"

"Could it be that because your master is currently in the Void Refining Stage Third Stage Cultivation Base, you won't be able to go beyond this stage in the future?"

"Your current Realm has reached the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage, and you have the strength to fight against the Void Refining realm cultivator, so you are fully qualified to become the Son of God!"

"Furthermore, with a power of Daotian Holy Land's level, some Elders often live for three or four thousand years, and it is very normal for three or four generations of disciples to exist at the same time!"

"In history, there are also many holy sons and daughters who were not in the same generation, but this does not affect it!"

"Xiaochen, you don't need to care!"

Yang Chen still shook his head.

"No no no!"

"I am different from Master!"

"My aunt doesn't know something. I was raised by my master. The relationship is not just as simple as master and apprentice!"

"If I become the Holy Son, I will definitely feel very uncomfortable getting along with Master in the future!"

"Besides, if you are on the same level as the master, it is really disrespectful, disrespectful, in our Xuantian Sect, this is the behavior of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!"

"You boy!"

Zhan Qiuyun was suddenly annoyed.

Curse secretly in my heart:

Hugging with my master at every turn, I bumped into him several times alone.

Moreover, he insisted on asking this aunt to be your companion, taking advantage of all kinds of advantages.

Now you start talking about the superiority of the elders and the younger ones, deceiving the masters and exterminating the ancestors?

This little bastard cares about seniority?

On this point, others may believe him when he looks like a modest gentleman, but she, the aunt who has been honest with him before, doesn't believe it at all.

This little bastard looks like a refined gentleman on the outside, but on the inside, he's full of evil and tricks.

In the ancient ice and snow city, Feng Yuwan, the patriarch of the Feng family, is also Ling Shuang's friend, and can be regarded as his elder, so he is not the same.


This kid, who has been refusing to agree, must be holding back something bad.

"Little bastard, just say it directly, how did you agree to participate in the Holy Son Grand Competition and become the Holy Son?"

Zhan Qiuyun said directly. 123 "This, auntie, nephew is really embarrassing!"

"My nephew also knows that my aunt needs the space holy artifact, Yukongyin, to practice the way of space!"

"But, alas, in Xuantian Sect, my nephew has always received the education of respecting teachers and morals. For decades, this kind of thinking has already been deeply rooted in my heart!"

"If you want to break the shackles of thoughts in my nephew's heart, you can only use the same method to let my nephew break it in advance!"

Yang Chen suddenly said something nonsensical, which made Zhan Qiuyun a little confused, and couldn't help but glared at him:

"Little bastard, make it clear!"

Yang Chen thought about it, and said a little embarrassedly:

"What my nephew means is that if my aunt can let my nephew feel this kind of feeling of not caring about seniority in advance, maybe my little nephew can break the shackles of respecting teachers in my heart and strive for the position of holy son!"

"Let me let you experience this feeling of not caring about seniority?"

As Zhan Qiuyun spoke, gradually, the doubts on his face froze.

She instantly understood the purpose of this little bastard.

After all, after pretending for so long, this little bastard was trying to trick her.

Damn it.

Ps: Well, thank you readers for your understanding.

It is not easy for the new book to go on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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