Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 215: You Are In Front, You Are Considered A Sister! Son Dabi! (Seeking Subscription)

It doesn't matter if Zhan Qiuyun saw him and Chu Xi doing that kind of thing under the moonlight.

After all, they are not outsiders.

They have also been honest with each other.

Just don't let Chu Xi know about this.

Otherwise, with her shy character, she probably would never do that kind of thing with him in that kind of environment again.

Yang Chen didn't continue to discuss this issue with Zhan Qiuyun, but walked up to her and said:

"After you left, Auntie, the Saint Lord told me that she felt that I was extremely talented and my future was limitless, and she wanted to betroth her niece Yuxuan to me so that I could have some children with her!"

Hearing this, Zhan Qiuyun immediately sneered and said:

"Be serious, you!"

"Yuxuan almost became a saint, and her strength is only one step away from the Void Refining Fourth Stage. If it weren't for your "Eight Nine Three" master holding the Yin & Yang mirror in your hand, you would have lost to her."

"Besides, Yuxuan is still at the top of the list of fairies, and the cultivator that Zhongzhou admires him can circle dozens of times around the Daotian Holy Land!"

"Would that old woman Yu Yourong be willing to betroth Yuxuan, the jewel of the Jade clan, to you, a little pervert?"

"Master, don't you believe me?"

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

No one believes the truth these days.

"Saint Lord said that the Bloodline of their Jade Beauties is becoming more and more exhausted, and they need my god to help them improve their Bloodline!"

"That's why you want to betroth Yuxuan to me and give birth to an heir with me!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the Saint Lord!"

When Zhan Qiuyun heard his words, she couldn't help being slightly startled, her eyes slightly thoughtful.

Because, she had heard from her grandfather that the bloodline of the Jade Clan had indeed begun to thin out.

There have been hundreds of Ten Thousand Years since Daotian Holy Land was created.

The Jade Clan is inherited from a Holy Spirit, and the blood of the Holy Spirit flows in their bodies, which is also the foundation of their group's strength.

According to legend, when the Daotian Holy Land was founded, the ancestors of the Yu clan were the veritable founding patriarchs and the first generation of Saint Lords.

And for a long time afterwards, Daotian Saint Lord was born in the Jade Clan.

But after all, hundreds of Ten Thousand Years have passed.

Moreover, the Jade Clan is not like their Zhan family, who are constantly marrying outsiders, so that they can continue to strengthen their own bloodline.

Hundreds of Ten Thousand Years, passed on for thousands of generations, and now the Holy Spirit Bloodline of the Jade Clan has also begun to thin out.

If this is the case, it would make sense for Yuxuan to marry Yang Chen.

After all, although this little bastard Yang Chen is lustful, his own bloodline is indeed top-notch.

Yu Yourong's Cultivation Base has reached the peak of Indistinguishable Dao, although it may not be possible to detect that Yang Chen is the Sun God Body, but it can definitely be seen that his physique is extraordinary, far superior to the average Sacred Body.

Use his Bloodline to help the Fuda clan of the Yu clan get their veins.

It's not impossible.

However, if this is the case, how many children can Yuxuan have?

Will it be possible to give this little bastard a large number of beauties from the Jade clan?

Make him a seed-scattering stallion?

If so, this little bastard, hum, must be very happy.

Thinking of this, Zhan Qiuyun suddenly felt sour for some reason.

Yang Chen sighed at this moment:

"Oh, when the Saint Lord told me about this matter, I was very moved, but at the time I thought that my aunt might disagree, so I prevaricated!"

"I didn't expect that Shigu didn't believe it at all, alas!"

"If I had known, I would have directly promised Saint Lord to be the son-in-law of the Jade Clan!"

"After all, Fairy Yuxuan is just like what my aunt said, she is indeed overwhelmed by the country, she is as holy as a fairy, she is at the top of the list as a dao companion, and she will add luster to her face when she speaks about it!"

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Yang Chen said, with regret and regret on his face, wishing he could beat his chest and stamp his feet.


Zhan Qiuyun snorted softly, her beautiful eyes couldn't help giving him a white look.

"Even if the Saint Lord wants to betroth Yuxuan to you, but whether you agree or not is your own business, how can I not agree?"

"You regret it now, and you can't blame me!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen suddenly laughed:

"Auntie forgot, you promised to be my nephew's companion!"

"So, of course, you must agree to this matter!"

"After all, you are in front, Zan is my sister!"

"Besides, if you and Yuxuan have a grudge, you may not get along in the future, so"

"Shut up you, little bastard!"

Zhan Qiuyun suddenly reprimanded him lightly, interrupting him...

This little bastard doesn't know how to speak.

What sister Little Sister's.

According to his calculation, is it possible that Chu Xi, a disciple, can still be regarded as the elder sister of her master?

Moreover, it seems that I haven't fully agreed to be the dao companion of this little bastard.

This little bastard is now starting to rank himself among her women.

Really Damn it.

Suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Zhan Qiuyun said seriously:

"It doesn't matter whether the Saint Lord betroths Yuxuan to you, after all, you little bastard has so many women, it doesn't matter if you add one or two, and it will also stabilize your position in Daotian Holy Land!"

"But now that the Holy Land is about to compete for the Holy Son, and the position of the Holy Son will be decided, you little bastard has been staying leisurely in Youyue Peak, are you not interested in these things?"

"Sacred Son Dabi?"

When Yang Chen heard Zhan Qiuyun mention this, he immediately guessed her true intention.

"Auntie wants me to participate?"


Zhan Qiuyun tapped her head lightly, and said in a deep voice:

"Holy Son and Holy Daughter, the Saint Lord will be selected from these two in the future, and the probability of the Holy Son succeeding the Saint Lord will be even greater!"

"Before that old woman Yu Yourong held on to the position of Holy Son until now, her nephew Yu Zun used the secret method of the Jade Clan to cultivate the body of the Holy Spirit, and stepped into the Void Refining Fourth Stage on 5.3. Let’s start holding the Holy Son Grand Competition, hum!”

As Zhan Qiuyun spoke, a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The name of Yu Yourong, the Daotian Saint Lord, has also become an old woman.

It was obvious that Yukong Seal was not given to her, which made her extremely dissatisfied.

This beautiful woman and aunt is quite vengeful.

However, although Yu Yourong is very old, she has nothing to do with old women.

Not only does it have nothing to do with it, but it also has a lot of tolerance.

Auntie, if my nephew says something disrespectful, even you are not as good.


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