Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 181: Sister's Shape! How About Some Reward For My Nephew? (Seeking Subscription)

And at this time.

In Chu Xi's courtyard.

Xiao Dong walked in.


Xiao Dong shouted.

In the room, Chu Xi, who had just finished bathing, hurriedly put on a long purple dress.

Then walked out.

"Xiaodong, do you have something to do with your sister?"

Seeing the elder sister in front of him, Xiao Dong's eyes were a little hot.

At this time, Chu Xi had just finished bathing, and she was as clean and beautiful as a lotus emerging from water.

The purple dress was stained with water droplets, slightly damp, and clinging to the body, perfectly outlining the graceful curves.

At this time, Chu Xi also realized the state of own and noticed Xiao Dong's direct gaze.

Immediately waved his hand hastily, a purple air emerged, making the figure blurred a lot.

"Xiaodong, what are you looking at!"

"Take care of your own eyes 10!"

Chu Xi screamed coquettishly.

However, when Xiao Dong heard the words, his expression became much gloomy.

He just took a few more glances and was reprimanded.

What about Yang Chen?

You did such shameless things to him.


Xiao Dong cursed secretly in his heart.

"Xiaodong, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chu Xi asked at this time.

Xiao Dong suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

"Sister, I have to concentrate on condensing the source of my body during this time without any interference. I need someone to protect me. You can move to live with me!"


When Chu Xi heard this, she hesitated.

Logically speaking, she should move to live with Xiaodong and protect the law for him.

However, it takes a month or two for Xiaodong to condense the origin.

If you go by yourself, what will Senior Brother Yang do?

She and Senior Brother Yang had just formed a companion, how could they be separated for a month or two at every turn.

"Sister, don't you want to?"

Seeing her hesitation, Xiao Dong's face became more gloomy, and his tone became much heavier, with anger about to explode.

"No, no!"

Chu Xi hurriedly said:

"Xiaodong, how about this, sister finds someone to protect you!"

"I have a good relationship with Senior Sister Li, you can ask her to protect you for two months!"


Xiao Dong directly refused in a cold voice.

The main reason why he came to find his sister and asked her to protect him was to keep his sister and that bastard Yang Chen at a distance.

Now my sister will do that shameful thing to that bastard.

If you give the two of them alone for a while.

How about that?

At that time, my sister will definitely take the shape of that bastard.

This is something he absolutely cannot allow.

The sister can only belong to him.

Even if the first kiss is gone, the mouth is not clean anymore.

But as long as his sister doesn't turn into Yang Chen's bastard shape, he can still bear it.

"Xiao Dong, why not?"

"Senior Sister Li's Cultivation Base is higher than my sister's, so I'm more than enough to protect you!"

"Besides, my sister has just obtained the Remnant Star Sword. During this time, she still needs to be with Yang, no, she still needs to accept the guidance of the master. I don't have much time to be with you!"

Chu Xi said slowly.

The tone is very soft, I hope Xiao Dong can understand her.

However, Xiao Dong looked at her sullenly, with a sarcasm on his face:

"Sister, are you going to accept Master's instruction?"

"I'm afraid it's not, the person who pointed you out is Yang Chen!"

"Small move you!"

At this time, Yang Chen was in the room.

Only half an hour's delivery.

Yang Chen already felt a sense of weakness coming from his body.

"Little bastard, it's almost enough, don't be brave!"

This seat, this seat allows you to stay longer with your paws!"

Zhan Qiuyun said in a low voice, with a tremor in her voice.

Although I really want to absorb some original yang energy.

But she is well aware of the truth of exhausting water and fishing.

Although it was only half an hour this time, it continued in the same way as last time.

Being held in the arms of this little bastard, the speed of absorbing the original energy is more than ten times faster than before.

Zhan Qiuyun was worried that Yang Chen would not be willing to let go in order to take advantage of her.

Therefore, he was allowed to stop the output of the original energy, and he was still allowed to hold it.

heard the words.

Yang Chen didn't insist anymore.

"Since Shigu thinks it's almost done, let's come here today!"

As Yang Chen said, the golden light on his body gradually dissipated.


On Zhan Qiuyun's body, a phantom of a full moon rose slowly.

Bright and bright, sprinkled with a layer of brilliance.

"This is?"

Yang Chen was stunned.

Zhan Qiu's 403 charm is full of surprises.

"You Yue has already started to turn into a full moon!"

"Very good!"

"This shows that after absorbing your original energy, the Youyue Body of this seat has begun to evolve towards the Mingyue Sacred Body, and now there is a trace of the Mingyue Sacred Body's shadow!"

"The rest is to continue to absorb the original energy, and neutralize all the coldness in the middle of the month!"

"At that time, this seat can be completely transformed into a bright moon Sacred Body!"

"Xiao Chen, your Sun God Body is really extraordinary, and you made Master Aunt reach this step so quickly!"

Zhan Qiuyun's voice was very excited.

The joy on Yurong's face is beyond words.

Yang Chen still hugged her tender waist with both hands, and could feel the violent ups and downs caused by her excitement, and the scale was quite large.

Can't help laughing:

"Master, since my nephew has helped you so much, why don't you give my nephew some rewards?"

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