Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 180: Meteor Mountain Range! Stay Outside, Go To Your Room! (Seeking Subscription)

"You, presumptuous!"

"What kind of person in this seat will be jealous of you little bastard!?"

When Zhan Qiuyun heard the words, she immediately shouted softly.

There was a bit of blush and embarrassment on the white jade face.

He stared fiercely at Yang Chen.

However, this look can scare other disciples to death, but it has no lethality against Yang Chen.

Instead, it made him laugh even more playfully.

"Master, you forgot, you are already my nephew's companion!"

"Eating my nephew's jealousy, isn't that a normal thing!"

"Shut up for me!"

Zhan Qiuyun cursed in a low voice.

I couldn't help but think of the last time I promised to be the dao companion of this little bastard, but was hugged in his arms to take advantage of it.

"Auntie, last time you absorbed so much of my nephew's original energy, to be honest, it made my nephew weak for a long time!"

"My nephew barely recovered after eating a bottle of the recovery purple pill you gave me!"

Yang Chen said "Five Nine Zero" at this time.

Hearing this, a gloating smile appeared on Zhan Qiu's face.

"Deserved it!"

"Who made you release so many suddenly!"

"It's your own fault!"

Although he said this, Zhan Qiuyun took out two bottles of Fuyuan Zidan and handed them to him.

“Save and eat!”

"This recovery purple pill is very precious!"

"By the way, what did Saint Lord ask you for?"

Zhan Qiuyun asked.


"Just give me a jade token and let me go to the Insight Daotian Secret Code!"

As Yang Chen said, he took out the white jade tablet.

However, when Zhan Qiuyun saw it, her pupils shrank immediately.

"Tao Tian Ling!"

"The Saint Lord actually gave you the Order of Heaven!"

Zhan Qiuyun's originally calm and flushed jade face was full of shock at the moment.

"Is the order of heaven important?"

Yang Chen was puzzled.


Zhan Qiuyun gave him a blank look.

"If Daotian Ling can order with the word Daotian, you will know that it is not an ordinary thing!"

"In the entire Daotian Holy Land, there are only three Daotian Tokens, all of which were refined by the founding patriarch of the Daotian Holy Land and passed down to millions!"

"Even the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter may not be able to have it!"

"By holding this order, you can go to all forbidden and secret places in Daotian Holy Land, and you can command all cultivators under the nine elders!"

"Moreover, apart from being a status symbol, this Heavenly Token is also an ancient weapon capable of both offense and defense. Although I don't know its grade, it is definitely not weaker than the Chunyang Sword!"

"It's just that if you want to mobilize, you need to practice the Daotian Secret Code!"


"Command all cultivators under the Nine Elders?"

Yang Chen didn't pay attention to Zhan Qiuyun's subsequent introduction, but was attracted by the sentence of ordering all cultivators under the nine elders.

"Then Shigu, you are not the Elder of the Nine Greats, right? If I hold the Daotian Decree, can I order you?"

"I want you, auntie"

Yang Chen smiled playfully.

His eyes swept across Zhan Qiuyun's graceful and graceful body.

Finally, it stopped at the position below the neck.

"Little bastard, can you be more serious!?"

Zhan Qiuyun glared at him angrily.

This little bastard always has this look and tone every time he sees her.

Her majesty as a senior aunt is now in front of him, there is no scum left.

If it weren't for the original energy in this little bastard, he must be dealt with properly.

"Saint Lord gave you the Daotian Order and let you practice the Insight Daotian Secret Code. You must cherish this opportunity and practice hard!"

"Don't think that you are in the body of the sun god, so you can be arrogant!"

"Nowadays in Zhongzhou Continent, geniuses are like crucian carp crossing the river, and there are not a few who have the talent of Sacred Body!"

Zhan Qiuyun reprimanded a few words in the attitude of an elder, and regained the dignity of being a aunt.

Then he said:

"Have you ever heard of the Meteor Mountain Range?"

"Meteor Mountain Range?"

Yang Chen shook his head.

"The disciple has only been in Zhongzhou for a long time, and he is ignorant and ignorant, so I ask my aunt to enlighten me!"


"Every day I know how to fall in love with Chu Xi, and I don't know how to go outside more, of course I don't know anything!"

Zhan Qiuyun curled her lips and sarcastically said, but still said:

"The Meteor Mountain Range is more than 100,000 miles away from the Daotian Holy Land, and there are often meteorites falling from the sky, so it is named the Meteor Mountain Range!"

"The falling of meteorites from the outer space has a certain cycle. Every forty-nine years, there will be a large-scale meteor shower!"

"Although most of these meteorites are just ordinary meteorites, there are some with rare treasures inside!"

"It is said that the refining materials for the Pure Yang Sword and the Remaining Star Sword are obtained from the Meteor Mountains!"

"So, every time a meteor shower comes, a large number of cultivators will gather in the meteor mountain range!"

"I see!"

Yang Chen nodded.

This mountain range of meteorites seems to be a place where meteorites from outside the sky fell at a fixed point.

Zhan Qiuyun added:

"In two months' time it will be another forty-nine years!"

"Chu Xi awakened the star purple body and went to the Meteor Mountain Range. I can't help but feel the power of Star, and it is easier to find meteors containing rare treasures!"

"This time, Auntie will go as the bodyguard Elder, so you should go with me, and get to know Zhongzhou Yingjie by the way!"

"Okay, my nephew is extremely happy to be able to travel with my aunt!"

Yang Chen nodded in agreement. 0

As the heroine of destiny, Chu Xi is also in the purple body of Star.

If you go to the Meteor Mountain Range, you will definitely find something extraordinary.

Of course he was going to follow.

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun thought for a while and asked:

"Xiao Chen, you probably didn't tell Saint Lord about the fact that you are in possession of the Sun God Body?"

Zhan Qiuyun stared at Yang Chen.

If the Saint Lord knows the secret of this little bastard possessing the Sun God Body, he should be more careful when he absorbs his original Qi.

After all, the Saint Lord even gave him the order of heaven, which shows how much he attaches importance to this little bastard.

Yang Chen shook his head:


"The secret of my nephew's body of the sun god is currently only known to my aunt!"

"Only the aunt knows?"

Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Your master doesn't know?"

"I don't know!"

"Master only knows that my physique is Zhiyang physique, and the other nephews didn't tell her!"

Hearing this, Zhan Qiuyun felt a little complacent for some reason.

However, before she could suppress her complacency, Yang Chen whispered in her ear:

"Auntie, from this we can see my nephew's love and trust in you!"

With that said, hand 3.1 was placed on her shoulder.

A faint golden glow emerged.


Suddenly, Zhan Qiuyun moaned softly.

Feeling the scorching original air entering the body, Zhan Qiuyun quickly guided it into the original Youyue.

Turning his head to blame Yang Chen:

"Little bastard, are you on the job?"

"This is outside, it would be terrible if it is discovered!"

"Go, go to your room!"

Saying that, Zhan Qiuyun got up and walked towards Yang Chen's wooden house.

Looking at her plump and graceful back, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

This beautiful woman makes him more serious every time.

Doesn't she know that what she said is more likely to make people think?

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