Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 165: Aunt, Is This Enough? Only A 20% Chance! (Seeking Subscription)


Zhan Qiuyun narrowed her beautiful eyes when she heard the words.

There is a little more playfulness on the face.

Every time she absorbed the original energy in Yang Chen's body before, it took about half an hour.

Because according to her estimation, absorbing this amount of original energy will not cause irreversible damage to Yang Chen's physical origin.

After this kid returns, although he will be weak, he only needs to take the Restoration Purple Pill that I gave him, and adjust his breathing for a few days, and he will be able to recover quickly.

But now listening to this kid's tone, he doesn't care much about the amount he has absorbed.

Could it be that half an hour of absorption didn't reach this kid's limit at all?

"Hmph, never mind him!"

"Since this kid said so, I will absorb more this time!"

Zhan "Four One Seven" Qiu Yun pulled Yang Chen to sit on the training platform beside him.

The two sat opposite each other.

At the intersection of the palms, the golden and white original qi are intertwined.

However, Zhan Qiuyun's white original aura was extremely dim in front of Yang Chen's golden original aura.


The golden original air entered the body, and Zhan Qiuyun took a deep breath immediately.

There was a wave of ups and downs in his chest.

At this time, her blue hair was hanging down.

On the jade face, a blush rose.

It looks a little less dignified, but a little more charming.

And it may be because of the fact that she just took a shower, on Zhan Qiuyun's forehead, beads of sweat kept appearing, and then gathered and slid down.

Sweat flowed down the cheeks and neck, and finally disappeared into the mysterious groove.

However, although the moon robe outlines her plump figure, it also completely wraps the gully inside.

Although this is a pity, but in this way, it has a more mysterious and attractive atmosphere.

People can't help but want to explore it.

Yang Chen's eyes wandered over Zhan Qiuyun's body, although he also wanted to explore.

But still managed own paw.

Besides, his paws are now held by Zhan Qiuyun's bare hands, and he can't move.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes slowly opened.


Take a deep breath.

"Xiaochen, can you still hold on?"

"If it doesn't work, Shigu will be over!"

Although I really want to squeeze Yang Chen well once.

But Zhan Qiuyun deeply understands the truth of catching fish while exhausting water.

If Yang Chen is squeezed out of his faults, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Moreover, if he absorbs too much original energy, causing problems in his physique, if Zhan Lingshuang finds out, he will definitely have endless troubles with her.

However, Yang Chen said indifferently:

"Master, are you satisfied with this?"

"Okay, if you've had enough, it's over!"


Hearing this, Dai Mei raised her eyebrows privately.

What does this kid mean?

"Xiaochen, can you still hold on?"

"Don't try to be brave, if the original qi is absorbed by Shigu too much, it will have an irreversible impact on you, and it will affect your original source!"

"Once the source is damaged, you will be restricted in breaking through the high realms in the future!"

Zhan Qiuyun said slowly.

Worried that Yang Chen did this on purpose to show off his strength in front of her.

However, how could Yang Chen be so childish.

His physique is the sun god's body, the source is powerful, it is many times stronger than the pure Yang Sacred Body.

And the most important thing is that there is still a large amount of Advent of the Sun stored in his body.

To him, these solar qi are equivalent to protein.

The essence is released more, and the protein will be replenished after absorbing some protein.

Moreover, this time Zhan Qiuyun absorbed his original energy for half an hour, but the system's voice did not sound, and he did not complete the plunder of Xiao Dong's energy value.

This means that he must deepen his contact with Zhan Qiuyun.

Mere palm contact is no longer enough.

However, it is not easy to deepen the contact with Zhan Qiuyun.

Although this beautiful woman has a seductive aura every time she talks to him, it makes people feel angry.

However, after such a long time, apart from touching her palm, I didn't seem to take advantage of it...

"Master, you said before that the source of Zhiyang physique can help you turn Youyue body into Ming Sacred Body!"

"I wonder how likely this is?"

Yang Chen asked at this time.

A flash of thought flashed across Zhan Qiuyun's eyes, and then said:

"The source of the yang physique, the probability of helping me transform into a bright moon Sacred Body is about 20%!"

"Only 20%!?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

He thought it was at least 50%.

The result is only a 20% chance.

This is too small.

Zhan Qiuyun smiled miserably:

"Twenty percent chance is not small!"

"Mingyue Sacred Body, but it ranks among the ranks of Sacred Body, not much weaker than any other Yang physique!"

"Xiaochen, think about it, using the source of the body of the most yang, how high the probability is to help a physique reach the point where it is not inferior to the body of the most yang?"

"A 20% chance is already overestimated by me!"

"Well, too!"

Yang Chen nodded.

Mingyue Sacred Body can be compared to the body of the most yang, but it needs to be achieved with the help of the body of the most yang, so the chance of success is bound to be low.

However, Zhan Qiuyun estimated the probability based on Chunyang Sacred Body.

But if it is estimated by the sun god body, it is not necessarily so.

"Master, if you fail then, what will happen?"

3.7 Yang Chen asked again.

"Consequences of failure?"

Zhan Qiuyun murmured, and her eyes instantly became more melancholy.

"The body of Youyue wants to turn into the bright moon Sacred Body. It is an evolution from the source. If it succeeds, it will soar into the sky. If it fails, the source will be broken and dissipated. If it is light, the Realm will fall. "If it is serious, the body will die!"

"If it is serious, you will die?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Yang Chen's eyes.

If the body dies, the consequences will be very serious.

But the more serious the consequences, the better.

The more this is the case, the beautiful woman Zhan Qiuyun will compromise obediently.

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