Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 164: Aunt Is Taking A Bath? My Little Nephew Is Willing To Teach You Everything! (Seeking Su

Chu Xi left with Xiao Dong who had fainted, and Yang Chen returned to the residence alone.

Qing'er is playing with the three-color spirit bird.

Seeing him, he ran over immediately and hugged his arm.

"Brother, just now Xiao Ling drank the Xuanbing Lingshui and broke through the Realm, now he is equivalent to Gold Core 8

"I want to upgrade Realm as soon as possible, brother, can you teach me how to cultivate!"

Qing'er said coquettishly.

Then, the upturned nose twitched.

With a resentful look on his face, he said:

"Brother, you smell like a woman!'

"It seems to belong to that Senior Sister Chu Xi!"


Yang Chen was suddenly a little surprised.

This girl has a good nose.

However, Chu Xi's body really smells good.

After hugging her for so long, it's normal for her fragrance to remain on her body.

"Qing'er, you need to upgrade your Cultivation Base, and the deputy team will find you a teacher in Daotian Holy Land after a while!"

Yang Chen touched her head, then said.

However, Qing'er was a little unwilling, and hugged Yang Chen's arm and said coquettishly:

"Brother, you are a Divine Transformation cultivator, can't you teach me how to cultivate?"

"I want my brother to teach me how to practice!"

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

This girl is getting more and more annoying now.

Shaking his arm vigorously.

Although a bit childish taste.

However, the clear touch on the arm made Yang Chen unable to treat her like a child.


This girl has grown up so much in just a few years.

Although not as good as Chu Xi, the scale is almost the same.

Looking at Qing'er's still immature face, Yang Chen hurriedly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

Then, let her cast her own Cultivation Technique Supernatural Power.

Point out the shortcomings for her.

the next day.

Yang Chen came to Zhan Qiuyun's wooden house.

Before this woman left yesterday, she made a point of telling her how could he, a good nephew, not come.

"Auntie, are you there?"

After the words fell, the door of the wooden house opened.

"Xiao Chen is here, come in!"

Zhan Qiuyun's elegant voice came from it.

Yang Chen walked into the wooden house.

Zhan Qiuyun lives in a wooden house with a large space.

After Yang Chen walked into it, Zhan Qiuyun happened to walk out of a room.

She is still wearing a moon robe that stretches the floor, wrapping a plump and graceful body, with a holy temperament.

However, at this moment her hair was not pulled up, but scattered on her shoulders and back, and it was wet.

On the white jade face, there are still drops of water, and some rosyness has not faded.

In the inner room, a carved wooden barrel, steaming.

There is a layer of white petals sprinkled inside.

A delicate fragrance emanated from it.

"It seems that my nephew came at the wrong time!"

"Auntie was taking a bath just now?"

Yang Chen looked at this scene, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but playful.

With Zhan Qiuyun's appearance, it was obvious that she was still taking a bath just now.

She was still wet and put on clothes.


"What is Xiaochen laughing at?"

"Is it a pity that I came a step late?"

"The water is still hot, why don't Xiaochen take a dip?"

As Zhan Qiuyun spoke, she turned sideways.

Take a bath with Zhan Qiuyun's bath water, perhaps many cultivators from Daotian Holy Land can steal their heads.

But Yang Chen doesn't have that bad taste yet.

Even Zhan Qiuyun is a top-notch beauty.

"Senior Aunt was joking, my nephew respects Senior Aunt very much, how dare he disrespect Senior Aunt!"

Yang Chen cupped hands, and refused righteously.


Zhan Qiuyun pouted.

This little bastard respects her as a teacher?

Believe him to be a ghost.

There were not many truths in this kid's mouth.

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun suddenly asked:

"Xiaochen, tell Shigu, did your master get the Yin & Yang mirror from the broken little world of Xuantian Sect?"

Yang Chen was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

If it was before, he would never be able to answer this question.

And pretend not to know what Yin & Yang mirrors are.

But now.

Master has already told Daotian Holy Land that she got the Yin & Yang mirror, so Zhan Qiuyun must know by now.

…… Ask for flowers…………

This secret is no longer a secret.


"Auntie is so smart!"

Yang Chen nodded, and praised him.

Zhan Qiuyun gritted her silver teeth slightly, secretly thinking that it was true.

A few days ago, she learned from an elder in the family that Zhan Lingshuang actually brought back the sacred artifact Yin & Yang mirror that had been missing for tens of thousands of years from Daotian Holy Land.

She thought then of the crumbling Minor World in the mountain forbidden area behind Xuantian Sect.

Sure enough, it was there!

When the two of them came out, they should have just obtained Yin & Yang mirrors.

Damn it.

Zhan Qiuyun's heart was full of annoyance at the moment.

Because even with the background of Daotian Holy Land, there are only a few holy artifacts in total.

If you can control one, the benefits you can bring are unimaginable.

And, especially this Yin & Yang mirror.

If she gets it, she may be able to rely on the power contained in the Yin & Yang mirror to dissolve the coldness in the origin of her Youyue body, and then break through the barrier of the Void Refining environment.

At that time, the position of saintess will also be in her pocket.

Unfortunately, Yin & Yang Jing has already recognized Zhan Lingshuang as the master.

In this heavenly holy place, she cannot snatch it away.

"Ling Shuang, a lowly girl, has been so guarded against my elder sister for more than a thousand years!"

"Hmph, since that's the case, then I can only squeeze your apprentice hard!"

Zhan Qiuyun looked at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes, with a hint of amusement.

"Xiao Chen, my aunt gave you a lot of face last time!"

"It also helped you get such a beautiful woman as Chu Xi!"

"This time, you will have to work hard!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help being startled.

Work hard?


That's what I said.

I don't know, I thought he was going to hit a base.

"Auntie, don't worry, the original yang energy in my nephew's body, no matter how much my aunt needs, my nephew will give it to me!"

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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