Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 160: I Disagree! Wait, Bitch! (Seeking Subscription)

As Zhan Qiuyun said, her beautiful eyes glanced at Yang Chen.

This little bastard is purely a womanizer.

Today happened to betroth Chu Xi to him.

Use Chu Xi to contain him.

Let him know that it will benefit a lot in the future to provide the source of energy to the aunt.

Zhan Yunxuan wanted to refute after hearing the words.

However, meeting Zhan Qiuyun's warning eyes, he immediately dared not speak.

The disciples who were watching on the sidelines were filled with shock.

Who is this Senior Brother Yang?

To let the master value it so much.

Zhan Yunxuan was reprimanded for this.

He also directly betrothed Fairy Chu Xi to him.

The eyes of several male disciples were full of envy and jealousy. "two four three"

Fairy Chu Xi just came out of the wolf's den, and it's like a tiger's den.

And several beautiful women looked at Yang Chenfeng's handsome figure, and their beautiful eyes were full of splendor.

Chu Xi heard that Master actually betrothed her to Yang Chen.

Immediately flustered.

A blush appeared on the cheeks.

However, Xiao Dong, who was lying on the ground, was stunned at this moment.

Master, you want to betroth your sister to Yang Chen?

Damn it!

How can this work!

She, Zhan Qiuyun, is too domineering!

"I disagree!"

Xiao Dong struggled and roared.


Zhan Qiuyun frowned slightly.

As the master of Youyue Peak and Chu Xi's master, she betrothed Chu Xi to Yang Chen, but there are still people who dare to object?

Don't want to live yet?

Zhan Qiuyun looked at Xiao Dong.

Immediately, her beautiful eyes froze.

She sensed a trace of pure Yang Sacred Body in Xiao Dong.

This kid really did it.

Just a plastic source pill, unexpectedly began to condense the source of pure Yang Sacred Body.

Although only a very small part of it was condensed.

But it is also possible to fully condense and restore the pure Yang Sacred Body again.

If she hadn't met Yang Chen before, she would definitely help Xiao Dong at all costs, and let him completely condense the source of Chunyang Sacred Body.

But now, no need.

Her moon body needs the original qi of the extreme yang physique to neutralize and dissolve the coldness in her body, make up for the defects of her physique, and transform into a bright moon Sacred Body, thus breaking the barrier of the Void Refining environment to her.

It is also because of this that she accepted Xiao Dong as a direct disciple before, and because of her training.

However, this kid was later plotted against, and his pure yang source was shattered, and he was reduced to a waste body overnight.

For this reason, she has used various methods to restore it.

But then it was all in vain.

She slowly gave up too.

Later, Chu Xi knelt in front of her door for three days and three nights, begging for a Yuansu Pill.

Unexpectedly, this plastic source pill actually helped him condense some of the source of pure Yang Sacred Body.

With the hope of recovering the pure Yang Sacred Body again.

However, she met Yang Chen now.

This little bastard's physique, although I don't know what kind of it is.

But after these two times of entanglement with the original energy, she was basically sure that the physique of that little bastard must be stronger than that of Chunyang Sacred Body.

The stronger the Zhiyang physique, the greater the probability that her Youyue Body will transform into Bright Moon Sacred Body.

Moreover, the strength of this little bastard has reached the God Transformation Realm realm.

She can already absorb the original energy.

As for Xiao Dong, even if he practiced again now, how long would it take to reach the God Transformation Realm realm?

She has no time to wait.

So the current Xiao Dong is of little value to her.

Zhan Qiuyun's eyes turned cold.

"Xiao Dong, betrotting your sister to Yang Chen is a blessing she has cultivated in several lifetimes!"

"Why do you disagree?"

"Master, this is only your decision, have you asked my sister if she agrees?"

Xiao Dong gritted his teeth and roared...

Normally, he wouldn't dare to talk to Zhan Qiuyun like this.

Because of that, Zhan Qiuyun slapped him to death.

Don't look at Zhan Qiuyun's holy and unparalleled appearance, just like a fairy.

However, anyone who is familiar with her knows that this woman kills like hemp.

After practicing for thousands of years, countless cultivators died under her hands, and countless bones can be piled up.

But now, he has the support to contradict Yan Qiuyun.

That is, his pure Yang Sacred Body has begun to recover.

This woman doesn't know why, but she attaches great importance to Chunyang Sacred Body.

At the beginning, I was tested to have a pure Yang Sacred Body, and this woman's attitude towards own is better than that of her own mother.

He called out every mouthful and every movement.

All kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, as long as he needs them, will appear in front of him the next day.

Even the direct descendants of the Zhan family are far inferior to the treatment of own.

But later, as the source was broken, the woman's attitude towards own took a 180-degree turn.

But now, the origin of own Chunyang Sacred Body has begun to condense again.

As long as you give yourself enough time and enough plastic source pills, you can condense all the essence of Chunyang Sacred Body37.

At that time, own Chunyang Sacred Body will be restored.

If this woman knows this, hehe, I'm afraid her attitude towards own will go back to the past again.

The corner of Xiao Dong's mouth hooked slightly.

Looking at Zhan Qiuyun's graceful and graceful body wrapped under the moon robe, there was a touch of fiery in his eyes.

Just wait, bitch.

When I succeed in cultivation, the first thing I will do is to crush you and conquer you.

Let's see if you can still be as proud as you are today!

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