Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 159: Betroth Chu Xi To Yang Chen! (Seeking Subscription)

At this time.

Zhan Yunxuan, who had been silent all this time, looked at Yang Chen who appeared suddenly, blocked his sure-to-kill sword, and even ignored him, and went to heal that bitch Chu Xi.

Immediately became angry.


Who is this person?

How dare he ignore Zhan Yunxuan!

I really want to die!

Zhan Yunxuan didn't talk nonsense, the silver mark between his eyebrows flickered again.

This time, it wasn't a sword light shot out.

Instead, a silver-long sword appeared directly.

On the blade of the sword, runes are densely covered.

The silver light was shining brightly, exuding a chilling air.

And even the surrounding space began to ripple layer upon layer.

Yang Chen turned around at this time, and looked at Zhan Yunxuan.

"Boy, the process of the hero saving the beauty is very enjoyable, isn't it!"

"Even you dare to save the person I Zhan Yunxuan wants to kill, and you dare to ignore me!"

"Today, I will send you off together, be a companion on the road!"

As Zhan Yunxuan spoke, he directly activated the silver long sword and shot it out.

The silver long sword suddenly shone brightly.

Like a ray of bright silver light, it cut straight towards Yang Chen.

Wherever it passes, the space is faintly cut.

"go to hell!"

Zhan Yunxuan shouted angrily.

With his Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of Nascent Soul.

Cooperate with the might of the Yinkong Sword to shatter space.

Under Divine Transformation, no one can take his sword.


Facing his sword, Yang Chen did not turn the True Qi in his body.

Instead, he stretched out his palm and grabbed the silver long sword.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xi opened her eyes wide.

"Brother Yang, be careful!"

Chu Xi hurriedly reminded.

Although I know that Yang Chen is from the God Transformation Realm realm.

However, Zhan Yunxuan once relied on this Yinkong Sword to sneak attack and seriously injure Divine Transformation correction.

Even the Divine Transformation cultivator can't compete with the Yinkong Sword.

Although Senior Brother Yang is powerful, but relying on his physical body alone, it is difficult to block the power of space contained in the Silver Sky Sword!

As for Zhan Yunxuan, when he saw Yang Chen pick up his silver space with his hands, his eyes revealed contempt.

It's really courting death.

His sword seems simple.

However, Yin Kongjian was my aunt's sword.

Follow my aunt to kill countless powerful enemies.

It also contains my aunt's perception of the way of space.

It comes with the prestige of broken space.

Relying on this silver sword, it is enough for him to cross the border and fight the Divine Transformation cultivator!

This kid actually wanted to rely on his body to catch the sword.

It's really courting death.

Zhan Yunxuan could already foresee the scene where the Yinkong sword cut off Yang Chen's arm.


In the past, the Yinkong Sword, which was destructive and could easily cut through everything, touched the palm of Yang Chen.

It even stagnated.

Moreover, it was firmly held in Yang Chen's hand.


"This is impossible!"

Zhan Yunxuan was stunned for a moment.

His eyes were wide open, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The Silver Sky Sword contains the power of space, it can cut through broken space.

Even the Divine Transformation cultivator can be cut in half.

But now, he was caught by this guy with just the palm of his hand!?

"This sword is not bad!"

Yang Chen looked at the Yinkong Sword in his hand.

The material of this long sword is extraordinary, exuding spatial fluctuations.

The power of space is extremely sharp and can cut and cut everything.

Combining it with the sword, it can be said that the two phases are superimposed, like a tiger with wings.

Chu Xi on the side saw Yang Chen take the sword, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

I can't help but feel a little more admiration for Yang Chen in my heart.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"I am a direct descendant of the Zhan family, and Peak Lord Youyue is my aunt!"

"Give me back the Silver Sky Sword!"

Although Zhan Yunxuan was arrogant, he was not stupid either.

Just now Yang Chen caught his sword with bare hands, obviously his strength is extraordinary, far surpassing him.

If you continue to attack at this time, you will undoubtedly bring shame on yourself.

So he began to move out of his own identity and background.

Especially Gugu Youyue Peak Master, who has the peak of Void Refining Cultivation Base.

It has a great reputation in the entire Daotian Holy Land and Zhongzhou.

…… Ask for flowers…………

But he just finished speaking.

The space fluctuated for a while.

Then, a beautiful woman in a moon robe appeared beside him.


Seeing Zhan Qiuyun, Zhan Yunxuan was overjoyed.

It must be that my aunt knew that she was being bullied and came over to buy it for herself.

"Auntie, that bastard spoke rudely to me, and even snatched the silver sword you gave me!"

"I beg my aunt to be the master for my nephew!"

Zhan Yunxuan said hastily.

Seeing Zhan Qiuyun approaching, the Youyue Peak disciples who were watching from the side immediately bowed in unison:

"Meet Master!"

"Meet the Peak Lord!"

Chu Xi also hastily saluted:

"Meet Master!"

A look of panic flashed across his face.

Master is here.

Things are in trouble.

Although Master respects Senior Brother Yang very much.

However, Zhan Yunxuan is his own nephew after all.

There is a high probability that she will be blamed for today's dispute.

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes just glanced around, and immediately understood what happened.


He raised his hand and waved it at Zhan Yunxuan's face.


This slap directly stunned a group of people present.

Zhan Yunxuan was even more unbelievable.

My aunt has always loved own.

how is today

"Auntie, why are you beating me?"

"It's that bastard who meddled in his own business and attacked me, and even robbed me of my Silver Sky Sword!

However, before he finished speaking, Zhan Qiuyun gave a cold shout:

"Shut up!"

Contains bursts of coldness and coercion of the cultivator.

Zhan Yunxuan was so frightened that he didn't dare to say another word.

"Yang Chen is a distinguished guest of my Zhan family!"

"Don't say I hit you, even if I killed you, you died in vain 17

"Also, don't make any more plans for Chu Xi in the future!"

"Starting today, this seat announces that Chu Xi will be betrothed to Yang Chen, and she will be Yang Chen's companion from now on!"

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation!

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