Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 142: Listen To A Good Show Before Dying! Sun God Body! (Seeking Subscription)

"Brother Chen?"

Listen clearly to the two words that are repeated repeatedly in the room and full of emotion.

Long Tianyu's face turned green instantly.

Who is the person in the room is ready to be revealed.

"Yang Chen!"

"Feng Yuwan!"


"Men and women, I will definitely kill you if I step on my horse!"

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch, you are high above me, but you are so low in front of Yang Chen!"

"Bitch, bitch!"

Long Tianyu cursed in his heart.

Gritting his teeth tightly, a trace of blood flowed from his mouth.

But in the end, he still didn't make a sound.

However, there are more and more blue veins on the face.

【Ding, Long Tianyu eavesdropped on the host's intercourse, and his mood completely collapsed. He plundered the son of destiny, Long Tianyu's luck value was 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points!】

[Ding, a friendly reminder, Long Tianyu's luck value has reached zero, and the host cannot continue beaning!]

Listening to the system's voice in his mind, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth curled slightly.

Yu'er's last one thousand luck points finally got her.

It's worth my pains to arrange this scene.

Long Tianyu was able to escape, naturally not because the sky has eyes.

It was arranged by him alone.

"Brother Chen, you, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Yuwan said tremblingly.

Looking at Yang Chen's sudden playful smile, I felt a little scared in my heart.

I thought he had come up with some torture tricks.

"It's okay, Wan'er!"

"Go ahead!"

Yang Chen looked up at Feng Yuwan and smiled.


Feng Yuwan groaned coquettishly.

Long Tianyu did not leave immediately, but stood at the door and listened for half an hour.

He didn't come back to his senses until the Great Hall became quiet.

At this time, Long Tianyu's face was still full of anger, but there was a hint of humiliation.

half an hour!

He's done it at least five times!

Is this bastard Yang Chen a beast?

Long Tianyu was extremely angry.

But he was a little more calm now.

I knew I had to leave immediately.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.


"Feng Yuwan, you bitch, I won't let you go.||!"

"Sooner or later, I will make your life under me worse than death!"

Long Tianyu cast a few vicious glances at the room, and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment.

A tall figure rushed into the Great Hall.

"Long Tianyu, you are so courageous!"

"How dare you escape!"

"And, dare to be good at mother's bedroom!"

Looking at Feng Qianning who looked at him coldly, Long Tianyu's heart sank.

"Qian Ning, we are married after all, can you let me go?"


"Let you go?"

Hearing Long Tianyu's words, Feng Qianning's mouth twitched with disdain.

"Long Tianyu, when your father came here, injured my mother, and asked my mother to be his concubine to let my Feng family survive, what did you do?"

"You ungrateful wretch!"

"You have no cultivation base at all these years. Although you are the son-in-law of my Feng family, at least it is a place to settle down!"

"I think I've been worthy of you all these years, but what about you?"

"Hmph, if His Royal Highness the Son were not here, I'm afraid my Feng family would have been reduced to slaves of you father and son!"

"You still want me to let you go, it's wishful thinking!"

Feng Yuning said coldly, and with a wave of her plain hand, Ri Lingjian appeared in her hand.

She has no mercy for Long Tianyu now.

There is only disgust and hatred.

Shot directly, and a sword light smashed out.


Long Tianyu vomited blood and flew out after being cut by this sword light, and fell heavily to the ground.

Feng Qianning has a Cultivation Base of Gold Core middle stage, and awakened Bingfeng Bloodline early.

A casual sword is not something Long Tianyu can contend with.

"Feng Qianning, it's a shame that I still regard you as my woman!"

"You did this to me!"

Long Tianyu lay on the ground and roared, his mouth was full of blood, and his eyes were dark.

Feng Qianning said disdainfully:

"Your woman?"

"You deserve it too?"

"Although we have the name of husband and wife, have you met me from the beginning to the end?"

Feng Qianning sarcastically mercilessly shattered the fantasy in Long Tianshou's heart.


"Feng Qianning, you bitch!"

"You and Feng Yuwan are both sluts, sluts!"

Long Tianyu cursed angrily, his eyes full of madness.


"How dare you insult my mother!"

Feng Qianning swung her sword directly.

A bloody cut was made in Long Tianyu's chest.

Blood flowed out instantly.


Long Tianyu growled in pain.

At this point, the door opens.

Feng Yuwan who heard the movement came out.

"Qian Ning, what's wrong?"

On Feng Yu's graceful face, there is still a blush that has not faded.

On the forehead, there are also beads of sweat.

The hair was a little messy, and it was stuck to the forehead and cheeks mixed with sweat.

Even the voice trembled slightly.


"Long Tianyu wanted to escape, but I found out!"

"He actually slipped into your Great Hall!"

"Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise the bastard would have escaped, and our Feng family will be in trouble!"

Hearing Feng Qianning's words, panic flashed across Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes, and then murderous intent flickered.

She was with Brother Chen just now, but she was here.

Moreover, because Brother Chen was about to leave Beilingyu for Zhongzhou, she didn't have the slightest restraint.

That movement must have passed through the room to the Great Hall.

I was too excited just now, and I didn't use my soul to sense the vicinity.

I don't know when this dog sneaked in.

Maybe this dog overheard it.

Damn it.

".~Qian Ning, just kill him!"

"I'm sick of seeing this shit!"

Feng Yuwan coldly said something.

Looking at Long Tianyu, whose body was covered in blood and had a ferocious expression, his beautiful eyes were filled with boredom.

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch!"

"I'm so proud of daddy, I can't do it all day long, but I'm having fun under that bastard Yang Chen's crotch!"

"Your voice was really loud just now!"

"Brother Huanchen, you are really shameless!"

"Bitch, bitch!"

Long Tianyu knew that he would not survive today, so he let go and cursed directly.

Let out all the suppressed anger in your heart.

Feng Yuwan's face suddenly became gloomy and terrifying.

This goddamn dog thing, still hear it.

"Death to this seat!"

Feng Yuwan waved her hand and took a shot of (is it?).

A True Qi handprint directly turned Long Tianyu into a puddle of blood.

The yelling stopped abruptly.

"Hmph, I don't know the so-called dog, it should have killed you a long time ago!"

Feng Yuwan's voice was indifferent, as if she had killed a dog.

At this time, Yang Chen, who was lying on the jade bed, naturally heard the movement outside.

The corner of the mouth can't help but curl up.

Yuer, Yuer.

It's fair to be a father.

Let you listen to a play before you die.

Moreover, it still died at the hands of the mother-in-law who was thinking about it.

In this way, you can think about it a little bit on the way to Yellow Springs.

Jie Jie.

At this time, the system sound sounds:

【Ding, the host designed to kill the son of destiny Long Tianyu and get a villain Large Gift Bag!】


"Open the towel!"

【Ding, the villain Large Gift Bag has been opened successfully, and the host has obtained the Sun God Physique!】

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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