Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 141: What A Master-Student Love! Sharp And Gentle Voice! (Seeking Subscription)

"Yang Chen, what do you think?"

The beautiful woman in the moon robe looked at Yang Chen, her voice was gentle and moving.

Yang Chen suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Master, I think this senior is right!

"As you said just now, there are ten candidates for the Holy Maiden, and they must be brothers and sisters with Master!"

"The master went alone, and the disciple was worried!"

"It's better for the disciples to follow the master and help the master!"


Hearing Yang Chen's heart-touching words, Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes immediately turned red, and the tip of his nose was slightly sour.

The disciple who was brought up by himself is finally sensible.

He must take the initiative to protect his master.

Zhan Lingshuang reached out and stroked Yang Chen's cheek, and said softly:

"But Chen'er, isn't your goal since childhood to be Xuantian Sect?"

"And you and your teacher have both gone to Zhongzhou, what about Xuantian Sect?"

"Master, you don't need to worry about Xuantian Sect!"

"With the Cultivation Base of the Elders and the others, no one from the top forces like Ling Wing would dare to take the initiative to find them!"

"Also, in the hearts of disciples, Xuantian Sect is certainly important, but how can it be compared with Master 12!"

"Besides, Master is going to Zhongzhou this time to compete for the position of saintess. If the disciple doesn't go, he will worry about Master every night!"

Yang Chen said sincerely.


Zhan Lingshuang's voice was a little choked up.

Couldn't bear it any longer, and directly hugged Yang Chen to King Huai.

Hugged him tightly.

"Master, woo woo!"

Yang Chen's voice was a little whimpering.

Because he was a little out of breath.

Before in the magma world, he had already seen the majesty of the master.

Now close to the feeling, really extraordinary.

That is to say, Master usually wears loose clothes.

Otherwise, Feng Yuwan could only feel ashamed when she saw it.


Soon, the beautiful woman in the moon robe beside her coughed heavily.

Zhan Lingshuang also came back to his senses in an instant.

looked down.

Chen'er's head was pressed down by herself.


Zhan Lingshuang's cheeks turned red.

Hastily pushed Yang Chen away.

"Hehe, Ling Shuang, you and your disciple really have a deep master-student relationship!"

The beautiful woman in the moon robe has a playful look in her eyes.

Zhan Lingshuang's cheeks were hot, he took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and immediately explained:

"Second sister, in my eyes, Chen'er is just a child!"

"When I took Chen'er as my apprentice, he was still a little boy with his butt exposed!"

"You don't understand this kind of feeling!"

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, I don't understand!"

The beautiful woman in the moon robe did not refute, but just smiled lightly.

But looking at Yang Chen's eyes, there is something strange.

Then he said:

"Since your disciple has agreed, then let's go to Daotian Holy Land together!"

"Ling Shuang, the selection for the position of Saintess is about to start, I can't give you too much time to stay, we will leave in half a month!"

"Our Zhan family's status in Daotian Holy Land has begun to decline, and we can only rely on you to obtain the title of saint to win more voice for the family!"


The beautiful woman in the moon robe sighed, the space fluctuated again, and the graceful figure disappeared directly in the Great Hall.

Zhan Lingshuang looked at Yang Chen with a little dodge in his eyes.

I secretly hated myself for being emotional just now.

He even treated Chen'er like a child.

He hugged him directly in his arms.

This kid is no longer the little teapot spout he used to be.

He is.

Zhan Lingshuang couldn't help but recall the scene of breaking into the ancient ice and snow city when he just arrived that day.

Feng Yuwan, that old woman, turned to Chen'er.

She can see clearly.

This bad boy has grown up completely.

I'm not sure what I'm thinking about right now.

"Chen'er, don't think too much!"

"In the eyes of my teacher, you are just a child!"

"No matter what the scene is, you must respect it as a teacher in your heart!"

"do you know?"


"Disciples always respect their teachers!"

Yang Chen immediately answered.

But his eyes still glanced indistinctly.

Master respects her, she is really very predictable.


Because Zhan Lingshuang gave him three days.

Feng Yuwan naturally cherishes it very much.

"Brother Chen, are you really going to Zhongzhou?"

Feng Yuwan lay on Yang Chen's chest, her beautiful eyes were full of reluctance.

"Really go!"

"But don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

"When the time comes, I will see you as soon as possible!"

Yang Chen caressed her long black and smooth hair.

"Brother Chen, how about I go with you!"

"In this way, I can take care of you too!"

Feng Yuwan said softly.

After getting along for this period of time, she can no longer do without the little villain in front of her.

Not seeing him for a day, his figure is all in his mind.

What's more, he went to Zhongzhou.

That must be calculated in years.

"You should stay in the ancient city of ice and snow!"

"In the current Ice and Snow Ancient City, you are the only Divine Transformation cultivator. If you leave, this place will be in chaos!"

"Didn't you always aim to revitalize the Feng family?"

Yang Chen looked at her and said.

Feng Yuwan slapped him lightly on the chest:

"That was before!"

"Now, I'm targeting you!"

"Marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog!"

"How dare you scold me!"

"See if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Yang Chen suddenly stood up.

In the Great Hall, a gentle begging voice gradually came out.

And at this time.

Long Tianyu, who was tied to the pillar 467, exhausted all his strength, and finally broke a rope.

"Heaven pays off those who wait and see!"

"I, Long Tianyu, am finally free!"

"No, I have to get out of here quickly!"

"As long as I can return to the Chilong family, I will have a chance to avenge my revenge in the future. At that time, everyone here will die!"

"Feng Yuwan, Feng Qianning, you two sluts, wait for me!"

"Father, you are the spirit in the sky, protect me!"

Long Tianyu looked around with dark eyes.

Ignoring the pain on his cheek, he flicked away in one direction.

After walking several hundred feet, Long Tianyu came to a palace.

He didn't stay in the City Lord's Mansion for long, and he didn't know the specific layout.

Seeing that there were no guards or Restrictions in the palace, Long Tianyu hurriedly slipped in.

He's going to steal some Medicine Pill for healing.

His injuries were too serious.

But as soon as he walked into the Great Hall, Long Tianyu heard a strange sound.

Sometimes sharp, sometimes mellow.

It's like the scream of a person on the edge of Death.

Long Tianyu's heart trembled first, but then he couldn't help being curious, and put his ear to it.

Suddenly heard two words repeated repeatedly.

"Brother Chen?"

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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