Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 134: I Am Sincere To Brother Chen! You Are Going To Be A Master! (Seeking Subscription)


Hearing the voice of the system in his mind, Yang Chen was a little disappointed.

To refine Long Aohuan into a blood pill, Yang Chen naturally prepared to plunder Yu'er's luck.

However, only 2,000 points were plundered.

It seems that Yu'er's remaining 3,500 luck points are not easy to plunder.

Originally, he thought that after killing Long Aohuan, he would send his son on the road, so that they could be reunited.

Now it seems that it is not possible to let you die immediately.

Glancing at Long Tianyu who was tied to the stone pillar, half of his face was bloody and his bones were faintly visible, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth curled up.

Yu'er's remaining 1,500 luck points seem to pass~Feng Yuwan, the mother-in-law.

After all, Feng Yuwan, the mother-in-law, is the real forbidden nightmare in Yu's heart.

"Wan'er, these are sixteen blood pills!"

"The other ones were taken away by my master!"

In the palace, Yang Chen handed the Sixteenth School Blood Pill to Feng Yuwan.

Feeling the blood pill exuding a strong elixir fragrance in her hand, Feng Yu's graceful face couldn't hide her excitement.

"Brother Chen, thank you!"

"With these sixteen blood pills, the strength of the Feng Family Elder can be raised to a higher level!"

"Say thank you to me?"

Yang Chen eyes reveal to blame.

I couldn't help but smack her plump place as a lesson.

"Hate it!"

Feng Yuwan snorted coquettishly, and then snuggled into Yang Chen's arms.

On the jade face, although it is a little rosy, it is full of happiness.

After being tender for a while, Yang Chen left the palace.

Because when he was refining Long Aohuan, he noticed the aura of Empress Yan appearing nearby for a moment.

Yang Chen had been face to face with her before, so he was more sensitive to her breath.

Moreover, the woman should have revealed her aura to him on purpose, probably to lure him over.

in the palace.

Feng Yuwan tidied up the somewhat messy palace dress that Yang Chen rubbed, the blush on her cheeks gradually faded, and the blur in her beautiful eyes also slowly faded away.

Just about to leave the palace.

Suddenly there was a True Qi wave behind him.

Feng Yuwan turned around abruptly, and took the shot.


Although he shattered the sword glow, he was still knocked back four or five steps.

True Qi dissipated, looking at Zhan Lingshuang who was walking slowly, Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes were stunned.

"Ling Shuang!"

"Okay, long time no see!"

Although Zhan Lingshuang has been here for a while.

However, this is the first time the two of them have met alone.

Feng Yuwan also knew that Zhan Lingshuang's coming to her must be because of her and Yang Chen's affairs.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the scene where I did to Yang Chen a few days ago, when Ling Shuang broke into the door suddenly.

I couldn't help but my cheeks were slightly hot.

"Feng Yuwan, you are very good!"

"I am kind enough to help you obtain the position of city lord. Fortunately, you have started the business of my disciple!"

"Do you know, this seat is the only disciple!"

Zhan Lingshuang said coldly.

A hint of helplessness appeared in Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes.

Although she was with Yang Chen, she was forced by this little villain at first.

But then, she did it completely voluntarily.

Even, she is even more enthusiastic than Yang Chen.

So, she couldn't refute.

can only whisper:

"Ling Shuang, I know you are angry with me, but I am sincere to Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen?"

Zhan Lingshuang smiled immediately.

"Such a shameful name, you are ashamed to call it!"

"Do you know that you are more than a thousand years older than Chen'er!"

"I'm not ashamed!"


Feng Yuwan's cheeks flushed.

Calling Yang Chen that little bastard Brother Chen is really shameful.

But, who did your apprentice like?

If I don't bark, he will torture me all the time, alas.

Zhan Lingshuang walked up to Feng Yuwan.

He looked her up and down a few times.

Seeing her in a black and green palace dress, the waist was tightly wrapped around her waist, as if she was afraid that her figure would not be able to show.

0......seeking flowers......

The corner of his mouth curled up in disdain.

Then said:

"Feng Yuwan, although we have been gone for a few Hundred Years, you should not forget my temper and ways of doing things!"

"Chen'er is young and ignorant, and may be temporarily attracted by your gorgeous appearance, but you should know in your heart that you will not go far!

"There is too much age gap, it is doomed to have a common language!"

"And my master, I don't agree!"

"I hope you will take the initiative to leave him!"

"It's good for both of you!"

"Leave him voluntarily?"

Feng Yuwan was taken aback, a gloomy look flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Sure enough, Zhan Lingshuang disagreed.


In fact, she had already thought of it.

However, it is impossible for her to separate from Brother Chen.

Feng Yuwan was about to refuse.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my stomach.


Feng Yuwan hurriedly covered her mouth.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"It's already Divine Transformation middle stage, still feeling uncomfortable?"

Zhan Lingshuang was a little different.

But seeing Feng Yuwan retching like she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, her expression gradually became normal.

"Feng Yuwan, are you pregnant?"


After Feng Yuwan retched for a while, she raised her head and looked straight at Guan Lingshuang.

I don't know why, but I feel a little proud in my heart.

"It's been a while!"

"Ling Shuang, you are about to snow!"

"So, it is impossible for you to separate us!"


"Damn it!"

Zhan Lingshuang clenched his fists tightly.

Silver teeth clenched.

Chen'er is a traitor.

Those women in Xuantian Sect have given birth to several children for him.

Now, even Feng Yuwan is pregnant.

Traitor, traitor!

I am not prepared at all, I am the ancestor of several people!

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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